Pic rel can suck my big, huge polish anti european dick

pic rel can suck my big, huge polish anti european dick


France is dead


you'll have to suck his toes if he imposes sanctions on you Poorlack


Enjoy your sanctions.


This guys a pathetic piece of work

France is shit. French people are shit.

He may be the most pathetic politician in modern history. He makes Trudeau seem masculine by comparison.

First time in mein life i agree with a bolan.

“What’s been happening in French Guiana over the past few days is serious. My first response is a call for calm, because blocking the airport runways and takeoffs – and sometimes even blocking off the function of the island itself – is not the response to the situation,”

Considering Hollande's approval ratings are at 7%, will Macron manage to achieve negative numbers?

>7% approval ratings
>People vote for his obvious successor

Democracy is irredeemable.

Is Merkel, or that cheesy dude your-next-president, unhappy with him too?

Wait till you see the next elections.

A goldfish can run and seriously hope to win.

The elections are rigged in France. Come liberate us, we need a coup.

you are a big guy

How can he actually put sanctions on Poland, I thought the point of the EU was that you couldn't do shit like that?


for jew