This is what Antifa look like in France

What does Sup Forums think ? Can your Berkley's RWDS take them ?

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>Celtic Sun Cross + FN Symbol + Swastika
Not an argument.

Glad Antifa is a thing over there. They'll help Le Pen get elected for sure.

did these creatures get lifted from the 80's or something

Those cops have nice asses, would eat out of them.

Sorry but French cop main hobby is to assrape niggers

Guess they couldn't find enough Communists in CURRENT_YEAR.

>fn use election to progress : fascism
>antifa tells you they'll kill you if you don't obey: freedom
At some point people will see the problem there.

Tout le monde s'en bat les couilles de ces abrutis. Ils sont combien ? Cinquante ? Ça fait tiep.

dumb whores and brainwashed faggots

maybe doing it for money

>no violence

Hitler and Mussolini also kinda used an election to progress. Of course fn isn't fascist, I'm just saying.

Liberal, middle class college kids with a few professional anarchists and 'artists' in between.

Most people do. Was at Auburn during the Richard Spencer event. Most people at the protest seriously just showed up to people-watch. Most if not all of the Antifa protesters were from out of town.

No violence since they aren't allowed to hide their faces in France

These people realize that if "fascists" were real then they'd all be lined up and shot, right?

>about 20 people surrounded by as many cops not doing anything
who is filming that seriously
just go home wtf

This is an interesting use for the gays. Look at the frogs and their innovative ways.

No he didn't, read a fucking history book. He got "elected" after his milica roamed the streets ad started to beat up comunists in the street, just like what antifa is doing right now.

>a thing over there

Antifa has been a thing in France and Germany since 1919, later financed by the KOMINTERN (Kommunistische Internationale).
In fact, this is why Burgers who always call Antifa
>duh rl fascists
>muh brownshirts
>muh SA
are a problem.
the French Gov even worked together with the Gestapo in order to catch communists of eachothers country. Of course the french Gov loves to leave this fact out today.
>pic related: Gestapo document rescued before the Americans got it talking about french Communists touring Germany and that it's Intel they got from the French

>Fascism/NS etc. was a reaction to Communism
is not just a meme

I despise those antifa retards.
Fucking hypocrites.

HAHAHAHAH really? these commies are such cowards.

>Liberal, middle class college kids


Antifa is a nuisance at worst. You only have to worry when lower-class minority groups show up, usually Muslims in Europe and probably BLM or La Raza in the USA

I'm a libertarian and I approve of this law.

C'est pourquoi ils servent des baguettes dans la prison a les noirs

*to widen the anus*

>pic related: French document talking about communists they're watching, where they live and what they are known for

Fun fact, the French gov didn't have such files on french fascists, nationalists or the so called "francistes"

>anarchists known to cover their faces to make it harder to identify those who commit criminal acts
>don't cover their faces because they're "not allowed"
At least France has done one thing right.

Same in Germany. There are databases online by the rightwing identifying Antifa and the other way around since 10+ years.

Glad you Burgers are joining in, a bit late to the party just like in World War 1 and 2, but at least you're on the right side of history now

Here have some dead Communists
>pic related

oh, ok didn't know that.

>Glad you Burgers are joining in
No no no I don't want this in my country.

Never listen to a french person talking about history. I'm married to a french woman, they're all taught the opposite about their Gov's role in the 1920s-1930s up into Vichy.
Our school system is not better but the French seem to be 0% skeptical or interested in researching actual documents.

See: and: >pic related

Too late

>pic very related

That is one peaceful ass
I think I like our antifa commies a lot more, they definitely have more life.


this is the gayest shit i ever saw in my life bin that happening m8 its not happening

>No violence since they aren't allowed to hide their faces in France
point made

>le fascisme

lel, top le keks le fantifa le fah gots

>nazi symbolism is b& everywhere in the world
>no problem with commie flags

In Germany this sign would get the Antifa in trouble.
In fact, not too long ago an Antifa girl was prosecuted for wearing a patch with the Swastika crossed out.
Because it's still a Swastika
Say what you want about Germany and out anti free speech laws (Thanks USA & UK) but the laws are used on both sides

>Say what you want about Germany and out anti free speech laws (Thanks USA & UK) but the laws are used on both sides

lol, when its used to ban swastikas, and anti-swastikas, that is the law 'being used by both sides', that is the law being used by one side, to ad absurdum, against its own extremists protestors.

if germany used free speech laws 'against both sides', the communist flag and the swastika would be banned, as well as 'crossed out' versions of both.

Britons aren't better, thanks to literally every history book being penned by Churchill himself. It wasn't until recently that british historians realised every last book from the 20th century was so full of fan fiction they had to start over from scratch.

Swedish education is a terrible minimalism, but it's terrible in a way that forces you to do your own research if you have even a marginal interest.