A Biology Teacher Just Destroyed Every Excuse for Transphobia With Cold, Hard Facts


What now Trolls! This is checkmate for Sup Forums

Supporters of multi gender theory are going to use this article to try and justify their stanced. What counter arguments does Sup Forums have against the biologists claims?

>comparing to insects, fungi, plants, reptiles, and tapeworms
Yeah trannies are about on par with those

It's anti-life, and contrary to surviving and thriving as individuals and as a species.

While her claims about trans people may be true. I'm willing to bet a majority of the people who claim they are "trans" are just doing it for attention rather than being a part of that .03% of people who actually have some sort of physical medical condition.

That's brilliant! Have atransgenders being compared to non-humans would twist the rhetoric against the biologists claims.

She ignored the meme and proceeded to shitpost about what other (non-human) species do. Since when does a highschool biology teacher have any form of authority?
Nothing here to counter because humans are not fish, invertebrate parasites, insects, or birds. Shit she didn't even mention a mammalian species let alone a primate.

>birds have different chromosomes so trans people are normal


she didn't debunk that image though. she made some appeal to nature fallacies (that I will ignore). she also argued that some trannies may not have psychological disorders, they could have:

>5-alpha-reductase deficiency is a real (albeit rare) condition, in which young women grow a penis during puberty.

>Androgen insensitivity syndrome is an intersex condition in which a person who is genetically male is resistant to male hormones . As a result, the person has some or all of the physical traits of a woman, but the genetic makeup of a man.

>The SRY gene is involved in male sexual development—without it fetuses can be genetically male (with XY chromosomes) but have a female body. The same is true in females (with XX chromosomes), who can develop a male body without the SRY gene.

>XXY males are sterile, with small testes—while women with only one X chromosome (a condition called Turner syndrome) are infertile and don’t go through puberty. Males with two X chromosomes (called Klinefelter syndrome) are taller, with a higher risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis.

treatment of these diseases don't include chopping your dick off and dressing up like a women.
and if you don't have any of these defects yet you still want to cut your dick off and sell it to the chinks or shoot up your kids with hrt, then you are just proving the image right.

What if transgendered cucks are secretly lizard people?

Nigger I ain't clickin that shit

Archive it

They aren't true, though. She stated an array of irrelevant facts about gender in non-primate species. It in no way "disproves" the conventional scientific interpretation of human gender.

Also with that "reality's messy" canard. That faggot from Mythbusters deployed that at the end of his tweetstorm on the same topic.

>reality's just too messy to explain to skeptics scientifically
>you'll just have to trust me guys reality's messy
>look, reality's messy and i fucking love science, so trust me on this, bigot
>you privileged white bigot

Had I noticed this reply I wouldn't have bothered with my own. This guy gets it.

>high school teacher
Pick one.

>hey if you think you're a female when you're a male you have a mental disorder.
>nuh uh what about the .00003% of the population that drank the gene pool through a crazy straw haha checkmate

I mean what's the point of even comparing to non-humans? Like is this failure in Biology even trying?

She graduated from a women's liberal arts college. You can't expect her to know any better.


The human conditions described are pretty rare. Most trans people don't really subscribe to this stuff. Changing the entire world to accommodate less that 1% of the population is the problem.

so now transgendered people are the new 1%?


how is animal sexuality relevant to humans at all?

What is the biological explanation for sexual preferences though?

Because humans are animals, silly.

>some creatures dont have binary sex
>very few people have genetic mutations and physical disorders
>im a women just because i say so
one of these is not science.