Marine Le Pen adviser found guilty of inciting hatred against Muslims

>"In one of the classrooms in my town centre, 91 per cent of children are Muslim. Obviously this is a problem"

Unbelievable. Making this claim about how the demographics is a problem is illegal....How far the West has fallen. We're not even allowed to criticize anymore when our countries are being overtaken.


lol it's funny watching them throw the kitchen sink at her


what the fuck!

>Obviously this is a problem"
Why exactly is it a problem?

goddamit leaf

even 1% of the classroom being muslim is a problem Ahmed.

Your country has been overtaken at least since 1913. France since 1944 and Germany since 1945.

Well said friend. Only retarded, paranoid racists would fear this. It really means nothing.


A fucking leaf.

It's a problem because Islam's beliefs are antithetical to the beliefs taught in French schools. The kids go to school and learn one thing, then go home and learn the opposite from their parents. Ultimately this leads to the kids running away to join a terrorist group, picking up a gun and murdering French citizens, getting in a truck and murdering French citizens, or blowing themselves up shouting aloha snackbar. Islam is a problem and it must be removed.

Why is it so hard for fuckin leafs to just contribute to a thread and not be such yuuge fags?

9% of the class is not muslim. That's the problem

Because no matter how small it is, a cancer is still a cancer and must be removed. France has reached stage IV, aggressive treatment is therefore necessary if the body is to survive.



Fuck off Randy

fucking leaves try to out cuck sweden

Because if 91% of a classroom is Muslim we know one of two things is happening:

1) This school is in a heavily segregated Muslims area, which means the Muslims are either self-segregating and not integrating or they are being ghettoised.

2) If this school is not in an area known for being a Muslim area but the classroom is 91% Muslim, it means France is becoming a Muslim country, which means France as we know it will soon be long gone.

If you think either of those arguments are unreasonable or racist, then I'm afraid it's time for the guillotine for you.

>91% of kids in the classroom have a deeply held religious belief that dictates they should kill christians and disregard french law
>people are being persecuted for saying this is a problem



You screenshoted your own comment?

Thats a bit weird, im not gonna lie.

If nobody is willing to use force to protect their culture and identity, then they deserve to lose both.

Democracy is dead, rule of law is dead. Stop pining for a legal victory that will never happen. The system is setup against you.

Nah I'm not the only Norwegian posting here lol.


The leaf is right

This is just a form of putting her under pressure...

These past days she has won a lot of points over Macron and the media is really shitting herself because Macron is losing voters.

Her popularity ranked up because of what happened at whirlpool.

She might really win this time.

>found guilty
why is it a crime to say france shouldnt be a muslim country now?? WTF FRANCE??

tbqh they're only digging this shit up because Marine's running for presidency. Menard is an easy target since he often says things like this

>he often says things like this
>implying he said anything wrong


good post

Ive got nothing against Muslims, I'm tolerant of all religions. In fact I'm Islamic history is extremely interesting (Mohammad conquered practically all the land from southern Iberia to western India). Never met a Muslim I didn't like as a matter of fact.

But its really stupid to think there aren't going to be problems when you have a heterogeneous country where one group is ecstasy taking, night club frequenting liberal hedonists, and the other group are religious foreigner conservatives.

What's ironic is that liberals trying to push this hug a Muslim day shit are only segregating society. Muslims in Europe need to accept that the whites are degenerate and not bitch and complain that they have to handle alcohol at their grocery store job or flip shit when they see a woman's stomach. Honestly if you don't like it GO THE FUCK BACK TO SYRIA.

But at the same time and the westerners should maybe take a day to read some of the Qu'ran, (and not just highlights from the fucking internet, the actual book). It's as decent as any other religious text, some wisdom here and there. If you really think that the whole of Islamic/Arab culture has no redeeming qualities what so ever, you're fucked.

>If you think either of those arguments are unreasonable or racist, then I'm afraid it's time for the guillotine for you.

Beautifully written anglo banter right here

>Implying I ever implied that
In french politics, it's a well known fact that making any observation that could portray muslims in a negative light is going to put the whole media force and most of the political parties on your ass for a few days at best. It's that bad

You shills need to be fucking raked once and for all goddamnit

Soooooooorry wrong leaf, was meant for

Fresh off my facekike

Can I get a wew lad


The establishment cucks are scared