Academic Survival

I am 30 and tired of the pleb jobs. I was thinking about going back to school, but it is a liberal hellhole around here. How do you guys survive university? What should I avoid like the plague? How do you even handle the teeming filth?

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i went back at 25 and got my law degree at 29. i didnt say a fucking word unles i knew i was right and was gonna rock no boats, just wanted to make the lecturer who was marking my paper know i was smart and to mark me up

whenever the lecturer pushed marxism i was a strong marxist, whenever he was a capitalist i was a capitalist

its all a game, get the best grades you can in the shortest time you can for the cheapest amount you can

then get out and do whatever you had planned

before i learnt that i got into an argument with a professor of international law over the validity of a hypothetical trump muslim ban, as it was then, and he almost failed me, and brought down my GPA, which hinders my options for good post grad courses and reflects poorly on my resume

do whatever the fuck they want, believe what you believe. knowing their bullshit is a step ahead of being ignorant to it, and when youre writing the bullshi down that you can see so many logical holes in it, its just funny.

I actually took that approach in community college when I got my worthless 2-year degree. I just sort of said what they wanted without sucking total cock. But, it kills the soul, it does.

i did our version of community college and i said what i wanted and it was hell. they hate you. life is easier when you take a machiavellian approach and just realise youre playing a part to manipulate THEM

when i pretend to be a marxist its a manipulation of a marxist, how would that upset me? its funny to take advantage of people

Thanks, Aus-bro.

Much older graduate student here. I mostly work from home, try not to laugh directly at SJWs or give my real opinion on anything outside school. All the female professors will hate you, avoid classes they teach. They want to only mentor other women and the most Omega manlets, every time, and think you are The Oppressor. Get involved in a club you find interesting.

What field?

>How do you guys survive university?
It hasn't been an issue but then I didn't socialize much aside from a small group of similar-minded shitlords and did a CS degree that had just about no subjective courses for them to sperg politics all over me.
That said i'm not sure i'd recommend it unless you're going to something highly rigorous field that requires it like Petroleum engineering, the paper doesn't necessarily give you all that much of a competitive edge over a portfolio. Finance people always seemed to do okay with the job search but maybe that's just my country.

TLDR: The issue for you shouldn't so much politics as the degree actually being worth your money and time.

I was looking at GIS.

i never stepped foot in class except for exams for my bachelors, masters, and ph.D. its not hard to do if you're not a retard and are getting an engineering degree

>t. Chem.E

STEM seems like the real money ticket, but I was never great at math.

math is trivial. just do it a lot. also take heart in knowing once you're down your bachelors or masters as an engineer and get a job in industry you will never use math above an 14 year olds level (8th grade in the US I think?)

Really? Ha. I know Accounting majors at the school here have to take up into the calcs. But, you pretty much only add/sub/multi/divide your whole career.

yea man. the average engineer is a fucking idiot. don't sweat it. the college level math isnt even that hard. just get at least a passing grade, no one gives a fuck about your GPA. Apply for internships etc etc

Be glad you're not us.
Masters in any engineering degree here require at least 2 superflous math courses, 2 superflous physics courses and a superflous chemistry course all because of standards made at a time when being an Engineer was the peak of status for non-nobility along with Priests and wealthy Industrialists. They waste literally a year of your time because "the title requires these".

You guys make me want to re-tool for STEM. Coming out of that community college set me up for a transfer to a 4-year, but as a liberal arts major. That was mainly why I never went, it seemed so fucking pointless to get a garbage degree with insufferable people.

just get a degree in mech.E, chem.E, or civ.E. Figure out which you like best.

Elec.E is a bitch, and the pay is shit, i wouldn't suggest it. Civ.E is a cool job that's easy and pays buckets though

Best advice for any young lads stuck in the university grinder.

Teachers/ TAs like to feel agreed with. So, write a paper full of a bullshit that you know they'll agree with. Make your thesis in a direction of a topic of their interests, and agree with their bias. Play the game, get the high scores, get more spending points for life later.

If you really go for it I recommend going for a Bachelors, way too many people go in for a Masters and just give up halfway there and the benefits don't really make up for it unless you're going into academia.

this, I majored in econ, but had to take some history + eng classes with cuck teachers, wrote papers that sucked off their brains and got the A+

too easy

There is always law school here, too. Any BA and a good LSAT score will get you in.

I guess I am just too honest for my own good. But, yeah, I'll just have to lie like a bastard and smile.

I am studying CS at a super liberal american college. We have lots of SJW crap, even in the CS programs.

But I have found most of the students are utterly clueless about.... everything.... you do not need to debate them, you do not need to argue with them, all you need to do is lead to the truth by asking them the right questions.

There are two useful ideas when it comes to debating retards/leftists/what have you.

any time you want to present an unpopular idea preface it stating you are just playing devil's advocate, and you know many people think 'x' and you want to figure out why.

when a retard/leftist is close to a truth, use the socratic method, ask them leading questions that push them towards discovering the truth on their own.

Tell people what they want to hear, you'll glide through life much smoother.

While getting into arguments and confrontations can be fun, I prefer the route of pretending to agree with whatever they say and subverting and manipulating from there.

Read a quick run down on the tenants of Machiavelli's "The Prince"

Exactly. Just smile, nod, agree, get degree.

I know how you feel, I felt the same way, it is for the greater good though.

I had to get a great GPA undergrad for when I go to grad school down the line, of which after I will be a more effective person in general.

So swallowing my pride in the short run was worth it.

Just be a little more Machiavellian.


It would be great if later in life you revealed your power-level publicly. All of those professors would be aghast. "B-b-b-ut, he was so woke.."

Trade school. There aren't any liberals there for obvious reasons.

unless i think theres more money being a right wing pundit ill never reveal my powerlevel because i intend on getting into hedge funds and taking peoples money while making them somewhat wealthier

as far as the world is concerned i am constantly "looking for more information" until espousing any real politic beliefs

i can never be wrong or right and i can always be respected for hoping to learn more about a topic before making an assessment... an assessment that never comes because i will not reveal my powerlevels to detriment my earning capacity

machiavelli was a bitch compared to the games you need to play in current year

you fags LARPing as machiavellian princes are actually just faggots who do not know how easy it is to steer and manipulate a conversation in your desired direction without revealing an iota of your own personal beliefs on the topic.

I found that just mentioning The Walking Dead will pretty much work 90% of the time for knee-jerk topical changes.

>any time you want to present an unpopular idea
why are you doing this at all retard

You should do it. Went back to uni at 28 to study Civ E, now 3rd year. The math(s) isn't hard, you just have to practice it again and again. It's just repition and self discipline

I've noticed the school had a huge math study center stocked with tutors. So, worst case scenario I can just go tell them I am retarded and need help.

Yeah, plus youtube is packed with videos for how to do it. Honeslty maths is not some superhard secret club, it's just steady practice

>it is a liberal hellhole around here.
Do you plan to go for gender studies, sociology, expression dance or becoming a teacher? If so then you're right. But engineering and math is certainly no commie liberal "safe space".

Study something that's down to earth and comes without an ivory tower, and you'll be fine. Ignore the SJWs, they come with university life, but in the natural sciences they are a small minority.

This is why I can't do college.
Born in 96 I've had to do the song and dance my whole life because my father is redpilled. He explained that education is always going to be left leaning and the easiest way is to write and speak for each teacher individually.
After 12+ years of it in public education and 2 years at a 4 year university in the most conservative area of the state possible, I can't keep up the charade anymore.

waste of money and time.

Pick up a trade.

thats exactly what were talking about you spastic fag

>using persuasion and cunning is lame why dont you use persuasion and cunning fags?

I am glad I finished HS before this all started getting insane. Even 3-4 years ago when I did my com. college stunt it wasn't as bad as it is now.

> (You)
>thats exactly what were talking about you spastic fag
>>using persuasion and cunning is lame why dont you use persuasion and cunning fags?

no, most of you are suggesting 'keep your head down' 'say what they want you to say' cucked baloney

people in these colleges are all literally retarded, it takes nothing to flip communists into unknowingly chanting fascist/nationalistic memes.

Oldfag here at 38, I've been to 4 different college campuses and still not have graduated.

I worked a bunch of shit jobs as well, and college is the ticket out of poverty it seems.

Unfortunately, you cannot fight the sludge of Cultural Marxist filth. Just write bullshit to appease the crazy professors to get an A (lying unless you're bad at it especially verbally; try to think like a silver tongued Jew to lie without effort) so not to damage your GPA in order to gain the piece of paper (diploma/degree) and then GTFO there.

One of the last stage bosses is diversity (otherwise deceptively disguised under "intercultural/global") requirement course. It's filled to the brim with hatred of the white race and male sex.

College is truly a racket. College professors and administrators think they hold the key to the white race's future, by insisting on indoctrination or remaining in poverty.

God, I wish there will be the revolution to fumigate all colleges and universities.

Before I got to this university I was at a community college for a bit. It was way more efficient and educational than the 4 year.

Although I will say it was fun as fuck last year when there was a chalk message fight against yik yak. (blm/trolls respectively)

This is the only reason I am contemplating college. I want a comfortable life and maybe a retirement. I am tired of the shit grind.

ok goy your 60 year old marxist professor is gonna get red pilled by you wtf i love the donald subreddit now

it's your own fault for picking some shit tier liberal arts degree and payin their wages

why haven't you graduated yet?

go to trade school

So guys quick story of my University.
>Be me applying to Cyber Security Bachelors Degree Program
>Fill out application send it in
>To make sure everything went through email applications office
>Send email
>Notice my name in title says "sent by Baron Von ShnizelNazi"
>Freak out because I know this could hurt my acceptance
>2 days later get email reply back
>"Congratulations on your acceptance letter is on the way"
Now I have taken precautions to ensure I don't get fucked over and changed my alias name to my normal name.
I will be starting in the fall semester, any good tips on how to make it through the four years in the liberal shitshow that is known as college.

What are some Sup Forums approved majors? I'm having some trouble deciding on what I should do and I would like some input.

dont shit where you eat, dont fuck girls until youre not in class with them anymore. it wont always hurt you but its better to be safe.

Learn a trade (hvac, plumbing, electrical)
You can earn a living without the debt from college

STEM or useful non-liberal shit degree require going through the general education requisites that includes advanced English classes, health, history, humanities and "diversity" with materials (textbook and professor/instructor's lecture) that constantly bash the white race, overtly or implicitly.

This cannot be escaped. You British have the same problem, only worse with Orwellian thought police laws.

First of all, do well and study properly. All the sjw shit is much less likely to phase you if you're glinding through life getting straight As

Also this
Uni is big enough to look for poon outside of your course

>implying 90% of the jobs you get wont be automated within the next 20 years anyway

Stay away from Science.
It pays like shit from people I know who have degrees in it.
Also the professors love to talk politics/ culture and almost incorporate it into the daily discussions.
I made it 2 years in and couldn't take the idea of having to incorporate myself into this mental brainwashing. As a result i switched my major and university entirely.
I suggest going into something with engineering or technology as those always pay good and are growing very fast.

i postponed this because of that fucking rule. i regret it but rules are rules. some bitches are crazy.

come to central and eastern europe.The lgbt faggotry hasn't infested the educational system yet

nah mate, I havn't had one bit of diversity training in 4 years higher education

>convenient cropping

Go through college. If your professor is an ass, show him you're an alpha. He'll get mad. Then adjust and follow his lead.

He will give you an A

>going to University means you'll have a job that is not "pleb"

I'm a dropout and have a gig that pays 80% above the median income. You don't get a good gig by waving your useless fucking piece of paper, you find a pro and become his apprentice, get the basics and then nurture that one thing that gives you the edge over the scrubs that wasted their time in college.

Do it. It is worth it.

I'm a 24 y/o condo owners in CA with a decently high paying engineering job. And this is after being expelled from Cal States at 20 for various shit I did.

Either go to a brick-and-morter university and deal with the liberal shit (hearing other views is part of life, dont cower from it like the SJWs do) or do an online university from a RESPECTED campus - Penn State / ASU / Florida State all have great online degrees THAT ACTUALLY MATTER.

Do STEM, engineering or math if you want a real high paying job and don't want to be a pleb anymore. I did Cyber-security at Penn and it was the sole reason my company hired me. I'm now bound for a 6-figure salary before I'm 28 and living life comfortable.

It is hard work. You'll deal with shit you don't like. You'll hear SJW crap all the time. Classes aren't fun. But it is worth it. The quality of life on the other end is SIGNIFICANTLY better. Do it, learn from it, be a productive member of society, and fucking take your piece of the pie.

I wonder how hard it is to get into a school over there. I heard in some countries like Slovenia, they even have courses taught in English. I wonder if that is true.

>Cyber Security Bachelors Degree Program

You in Utah?

I know a local university that offers the exact same major, and that specialty is rare.

Advice is to not be a baby. People have views you don't like. Hear it, nod, and then blow it the fuck off. Good thing about this board is we can hear shit we don't like and just move on.

Only SJWs hear something they don't agree with and throw a tantrum, or avoid something that helps them (ie: A degree) over it.

Hear the other side, know its 90% bullshit, and move on with your life. You are there to help YOURSELF, don't let them ruin that for you since hurrrr my feeeeeeels.

distance studies

Nah on the East coast Only 1 University within a 2 hour drive offers it as a major. I would say my state but then "they" would probably be able to find out who I am since it is so rare.

>Oldfag here at 38, I've been to 4 different college campuses and still not have graduated.
>I worked a bunch of shit jobs as well, and college is the ticket out of poverty it seems.


Honestly, it's not an issue as long as you aren't autistic and pretend you know better than all your professors.

Just don't take any classes with female professors because they're cunts who whine about men all the time.

Went to grad school for English lit. and that was what originally red-pilled me. Once you realize it's the sick trying to find intellectual justifications for their sickness, it becomes impossible to even play along. I know machiavellian sperg lords will overestimate their ability to do so, but some environments just can't be borne.

Would not recommend.

>ok goy your 60 year old marxist professor is gonna get red pilled by you wtf i love the donald subreddit now

I am literally every professor's favorite student in any class I take because I am one of the few non-retarded child-like students.

At the end of the day it is all about the piece of paper.

Keep your head down, and your mouth shut. Don't get involved in anything but the bare minimum required to check the blocks and graduate. Accept that they will try to brainwash you, if you can't avoid the bull shit then smile and nod and whatever is needed to get through it.

You need to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Be careful what you say while in the university "indoctrination camp", even with a made up name.

Insane SJWs come in all stripes and they are the tenured professors and administrators that include the president and vice president/dean of student affairs.

Just go through it and get out, and enjoy the higher quality of life that commensurate with the useful degree like yours.

Personally, I think SJW deserve to be instituted in labor camp or subject to extermination. I hate college and I have no choice but live with autismbux as NEET or work grind job.

College is a racket for me. I wrote the letters to President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy to eliminate indoctrination by reforming student aid to eliminate corruption and profligacy.

The reason these SJW parasites thrive with bullshit curriculas (majors like sociology, ethnic/"whiteness" and gender studies) is because of LBJ's Great Society program that directly transformed the college culture into Europhobic communist propaganda center.

I got my first degree in Engineering (graduated in May 2015) so most of the classes I took had no room to talk about politics and my electives never brought up marxism.

My MBA (graduated in Dec 2016) was pretty much the same, only in my ethics classes and HR class did some stuff about politics come up but it was only for learning purposes, none of the professors forced liberalism down our throats.Actually a good amount of them in both programs took shits on liberal ideas.

Honestly, I feel that it's just luck at this point...

>MFW I realize that I went through college twice and didn't have to deal with commies.

it's funny and game to you to kill your soul?
kill yourself.



Whatever you do, stay out of debt.

Yeah I learned my lesson the hard way at the first scare. I purged the account of any possible material that could come back to bite me in the ass. Thanks for the advice though.

>"sent by Baron Von ShnizelNazi"

This made my day, TOP KEK

what universities?

drink bleach faggot while the rest of the world acts the part and gets theirs

you can be a fucking martyr, dont let me stop you, fag

22 years old here. I'm about to get my 2 years Associates in Science. I'm also a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator. Mostly computer science classes, I've read 100~ finance/business/investing/etc books

Can I be honest with you guys, no bullshit? I've never been more terrified in my entire life. Everything seems like a meme. I don't know which direction to turn, because it just seems like there's so fucking many.

I don't want to go down a route that will yield me shit results, I don't want to make the wrong choice, goddamn fuck.

I don't know what to do guys :\



Two cases involve moving to another state and that's why I had one semester and then out.

Third case involve taking 3 semesters in one year before I decided that I can't take their SJW bullshit (community college) and left to concentrate on one college that I attend off and on for 20 years.

I enjoy working grind jobs provided there's a fair treatment with me, but it's not enjoyable because of bullshit office politics with egomaniacal and incompetent manager idiots.

Micromanagement by them is why I tried college, and all I learn is that I should be blamed for having "white privilege" and "original sin" of oppressing cunts, niggers and beaners. Fuck that bullshit.

I went to Texas Tech for both degrees. The school does have it's liberals, but they stay in the English and Pol Sci buildings from what I've come to notice.

Regardless of where you plan on attending, the Communications, Anthropology, and Gender/Native/African Studies departments are usually the center of cancer on campus. Avoid them if you wish to avoid conflict.

Watch Jordan Peterson Lectures on Youtube

Sort yourself out

If you actually read all those books, you should be fine. If you skimmed through them, you're fucked.

Watch the lectures and you should feel ready.

>everything seems like a meme
Most everything is, even moreso in actual industry one example being the extreme cargo culting around standards. Some memes pay better than others though.
Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering are fairly certain bets in terms of pay, job security and not being treated like an easily replaceable peon though.

It's scary user.
I'm somewhat freaking out too. Right now, I'm just trying to get any job that will take me and I feel that I may not be good enough for the task at hand.

Oh so you've already graduated.
>I feel that I may not be good enough for the task at hand.
That's fairly normal. Quite a lot of places don't expect as much of you as you'd think.

How is Chemistry?

Getting my B.S. in Chem. How fucked am I?

Believe me, if they find out they'd go out of their way to ruin your life and even require you to take mandatory "sensitivity" training class (diversity or Holohoax/anti-German bias) and find reason to expel you for "lying" when they take offense at the satirical context, even a made up name.

They are fundamentally insane.

Like this, for example. Total commie.


True but recently, the requirements for entry level jobs have gotten crazy, I have 2 degrees and work exp (part time at school) but still, I can't get my foot in the door at all.

You better be getting a Masters or PhD.....

Do you just work for drug companies and chemical firms?

We would have to see your resume, user. That's what it all comes down to.

Go to your university online and only take the brick and mortar classes you need to.