Any nationalists out there want to red pill me on how the economic part of national socialism works...

Any nationalists out there want to red pill me on how the economic part of national socialism works? A really really good proper link to somethin that gets the basics down and how we separate and ensure that (((they))) don't get there hands on our system.

Hilter is a symbol in todays age as anti Jew What I'm most concerned about is whether or not national socialism actually separates from the Jews I know that sounds silly but I'm just very new to this and want to know others opinion on whether or not we can actually free ourselves from Jews completely.

It should be very obvious that I am navie on the topic and should be treated as such.

Also its very clear that Jews are a problem and must be dealt with I just don't fully understand how national socialism works and any user willing to help I would be greatful so any recommended basics books articles etc that I should read?

I will repost this a couple times in the next week so I can get a good amount of sources.

As I said new to this
Pic related

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I'm a White Nationalist.

But I hate Hitler, and Socialism is for FAGS,

So I can't help

>he still thinks NatSoc is marxist socialism

just skip that shit and go straight to the real red pill


>google Hans Hermann Hoppe
>watch vidyas
>read articles

Next time just try google.

What about Jews controlling all our governments? Opinion on them?

Because it is....

120 countries were not enough

Kick out the Jew bankers
End the federal reserve
Trade infrastructure labour for work recipes that are legal tender.
Trade internationally only goods for goods.

Doesn't really answer if we actually van get away from them

You can, but look at what happened when Hitler did it.

>I just don't fully understand how national socialism works and any user willing to help I would be greatful so any recommended basics books articles etc that I should read?

Start with this:

>Also its very clear that Jews are a problem and must be dealt with

biggest redpill is to became trap and get fucked by german tourists like i do

read plato's republic

dumb people get free market, enlightened people get a "socialist" like system in the upper class

Profits are for jewd I care for my home and people

Thanks user

It's a mixed economy which means it's like the economy the modern west has.
WTF? I love being economically and historically illiterate now!

Or Libya. Or Iran. Or North Korea. Or Russia (economic detonation, fall of soviet union).

Or the U.S. When the U.S. refused to renew the central bank's charter, Nathan Rothschild told the Brits that either they incade the U.S. again, or face economic damnation. So the brits invaded and then stopped when the U.S. agreed to renew the central bank's charter.

Jews should, in all seriousness, be genocided off the face of the planet.

thats funny because when western capitalist countries were deprivatizating NatSoc germany were privatizating and getting rid off state controled bussiness

If its like a west economic system how you keep Jews out?

Here's the copypaste of the NatSoc general

There you got some links, hope it works for you user

> how we separate and ensure that (((they))) don't get there hands on our system.

That's mostly what the strong state is for under National Socialism. A NatSoc government strives to ensure native business are put first and receive certain advantages where appropriate over foreign companies or capital. Thus keeping foreign interests or (((they))) as you put it out of the national economy. Of course governments become corrupt and this is why you need a Fuhrer type character to keep it all in line and not corrupt. That is the logic anyway. You wont find many great "sources" these days discussing the benefits of National Socialism economics m80. Read Hitler speeches, wiki isn't too bad as long as you balance it out, just do your own research and make some sense of it all.

Economy AHS nothing to do with Jews. He rounded the Jews up and sent then to camps. His economics was still a mix of private property and some public property with a few social benefits. It was still capitalist and you could choose your own job and guard your own property though.

Also this.

For a better picture of this concept, look at the few counties left that dont have a Rothchild bank in the world. (Ill give you a hint, we are at war or going to war wtih all of them.)

this, meanwhile communist were literaly stealing private property without paying a penny to those who owned it before.

Yup, that's something that nobody really notices or likes to talk about...

Yeah but he banished Jewish businesses and stole their property m80. Nice cherrypicking.

And? I don't agree with that. It's still a capitalist society because all Aryans could keep their private property and trade. He did not consider Jews as people so he stole from them.

>economic part of national socialism works
read up on what hitler did before ww2 and you will see that given their circumstances, natsoc worked remarkably well

You Nazi fags are just jealous of our beautiful Jewish women.

I am just trying to say it's not the exact same as it is now or anything. It was a heavily controlled mixed system which factored in things like race that would be unthinkable in today's mixed system which is susceptible to enabling foreign interests.


I know people aren't rounding up Jews. The point is it wasn't all public property like North Korea or all private property like 1800s England. It was a mix between the two.

you missed out the part where you go to rothschild to fund your war military industrial complex

Glorious aryan eyebleach

Watch "the greatest story never told" on youtube

I remember hearing that the German Air Force ran on a special brand of fuel from General Oil. For all his efforts did he get duped?

Thanks user
What's to stop the fuhrer from curruption? It sounds like the only answer to the Jews but its just hard to find shit that isn't unbiased that'd why I'm on pol


I'm sure he didn't think there was anything wrong with taking loans from people he never intended to pay back because they wouldn't exist. American banks funded him too, there was massive infrastructure spending going on all over the country as well as that MIC.

Lol yuk

Cheers user

The most important aspect is the elimination of usury.

The state prints the bank notes, meaning that the international jewish bankers from private centralized banks do not control the capital.

When they control capital, they enslave the people by appyling usury to the government on all their loans, for which causes an universal income tax is applied. This happened in america in 1913, after over a century of manipulation from the central bank of england, under control of the rothschilds

In the model of germany, usury is completely prohibited as it is monetary gain made through means other than work

Read 'The Wages of Destruction' by Adam Tooze.

Basically the Third Reich spent the prewar years deficit spending in order to build up its military for an eventual war. By about 1938 the economy was already showing signs of crumbling and the only thing the nazis could do was steal resources from conquered nations to feed its military machine. Ironically nazi germany kept needing to invade places to gain wealth to keep its military budget balanced.

National socialism demands all monetary profits be made of physical or mental labor, this prevents parasitic elements from taking power.

This was finally achieved in 1939, when the reichbank of germany finally was nationalized and put under direct control if Hitler. Previously it was under the Rothchilds.

All profits of war are also forbidden for private institutions, to prevent monetary gain from human suffering

The socialism aspect is more based on mantaining cohesive relations of the people, programs that encourage interaction between people of different generations ( children groups to help the local elderly, things of that nature).

There was nationalized medicine, loans were given out to recently new wedded couples with no interest, and portions of the loan were forgiven for having children. Everyone with talent was to be offered proper education to concentrate said talents at cost of the state, without taking into account their economic or social status.

Unlike modern socialism, in which money is directly redistributed from one group of people to another, without reason and even from nation to another ( globalist socialism), national socialism used the money to better living standards of their own people.

National socialism was directed towards demographic growth based on family values and ethnic advancement.

Unlike like globalist socialism which rewards the lazy, punishes the prudent and hard workers.

> What's to stop the fuhrer from curruption?

Nothing really, the rest of his party would have been the only line of defense and some NatSocs tried to assassinate him at least once towards the end. He almost encouraged this kind of behavior, NatSoc was all about striving to be the best you can by any means. So I guess that is the only kind of restraint on der Fuhrer. He was voted in of course so that is also something, but soon enough there was no way for the people to recall him if necessary, not that they wanted to.

> what is total war

An interesting note, around the same time that the rothschild banks had plunged all the major governments of europe into major debt, manipulating them to overspend on military gear and what not, they also pushed through a bill to renew central banking in the US....

How convienent that when europe had gone bankrupt, that then the US could step up and offer high interest loans (though it wasnt the US, but the recently installed central bank) to the european states to guarantee their further destruction in the war..

Germany didn't pursue total war until 1943.

I notice that with Hitler. He wanted to inspire the German people to be the best they can and he expected no less, truly for someone to be Fuhrer thay must be a person of true greatness a quality that seems to be lacking today

My Jew pm just went some bullshit spending spree for military gear apparently the place we got it all from was run by Jews stupid kike

Thanks for you insight user it does clear up some of my thoughts much appreciated

Thanks leaf

This is a great summary, thank you.

Yet, the jew monkey politicians always have an excuse for over the top and outlandish military spending...

Then, all the media outlets put all their focus on "threats" and "strife" on the other side of the planet, as an excuse to beat the war drums to fight on behalf of jewish interest.

Meanwhile, grave problems begin to boil on the domestic front, problems and issues which are caused by the jew himself, and for such reasons recieve no media coverage in a negative light.
The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of judaism. (Statement by Rabbi Felix Mendelsohn, Chicago Sentinel,

October 8, 1942

I bought stamps from WW2 with Hitler on them from a Jew outside Jerusalem, mad, but some there do love or like him for some reason I wasn't able to reach.

I asked the guy if this was legal and he said yes, Hitlers face is not banned in Israel. MAD -- Kek..

Always happy to help, another decent book in this issue is "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil" by Gerard Menuhin.

In said book, the author makes a pretty decent and summarized case in favor of the national socialist movement and against international jewry in general, without certain before hand knowledge, Mein Kampf itself can be a little confusing; the other book I mentioned has things laid out with some before hand history too, that facilitates it's reading.

Thanks again user hoped someone like you with some good insight would appeare looks like I got some reading to do thanks anons