Hey Sup Forums there seems to be confusion over here...

Hey Sup Forums there seems to be confusion over here. You folks don't seem to understand the difference between gender and sex. I'll break it down for you! Sex is your parts (usually incorrectly described in binaries). Gender is harder to explain. Like, you pop out of your mom's womb, doctor slaps your ass and says "it's a boy/girl!" and if the doctor says you're a boy, and you agree then your gender is boy. If the doctor says you're a boy and you go "nah, I feel more like a girl," your gender is girl. Basically, gender isn't biological and is more of a way to categorize people (also usually in binaries) even if they don't want to be categorized that way.

I'm agender (I don't identify as either male or female) so if you have any non-invasive, non-gross questions go ahead and ask.

Other urls found in this thread:


Try harder next time OP



Anyone who replies after me is a kike loving faggot and you're mother will die in her sleep

>Hey Sup Forums there seems to be confusion over here. You folks don't seem to understand the difference between gender and sex. I'll break it down....
Shut the fuck up, nobody cares abd the ones that do disagree.


You've earned a big fat F and I am contacting your professor.
You didn't read the syllabus.

Nearly everyone already knows what you just typed. The thing is, other than people like you, no one really cares. I genuinely don't care what you want to be. I didn't start to hate you until you felt the need to shove your gender shit down my throat and demand I pay attention to you. Moreover I now see articles where little children undergo sex change operations well before they even hit puberty. Now that's true barbarism. This is most likely a slide thread, but I appreciate the opportunity to vent. Kindly kys.

begone thot

Go kill yourself marxist shill

Did that raid begin? Well, they're gonna fail miserably.

With that out of the way, gtfo, special snowflake.

this guy
basically, nobody here actually gives a fuck. just be economically productive and don't bother anyone.

I know more than you do about sex. STOP
being a patronizing lil fagget trying to lecture me on something I know more about than you. Fuck.off.


Faggot, you suck dick=you being a faggot.
Easy peasy bitch

Fuck off faggot

Hey, braindead NPC.

I'm a psych and I'm here to tell you that, basically, no, you're actually the clueless one about the reality of your existence.

The fact is that psychologists made a very important discovery during the XX century: there is a strong deterministic relationship between your genes and your behavioral phenotype; yet they also discovered that this relationship can't explain all the different and complex aspects of your psyche. Hence nurture.

It turns out that reality is not objective: you create your subjective reality with your own brain. And it turns out your brain is actually amazingly plastic: it can be reconfigured in many different ways. That's what we call "culture": learnt categories that determine how you perceive reality. Different cultures perceive reality in different ways.

Enter PsyOps. (((They))) are creating a new global culture. Since your brain is so plastic and can be reconfigured via reapeated external stimuli, scientists, propaganda agencies and advertisement specialists have learnt to manipulate you to the very core, and you are unaware of it. They can introduce new categories via the external stimuli you're repeatedly being exposed to (through media, advertisement, education, etc.) and they are able to literally change the very way you perceive yourself and the world around you.

So you are saying that gender doesn't exist, it is just an abstract opinion.

Well, sex exists, and there is only female and male (2).


Humanity has been here for 200,000 years. No 63 genders until now. No LGTBQ communities until now. They're introducing these new categories into your mind to manipulate you and your generation, in order to make you a consumerist drone who acts as a weapon in the war against one of the most basic --and biologically determined-- forms of human organization: the family. Why do they want to destroy the family? Same reason they want to destroy all self-governing nations: to create a world of individualistic, degenerate, brainless consumers; of slaves that aren't able to even conceptualize they're slaves, so obsessed by the false identity categories they've been feed that will never be able to raise their eyes, organize, and become a true challenge for their tyrannical power.

The worst part is that many of these new identity categories go against the deterministic pull of your genes. That's when mental illnesses kick in. And remember my prophecy, if you keep walking this road, you'll soon find yourself suffering from depression, anxiety and worst things. Maybe it's already started in you.

I know most of this stuff will go over your head. Maybe, just maybe, some of it will take root inside you and eventually make you wake up.


If you're a-gender and therefore don't identify as human, where do your rights come from?


Well said, this needs to be copypasta'd. Please write a book or something.

Please correct my typos if you copypaste it :)

I'm actually working on my thesis (on social media) right now. After I'm done, I will write a book on this.




I'll give you a free ride, hop on my back


How do you throw leftists out of an airborne Apache?

>gender isn't biological
For how long? Ten years? Twenty? Because I'm pretty sure that 2000 years ago gender was biological.

back to the oven

Kill yourself, you're not welcome here

with hard work and dedication, two things the left has never heard of.

All OP had to do in that thread was post the name of the professor and school. Until then I say fake

Nah . Sex is the treat I give to lovely lollis

it doesnt matter what you identify as. chromosomes dont lie.

Fuck off to Tumblr with your LGBTXYZ+-alphabetagammaomega freaks

Sex is your chromosomes.
Gender is, and don't get "triggered" by this, a synonym.

so you are not a "he" or "she"
how do i refer to you? it? that?

in the morning she likes to grab my ballz
how do i address you if you like to grab my ballz?

> gender isn't biological

I bet your ancestor are very proud of you and are happy that they wasted their time to reproduce so a being like you can exist

>look at how brainwashed I am
>I am very special
>I will grow up to be very lonely and depressed
>I won't have any children
>I will surround myself with cats
>I will die a misreble lonely old woman
>thankyou jews
Robert stoller Jewish psychoanalyst

Nice troll b8 thread, op

You are literally a victim of Jewish subversion to ruin your life and chance at happiness



>Wait... I can feel it, from the distance... a voice calling me...

>I must act..

>>OP is a faggot!

>I have a benis
>I don't identify as male

Tough luck, no one cares what you think.

Sorry mate but fuck off. This semi decent place discusses this shit all the time do you not think we didnt know your shitty fucking ideas. Jesus this i either the shittest troll or the biggest dumb ass smug rich cunt I have ever had the misfortune of reading a message from. SAGED

>so if you agree with your doctor?

So your feelings override reality?
"I feel like a girl so I am a girl"

Your emotions change nothing. You might be a crossdresser. You might get your dick hard pretending to be a girl, or perhaps a racoon.

This is the problem, you see your emotions as BEING reality.

Its like saying that if a white guy feels like hes black then he is. There is nothing in the real world to justify his feelings, there is no reason for others to care.

Literally all your classifications for this shit are completely imaginary.

This then begs the question why do you bother telling other people?

Also since in order to say you have some particular "gender identity" you have to understand the differences between genders. You have never been anything else, how can you say you are a certain gender if you have nothing to compare it to?

The only way that makes sense, is if you have certain preferences l(like wearing dresses for instance) that are associated with a certain gender.
All that tells us is that person likes wearing dresses, nothing more.
Again why bother telling other people? Why bother creating some new identity?

Because all this is attention seeking faggotry. Thats all any off your classifications are. You want attention, fuck you.

nobody gives a fuck you Marxist dickhead


Good post Francisco, will check that out

I will continue to refer to anyone that wishes to use a non-binary gender a faggot.