Flat Earth Theory is the biggest redpill that the vast majority of you refuse to take

Flat Earth Theory is the biggest redpill that the vast majority of you refuse to take.

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Because it's unintelligent horseshit.

I took it. Tripped balls, man.

Uganda be kidding me

Impossible to disprove though

>How can one be so stu-
>Looks at flag

African intelligence

its a brown pill
would expect no less from uganda

>Ugandan intellectual

> every other visible planet is round
> moon is round
> sun is round
> if you actually know physics its pretty obvious why it is a globe
> magnetic field of the earth already proves its a globe
> ships dont drop off by slowly dissapear behind the curvature of the earth


>peddling voodoo science
Activates my corn nuts

hur hur Nasa is fake

>baiting this hard


>Ugandan """"""""""""""""""Education"""""""""""""""

Oh wait.

We Hunter X Hunter now

How do you determine what is "up" in space? How do the planets work in a flat planet system? Is the sun flat? Why do ship's sails disappear beyond the horizon? How can we have "night" if the earth is flat. What blocks the light of the sun at "night"? What causes the moon to have phases? Is the moon flat? How does a flat object retain an atmosphere?

>Flat Earth Theory is the biggest redpill that the vast majority of you refuse to take.

Because its fucking retarded

what is there to disprove? it is incoherent, no two flat earthers agree on what their model is... they literally have nothing to teach you or present to you.


Even the ancient Egyptians 6000 years ago figured out the world is a globe.
They even made a fairly accurate measurement of its size (by measuring the angle of the sun at various places in Egypt)

Why do sub-Saharan Africans still struggle with this?

>Flat Earth
>Not Timecube

baka desu senpai


What if



No need to disprove what cannot be proven.

Put me in the screencap

Fucking flatards, it's a psyop to discredit actual truthers. I don't trust NASA but to say they're trying to hide that the earth is flat is fucking retarded

audaciter sta et caelum quate

9/10 would be a 10/10 post if you didn't have the anime shit in it.

There will be not screencap.

Yeah and the holocaust is impossible to disprove too eh?
Get the fuck out.

Extreamly good video that explains the most basic bitch questions shills use to counter-argue

>The earth is flat
>(((Nasa))) is a money jewing machine, that does nothing but produce """""Pictures"""" and """"Videos""" of the earth. And hasn't produce, nor have done anything relevant since the early 50s
>(((Nasa))) and the rest of the (((Space Programs))) Around the world have used this as a government beneficiary to steal money from the people
>There is a DOME/BARRIER around earth, and we are in a "snowglobe" of a planet

youtube.com/watch?v=IAcp3BFBYw4 Skip to 1:21 to see the impact of the dome.

>The way plans travel, how many plans get lost, lose track of time.
>Shorter flight times then what you're being told. Due to the "Bee-lining" way of flying. The only reason you wait longer is to charge you more and have the illusion that you are traveling on a an orb, not a flat plane
>Why do you think they're called PLANES not ORBERTERES, OR ANYTHING ELSE
>The way the sun and moon hit our planet doesn't coincide with sightings, pictures, videos.
>RIGHT BELOW THE EQUATOR, is FATTER/WIDER "Like a pear" then it is to the actual equator.

>(((NASA))) Astronauts refuse to swear they went to the moon, even to the point of hostility


>(((NASA))) Astronauts go ape shit when called out that they're fucking liars.


>Neil Armstrong so strung out. Obviously unsure of what to say, almost like he has a gun to head.



why cant i see Europe through a telescope?

why does my satellite dish only work when its pointed at a very specific point in the sky?

>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" goes down as an "expedition" to "explore" Antartica.
>Admiral "Richard E. Byrd" comes back and says theirs a fucking globe over the earth.
>"OPERATION FISHBOWL" was a test to see if the there is infact, a dome, around the earth
>OPERATION """FISHBOWL"""" Look at a fishbowl, land, water, life, and a dome right over to keep everything in.
>Most nuclear blast consist of an impact point, followed by a "mushroom cloud" and rings followed by a vertical take off by said "mushroom cloud".
>"OPERATION FISHBOWL" concludes, that an impact was made, about some 75 miles (120 KM) above the earth.
>There blast was infact, and IMPACT blast, which instead of creating a mushrom cloud blast, That would have a pillar extending upwards.

As seen in the video

>No "mushroom cloud" is seen. A ball of light is seen in the middle.
>But for there to be no "Dome" The expolsion should have been a big ball of gleeming white light, all pushed together with no center. It should have been one big wave of light and no center piece.
>In the center is the "Impact point", and followed around it, is the rings, which in fact PUSH AWAY from the center. Much like an atom bomb. HIITING A SURFACE

>Their is a reason we haven't fully explored the "Antarctica". Completely Blocked off.
>It's the borders of the earth
>There has been a treaty since the late 1900s to not allow anyone in to "Antarctica"
>Out of all the millionairs, entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, etc NO ONE HAS TRIED TO EXPLORE OR DO ANYTHING WITH ANTARTICA.
>There is in fact, another side of earth we haven't seen, or (((They))) haven't told us.
>The earth has depth, and the earth is infact Hollow aswell
>Third Reich Nazi documents states that U-Boat 203 went into the antartica and follow a path to the Hollow earth
>Wrote a letter stating that they weren't coming back, and they're staying INSIDE the earth

Why is this flat Earth shit everywhere? All the flat earth "theories" can be destroyed with grade school science...

Fuck off no one cares

They spam it here to try to make us look like nuts.

Because you complete fucking retards never state a reason as to why this would be purposely hidden internationally.

Also there are numerous amounts of experiments you can conduct yourself to prove the earth is not flat. Some being as simple as strapping a go-pro to a weather bloom. It's actually pretty cheap to do, and you'll be able to see the curve of the earth once you hit a certain altitude.

Ah yes another Ugandan scholar from a prestigious university is here to enlighten us

What does anyone gain from pretending the earth is an oblate spheroid?

What will change mr.rare?
will the laws of physics change? Will jewish tricks stop? Earth is such a vast scale that to us it will be meaningless. Does anyone care or even remember them removing planet status from Pluto?
Who gives a shit really.

Can anyone (not flat Earther) explain why the rocket stops suddenly? Was there a chute or something?

you have been able to prove the earth is round since the fucking stone age by putting two sticks in the ground and measuring how their shadows are different lengths at different locations at the same time

you are literally sub-caveman intelligence if you think the earth is flat


Now back to with you.

Wait now we are a flat disk within a flat disk?

The red pill is that it's the retard pill.

>moving island
what did thoth mean by this?


>that crazy website

People complaining about anime on a anime website...

I'm not a subscriber, but the reason it's hidden internationally is so people in the "Earth" portion don't become aware of the rest of the world that lies outside of the antarctic rim which encircles the Earth portion. It assumes the topology shown in OPs pic. It's rubbish though.

>he actually believes this.

You forgot to take your meds, kid.


REally stupid infographic. The earth is tilted thats why we have the tropics of cancer and capricorn. If there was no tilt the sun woulld always be directly above the equator and there would be no actual tropics of capricorn and cancer. They are created because this is the lines on which the sun is driectly above during summer solstice and winter solstice.

Nice try weeb

Flat earth assumes that there is no single South Pole, but then how is it possible that a unique set of constellations rotate in circles around Sigma Octantis?

actually im curious

How do you explain satellites?

Flat Earth is just stupid. It makes no sense. Like have you not been ina plane before?

>Everybody in this thread rn getting it wrong

Pic related.


>Ugandan education

i accept flat earth but not those retarded other continents on the outside of the ice barrier like ur pic has

the ice barrier goes on forever theres nothing hidden

The Flat Earth Conspiracy is far more likely to be true than you actually being from Uganda.

>everything in the sky is round therefore the earth I'm standing on is round

good logic :^)

After the main engine has expended all of the fuel, a gyroscope probably stops the thing from spinning.

here's a video of an amateur working with gyroscopes in his rockets.


Shariablue combat tactic number 92: mock truth while pretending to have knowledge on said subject.


holy shit, convinced

>Flat Earth niggers are now adding imaginary land masses

And why do You think so?

Still have yet to find a flat earther who can explain Sigma Octantis and the southern hemisphere constellations...

this kills the flat earthers

Airlines fly in circles to prolong flights.


You give conspiracy lunatics a bad name.

Gets me every time.


OP being a massive faggot is the easiest redpill that the vast majority will gladly take.

everyone in the world is so stupid you can easily hide that the earth is a flat stationary disc in the center of the universe. you're a retard harry.


Didn't Tesla believe the Earth was a realm/plane of existence and not really a planet or something like that

When OP is a fucking dumbass for believing flat earth scum.


How does a 747 get from South America to Australia in 12 hours?

holy shit so thats what one piece was trying to tell us, the red line is real

The titlt isnt as extreme as that picture and the equator does have seasonal changes just incredibly minor ones.




god. the amount of times I've been called a retard for saying this exact thing. the earth isn't a planet, its the floor of the universe.

did you see tha-tat-at-at infographic too?

>he believes in space


*breathes in*


Oh boy...

you might as well believe in other planets and space aliens if you think theres other continents

youve overcome the deception once you find out the earth is flat thats it


>implying you can bant this hard

It hides the existence of God

Wen u smoke meth

what's the background on that map? where do the names and extra continents come from?

god made one world and its special

athiestic flat earthers would probably say hurr theres more worlds

you might as well believe in sphere earth and other solar systems



you're thinking about this the wrong way. its a matter of geocentric vs heliocentric astronomy. a model where the earth is the center of the universe which everything revolves around, stationary, and covered by a glass firmament, vs heliocentric astronomy, a model where you're chaotically flying through space on a speck of dust following an overwhelmingly large star that basically has no direction or consciousness to it.