Mfw its actually pretty good

>mfw its actually pretty good

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw nobody wants to be 'that critic'

you mean all the contrarian edgelords simply avoided watching it ?

>rotten tomatoes

>Sr. Editor
>looks like the bitch witch from Hocus Pocus

The only thing that this show does is increase white nationalism

>Rotten Tomatoes

>muh social commentary
100% rt rating. Even the most dumbfuck tv show gets like 90% on rt. Nothing surprising here.

>if you are not racist against white people, you are now a contrarian edgelord

Nye is sitting there like an obedient pup, or did he allow them to implant a restraining bolt?


Yeah it might be good for what it is, I just don't really watch or care about this bullshit.

That flag

>pushing this bullshit



How are you watching it, we have Netflix in Israel?


why are black people regressing? this shit didnt happen in the 2000s


Don't worry.
Armond White will see it soon.


We should do a list where you can see in which direction their rati g system goes it is kinda obvious what agenda they are pushing

I haven't seen this flag on here

who would've guessed?

Do you fuckers have to mention it every time I post?

Yes I'm sure fine reviewers such as Schlomo Shelkelwitz, Aaron Leibostein, and Benjamin Goldmanberg loved it.

Too many newfags after the last elections, so yes.

hmmm really makes u thimk


Dear Niggers,

This is how fucking insane your crime rates are:

(adds 1 hour to movie )

Here's how unintelligent you are and why it's purely genetic, not the white man's fault:

(adds 1 hour to movie)

Here's everything you culturally appropriate (genuinely useful things and not petty shit like hairstyles):

(adds 1 hour to movie)

Here's what you've accomplished:

(adds 3 seconds to movie)

I heard that it was making fun of blacks and it wasnt anti white at all

top fucking lel

Pretty sure I can say peanut butter in under 3 seconds.

Its still a fucking remake anyway you 14 year old dipshits. The same shit aired 2014 already