Biological sex is determined by chromosomes.

Gender is a social construct based on biological sex. But it remains a social construct.

Nice trips, Richard Dowkins from the outside and Bill Nye from the inside

This will be about as helpful as peterson v harris

>banana fuckers arguing over who is """""""""right""""""" but who cry like little homosexuals when facing death.

whats new

This is gonna suck. Dawkins is a shit debater.

Gender was a made up term because sex became a dirty word in public regardless of usage. Their "social construct is a social construct.


Well, at least Dawkins has real scientific credentials and has produced work in the field, even if he is a nu-atheist tit.


Gender is a co-opted term that was redefined by the left.
Because they knew if they'd make up a new term rather than just hijacking an established one everyone would tell them to fuck off from the very first word.


Sounds like a stuttering queer dementia patient.

Also that debate is not happening. This is fake news.

is this atheism's version of the filioque?


but both agree that all religions are ridiculous except Judaism because holocaust.

>Scientist versus a TV show host
This is going to be a blowout

Dawkins could seriously redeem himself here by blowing Shill Nye The (((Science))) Guy the fuck out.

They are synonymous terms, Alejandro

anytime I see the phrase "social construct", I immediately think of jewish subversion

the problem with this is that your biological sex/gender/whatever can be inhibited under certain conditions such as lacking a specific enzyme for the production of testosterone/aldosterone which throws off the entire androgen-producing mechanism. This can leave an individual without their primary gonads or possibly containing both types of gonads (ovaries and testes).

It's better if Sex and gender are two separate entities.

Neil is already a fucking joke even among lefties. How long till they ditch Nye too?

if gender is based on choice then why do people choose to be trannies knowing how fucking terible it is, Why do they deserve special rights if they chose to be trannies

The arguments write themselves

Wrong. Gender was always synonymous with sex. It wasn't until recently that the left hijacked the word (like always) and changed the definition.

Not like lefties have any coherence. According to them you also cannot choose your sexuality and are born with it - unless you are straight, then you obviously are just afraid of experimenting a bit.

*tips fedora* guy vs SJW guy

Geez, what an amazing debate


Would love to see this but

1. Dawkins is extremely arrogant and often refuses to debate people who disagree with him
2. SJW's would all turn on Nye for "Giving transphobia a platform" and Nye wouldn't want to loose them shekels

Original quality

I second this.
Male = penis
Female = vagina
Mutant = both

Correct. Newspeak is the left's preferred tactic and they've done it with every single issue.

They will turn on him regardless. He'll learn that soon

Is this real?

Believe me. I'm a doctor

Dick Dawkins invented memes, he's an actual scientist, William Nye is not.

The Jews love that word because insider trading and money laundering laws are also social constructs

>Gender is like anyone who likes Bill Nye. It's on a spectrum.

All my pipe fitting and electrical connectors disagree.

Bill nye the science goy was already a meme before all this libtard shit being spammed here.

The whole point of gender is determining how society treats you based on your biological sex. Your gender is inherently tied to your biological sex. If you can't change your sex you can't change your gender.

I wish this was real.
Even though Dawkins is a liberal and spawned a lot of cringey atheists, I still respect his work greatly. He would wipe the floor will Bill simply because he is an actual scientist and knows what he is talking about.

>There are so few existential problems in society that bored people make up problems to argue about
Time for a die off.

I'd pay for that if i could.


Richard Dawkins. Bill Nye isn't even a science guy at this point, I would not be surprised if he says that the earth is flat and that the earth is the center of the universe.

bill nye may have slaughtered ken ham, but dawkins will take a massive shit on nye

>Dawkins got kicked out of the Skeptic's Convention because he was skeptical about modern feminism
lel, modern science is a leftist joke. Apparently being a "skeptic" now is just a fancy word for being an atheist to make leftists feel cool.


Mentally illness

Let me ask you BIGOTS what gender is this person?

YES, this person has a vagina.

They aren't mutants they are hermaphrodites. Yes it's srill fucking weird but there is a scientific term for it.


So there are two canyons in that picture


In which case they have a disorder for producing said hormones.

Said person should be put on a strict diet with exercise and supplements before castrating yourself over liberal fads.

Or THIS person

I bet you wouldn't call them a male to their face

yes good goy very true

>So there are two canyons in that picture
Only one of them is grand.

men do not have a womb.

how hard is that to understand?

gender crap bullshit, out of my face with your bullshit tricks

This is the right answer.
>they changed the meaning of the word
Perhaps they did, but that's happened quite a fucking lot over the history of all languages.

The point is, as things are now, gender and sex are two different terms in the eyes of most fields of study.
Sex is the biological factor that can be proven through scientific testing.
Gender is part of one's sense of self. It's a part of the person's mind, both conscious and subconscious, and it can't be scientifically tested/proven.
Sexuality is a whole other can of worms which involves what things turn you on and your sex drive, some of it can be tested, other parts not as much.

>S O C I A L
>C O N S T R U C T S
Fun fact idiot, equality, freedom, and justice are all social constructs too

or how about..."HIM"??? This person also has XY chromosomes

kek'd & check'd

why is a mechanical engineer having a debate about biology?

cute boy then, but being a cute boy doesn't make you a girl

because science

Gender is mostly dependent on your biological sex, if you think you are anything but your biological sex in gender you are simply a rebellious retard because the two genders are part of our nature while pretty much everything else is delusion.

yes and a mental illness whats your point sodomite enabler?

Yea, but gender also assign your job in the community and your treated by what you do, not only by sex.
Men hunt build etc. Women have kids and rise them properly.
With our economies/war time needing to have more workers, women starting to work more and leaving the house behind.

If the CEO of a company was man or woman, you would treat them both with respect or you'd get fired.

That's why when we see a man that wants to be a woman and fill her "missing" job at home, we find it difficult to accept it. We would rather have a real woman coming back home to raise kids.

Dawkins the real scientist is right. The only thing Dawkins is wrong about is his hard on for metaphysical debates, but that's because he was molested by a priest or some shit and ever since has been obsessed with killing God like a villain in one of my Japanese Arr Pea Gees.

How would this debate even last longer than 5 minutes?

I fucking hate Dawkins, but its not going to be that hard to shut (((Nye))) up about this shit.

I doubt that science populizer/mechanical engineer is an expert on anything. Honorary degrees are just that. Not real.

It's definitely informed by biology and not just arbitrary social conventions. They are indeed enforced by society, but even in free western worlds with relaxed gender roles people tend to choose the more traditional ones.

Which one do I trust?

>Gender is
a linguistic term only, it only applies to words and really only in faggy ass Romance languages that have gendered words. The slant-eyes don't do that bullshit, they don't even clutter up their language with articles or plurals.

No it isn't. Society didn't tell me to think I'm a guy, sorry.

Anyone seen Nye appear on the news before? He's a total dweeb.

Dawkins would wipe the floor with him.

What's their address, i'll take that bet.

i hope they both get assassinated , filthy atheist scum

Pronouns and bathrooms are based on biological sex, right?

Dawkins sold out as well
He tweeted something about how there is a biological gender and a social gender

They're scared of the truth, and you make shit up to feel better about it. Who's worse?

The way you're using the word "gender" doesn't even apply to humans. Historically, gender and sex have been interchangeable when referring to people. It's only recently that freaks have started trying to complicate what is so simple, even a child understands it.

She has breasts and a vagina and didn't know she had XY chromosomes until she was a teen.
Is it still "mental illness" then?????

Can we argue about something productive on how we are going to pay for bathroom p.s.a. I don't want a bullshit fake law that dosn't get enforced.


Gender as a term is a lie; Sex is all that matters, and it is solely determined by your chromosomes.


>but that's because he was molested by a priest or some shit and ever since has been obsessed with killing God like a villain in one of my Japanese Arr Pea Gees
Surely it isn't just a product of having a profoundly materialistic wordview? I mean materialist as in believing only in real natural stuff that actually exists, not materialist as in gotta get the new iPhone and a fancy car


lol yes

If a person is born with just the "X" chromosome is that a girl?

If a person is born with "XY" chromosomes but can't interact with "Y" genes is that still a boy? In the end, functionally they're both still "XO"

Your future wife could have this syndrome and you would never know, you faggot.

Give me a source, OP. Google is confused.

Oh no he called me a bigot!

I am so ashamed! Oh god no I'm so sorry!!!!!

Retarded eastern european user here, can you guys explain me why are you arguing about gender/sex? I can't understand it.. because in our language there is only one fucking word for both of them.

Top tier red pilled

>man with a doctorate in zoology
>man with a bachelors in mechanical engineering and a bunch of "honorary" degrees

gee I wonder who will win if it's not rigged to fuck and actually goes the way a debate should

also it's not like nye has any authority on this

You are a bigot and stupid to boot. Also answer the question, what is the gender of that person? hmmmm??

>bill nye may have slaughtered ken ham
watch it again brainlet. You'll be surprised at just how unprepared nye was. He thought it would be a cakewalk. Ham rekt his shit despite supporting a completely retarded position.

All words are a social construct.

"Chromosome" is a social construct, since it's a word constructed by a society. Claiming something is a social construct only to fit your current beliefs is pointless and anti-intellectual.

Sex and Gender are intricately-related, and for all intents and purposes are the same social construct (word). Language changes with time though, and I personally think it's fair to use "Sex" as the factual definition and "Gender" as the fluid definition.

If I want to identify as a GTX 1280 from the year 2019, that can be my gender.
It will never changed my sex though; my sex can never, ever be changed and will always be exactly what I was born with (which may be the standard XX or XY, or it may be a mutant combination of XXY XYY which is a result of a failure in the reproduction cycle that wasn't extreme enough to end the process, or it may be a localized XX vs XY difference which is usually the chimeric result from a dead twin who was absorbed by the survivor).

Surgically inverted penis =! Vagina