Good riddance EU

EU is done for. Germany is still trying to push Turkey, a country that literally voted itself into a totalitarian theocratic dictatorship, to become an EU member state.

What the hell is wrong with these people? If I were a citizen of an EU member stated, this would be enough reason for me to urge my government to secede from the Union altogether! What citizen of a free democratic country would want to be associated, let alone held responsible for a country as despotic and economically retarded as Turkey? Honestly, Yurops, what are your thoughts on this?

>"Those who would like to win applause at home because they say, 'We do not talk to Turkey anymore' will not change anything in Turkey,"

Word for word, this is what Germany's foreign minister said in response to calls for cessation Turkey accession talks. What kind of question is this, when the obvious answer is simply, "Who the fuck cares?"

Why do you hate Turks so much? Turkey is conservative, non-degenerate and respects and values traditional families.

They also value Turkey more than they do Germany.

A great sort of people to mass-import.

>totalian dictatorship
Fits perfectly into eu.

UK left so they need a replacement.

>be a gayropean country
>be in a union ruled by kikes
>call other countries retarded

Because Kebab must be removed and roaches must be raided.

Shut up, you're not welcome in this thread. Why would you want to join the EU anyway. It's not like your country has anything to contribute, so it'll just be drained dry of its only economic resource (cheap, adequately educated labourforce) and left to die in the sun. It's way too late, since you are braindead cocksuckers for strong despotic governments, but the single best thing you can do at the moment is to crack down on militant Islamic cells and develop yourself economically.


jokes on you leaf, no one wants to join the EU anyway. also the referendum was rigged you idiot, you would know this if you lurked Sup Forums during the voting instead of MSM

Cuck talking from a cuck shed. What's done is done, and what does it matter whether the referendum was rigged or not? In fact, the fact that a rigged referendum could be used with such ipunity makes the situation your country is in that much worse. Is there any underground, or sleeper government cells that aren't meme tier with solid plans to take the country back? No? Of course not, because Erdogan has won. Mark my words, your country will be made into a glorified geopolitical cocksleeve for more powerful groups just like the rest of the muslim countries, because that's the only way a dictatorial country without a super strong economy can survive.

>Is there any underground, or sleeper government cells that aren't meme tier with solid plans to take the country back? No?

Are there any in your country that plan to remove the jews from their positions? No?

you elected the most weak jawed effeminate leader in the history of humankind leaf, what does this tell you about your people? we're used to dealing with harsh times and violence, I would be worried more about the future of leafland if I were you

>Word for word, this is what Germany's foreign minister said
Sigmar "Fat Siggy" Gabriel
former head of the Social Democrats aka. Schulz Party and vice chancellor
the fat fuck just recently got bashed by everybody for talking with anti government organizations in Israel
later Merkel stepped up to defend his actions because muh democracy and "everybody has a voice"
yet they both deny talking with the AFD in a civilized way
its just more liberal mental gymnastic
>don't do what i do, do what i say
nothing to see here
move along

Help us trigger WW3



>dealing with harsh times and violence
>sucking the cock of the strong man of the decade
>who can't even guarantee border security, economic development or even academic achievement

Yeah, what a strategy.

S-shutup! We're trying, okay? The CRTC will be reformed, one of these days.

Besides, that's a lot of tough talk for someone whose government sold their own sovereignty to an organization that is terminally allergeic to the word "legitimacy" and the gets seizures trying comprehend the concept of "representation".

So he's a core member of the Merkel gang. Hope they get ousted in the next election and be replaced with a more sensible bunch. So is there any hope of the EU finally coming to understand that they can't just go around dictating policies and political correctness to people without some kind of direct representation? Are they willfully ignorant of their legitimacy crisis or are they completely conscious of what they're doing?

>Germany is still trying to push Turkey
WTF nigger? Ever since they voted for dictatorship, all deals are off. Turkey will never get into the EU, and Germany is certainly not "pushing" it.

Go read the news, Chang, before you embarrass yourself like this.

>I don't know the difference between the political process and political positioning

>German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Friday rejected calls from other European countries to end talks over Turkey's EU membership, as concerns mount over President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's growing crackdown on civil liberties.
>"The German government is strictly against canceling the talks, that would be totally the wrong reaction," Gabriel said at a meeting in Malta of EU foreign ministers.

Literally the first two paragraphs, kraut.

Mememagick will really destroy the world. Good. Good.

>tfw I now regret voting for remain

Christ Democrats (Merkel Party) and Social Democrats (Gabriel/Schulz) are coaliting to get the majority and form the ruling government
due to our multi party system its extremely unlikely that any of them gets replaced anytime soon since non of them will fall under the 5% minimum quota in the next election cycle later this year
they will just merge with whatever is available again, except for the AFD of course, to keep the majority
which will maybe cause them to move some chairs around in the progress
the opposition is going to get a makeover non the less

Friendly reminder, theres a 1 in 40million chance that Stefan Molyneux is the OP

>Massively inbred for centuries, to the point where the average Turk has a genome like a sewage lagoon and a head full of bad wiring


Fuck off Turkroach. Your country is so shit you're not even living there.

Meanwhile, you're little better than a humanoid homunculus - a sad, tragic caricature of humanity; a sack of mutated, dysgenic shit in a feces-coloured wrapper.

Send my regards to your cousin-parents and cousin-grandparents.