About race and racism

Greetings Sup Forums,
I just wanted to introduce myself briefly and say how much I love your site, it's very interesting to say the least haha. To put it briefly I'm an average college student like yourselves. I go to UC San Diego and study sociology.

Okay now for my simple discussion question. Why is it okay to discriminate against someone just because their skin is a different color?

That's all, thanks for reading. Also if you enjoyed the meme I have more :)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm high as balls so i can't tell if this is bait or not.

Howd you find us?

Incredibly low quality bait

Haha nice man xD happy Friday

You know, just browsing the web ;)

>Why is it okay to discriminate against someone just because their skin is a different color?
Always do the opposite of what Jews say.

It isn't if skin colour was all there was to it. what happens here is that people are free to express fact such as blacks being below average iq and inherently violent, muslims being sympathetic to islamist causes and jews having their fingers in all the pies.

In my option the discrimination is limited to the biological level which includes;

>Medical factors
>My distaste of biological race myths hence those people that support them.
>Miscegenation being prevented or limited as to preserve all traits.


Its not "just because of skin color"
Race goes much deeper than that, bone structure, muscle, nerve endings snd most importantly brain function intelligence and behavior, while each infividual must be treated by his own merit, skin color is a good indicator of behavior

How is it really bait though?
>sociology student
>sociology major


You're a faggot, OP.

Because you have the right to dislike anyone for whatever reason you want and just the word racism is the beginning of a new judicial system based on thought crime.

Hey! I believe that is a Mexican flag?Western scientists have basically proven that racism is useless because there are enough intelligent people of all races to equal out the distribution.

Also I changed my name because I realized I'm really just a student of life, hope that isn't to weird haha.

Hmm I just also realized these comments are coming in fast and cover a very broad range of issues. I may need some time to properly formulate a good arguement. Plus I'm in class lol and gotta pay attention sometimes. Sit tight you guys!

heh, very funny OP

Terrible larp/10. Conclusion: OP is a kike nigger faggot

Could you elaborate on this conspiracy? I'm keen to hear more.

Also just want to say that as The OP I'm disallowing racist language in this thread. I just want a nice clean discussion.

include me in your report

Well that's not asking for trouble is it

Hey friend! welcome to our community of 4-chan!

Don't mind the racists, they are mainly just trolls!

Sup Forums is a board of peace

Dude, I know you're new here, but the OP has literally no power at all. You cannot "disallow" certain things; one of the very first rules you learn on Sup Forums is that OP is always and inconsolably a faggot. That means you have no power. We will happily discuss your question and will debate with you if you'd like, but you cannot force us to do anything or act or respond in a certain manner. You hold no power whatsoever, you merely started a thread. We can use whatever language we like on here, and though I will try not to use racist terms out of courtesy for you, it is solely out of courtesy that any of us may do so. You have no real power, in fact, as an OP, you have even less power than the rest of us

Every day you discriminate against all the things that might kill you and carefully select only those things which will aid your survival. If you cannot make such selections, in any domain, you will not be able to filtrate out the harmful and negative.

hahahahahahahhhhaahahaha sociology

I find this bait amuzing

What he said

There isn't much to explain. It all comes down to, "If you can do one, you can do the other." How is it fair to tell someone you can't dislike someone for any reason? That is policing of thought. And once you start policing thought, eventually you need to start enforcing thought laws, otherwise what would be the point of that policing? And the funny thing is, no matter how angry or passionate I may get, I have never once told anyone how to think or how to feel. Which is literally what the "good guys" are attempting here.

>just because their skin is a different color

If you think race is just skin color then you are still drinking the Jews' koolaid.

Like nigger, do you even population genetics?

Oh boy, I can't wait to see this pasta over and over again.

OP, do us all a favour.

All these dumb fucks on twitter keep talking about pol. Then more dumb fucks come over here and want to join the community. Time to start a new board and leave these new fucks behind.

To answer your question - if you have not started your upper division courses then you need to stop and change major. You will not accomplish anything in life with a sociology degree - unless you go all the way and get your doctorate. You need to choose a more reputable BA major - Economics, Business (or related like accounting), Computer Science (you need to past some upper math cources though), Political Science (only if you get a MBA afterwards or you already connected to government or political groups), and nursing, (high demand for nurses right now.

Identities will be lost of you keep having interracial partners. At this rate - multi-culture will destroy everything. 500 years from now everyone will be mixed. Unless more alpha stops fucking around.

Did you just assume my flavour of bigotry? I discriminate against people based on a scientifically calculated weighted sum of all their characteristics.
Check yourself you dumb fuck.

It's not just intelligence, it's behavior; how likely one is to resort to violence, to take in information, to appreciate more courteous, modest activities, etc.
Also what study are you referring to here?
>inb4 nonrandom sampling
"Enough intelligent people" doesn't compare the amount of intelligent people actually being produced among each race. Also who decided how much "enough" is?

Now, in response to your question:
>Why is it okay to discriminate against someone just because their skin is a different color?
It is not okay, or rather, it would not be okay to discriminate if the only differing characteristics were skin colour. However, as it stands, race is more than merely skin-deep. There are clear and defined differences beyond that simply of skin colour, as someone has previously said. An Australian Aboriginal has defining physical characteristics which differ from the characteristics of a West African or a Tamil (South Indian). Though they share skin colour in this scenario, the three different peoples have many discernable differences in physical characteristics. The West African on average has a larger amount percentage wise of fast twitch muscle fiber than the Tamil or the Aborigine. The Tamil on average has a slightly larger cranial capacity and greater number of neurons than the West African or Aborigine. The Aborigine on average has a higher amount of slow twitch muscle fiber than either the West African or the Tamil. Though they all share skin colour, this simple showing of differing average physical characteristics shows that though their skin is the same, they are different, at least slightly, on average. Now, compare a Scandinavian to the Aborigine or any of these three groups, and differences will crop up there as well; the skin colour is simply the most noticeable difference, but even if every group shared the same skin colour, they would not share the same averages in regards to their physical characteristics.

You gotta take that word average out of your vocabulary

Thank you. I will make sure this info gets put to good use. I want to fit in like all of you.

Hello Spain welcome to the thread. How is the weather there on this Friday night?

Also just want to mention that I'm seeing a lot of vague anti-semitism in this thread. Jews are people just like you and I and it's wrong to judge someone for their religion, duh!
We are moving towards a global society so racial identity is irrelevant. I think you should change your views because your way of thinking will be left behind. Also don't see how my personal life is relevant to the discussion.

Btw I'm working on a short essay in response to the range of topics covered in this thread.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say skin color is dictated by genetics. So people of different colors have slightly or drastically different genetics. So now look at places with high concentrations of similar genetics. Take sub Sahara Africa for instance, what have those people with those genetics done? What's the state of those people and there societies? Now do the same with western Europe. You can see the difference plain as day right? The natural progression of these people's with varying genetics no matter how small caused massive differences in the way they perceive the world and how to live in it. There can be an argument on environment but the people's genetics evolved to match it. Meaning Europeans might of lucked out in environment and we're more likely to develop more socially rather than based on survival. Just my two cents on the subject.

>I want to fit in like all of you.


Put it to good use please. I understand you're likely here either due to some stupid school project, or some vague notion of superiority, coming amongst us like a missionary would go amongst the noble savages of old, but as you would have likely preferred the missionary of old to respect the cultural norms of the people he went to, we kindly ask that you respect our norms as well.

Additionally, the anti-Semitism is unavoidable here. It's regrettably also a piece of the culture here, and so you must either grow used to it, or try to stomp it out. However, if you try to stomp it out it makes you little better than the colonial imperialists who tried to stomp out norms they had viewed as 'wrong' or 'backwards' such as exposure of unwanted children and things like that.

>racial identity is irrelevant
What are you a fucking kike nigger faggot?!
I had to deal with subhuman gypsys most of my life and i had yet to meet one that does not either live by commiting crimes or living off of society like a leach.
They are literal subhuman tier beings and niggers are pretty much the same,go visit a nigger getto and if you get out alive you will be redpill for life.
Also sociology....oh another useless piece of shit that will end up working at mcdonalds.

What would happen if we raised a black person like a white person, and what prevents black people from inheriting genes that makes them more intelligent?

Another note on how Sup Forums works. Threads stay alive by getting replies. Stagnant threads flow to the back pages of the board, eventually getting archived. Once your thread hits page 10, it's pretty much dead. If people stop replying, like what's happened here, it's going to die. Just a quick lesson, keep the convo flowing via whatever means you wish

On the 0,1% chance that this is real, kill yourself you degenerate faggot cuck

Got it thanks!

Wow ok

So how's Finland these days? I heard you're pretty liberal over there so I'm surprised to hear these comments.

Long story shortish:

America was founded after the founders left Europe for tax issues arising out of usury - which started long before during the rise of the Protestant church & Henry VIII. The principe of usury, since essentially the beginning of recorded history, is a Jewish practice that arises out of a paradigm that allows Jews to act and behave as if they are "the chosen," and allowed the Jews to steal using this principle. This principle is the driving force behind the world's central banks and the current power structure. The slave trade, which started in the 15th Century, originated when the Portuguese kid napped Africans and brought them to Europe etc. Later, the Sephardic Jews came to the US colonies, and were an integral part of the slave trade despite having names like "Nunez" etc. the principle of globalization and the tainting of cultural bloodlines was and still is a goal of the then Zionist, and now globalist Jews.

This same impetus has been present throughout history, which is why Jews have been cast out of 100+ societies, wherever they ended up, until they gained control of the monetary system. Because these people only view their culture as good, they've essentially enslaved the world and all of its unique cultures using money. By destroying all other cultures and races using globalism and Talmudic teachings, they will lock their place on Earth as the hegemonic leaders of the world by maintaining their own race.

Historically speaking, globalism is a relatively new principle, where as before, societies valued their heritage and secured their lands to maintain their values. America's melting pot meme came to prominence by a Jewish propaganda stint in 1908, and was contrary to the values of America which were set fourth by the 1875 Page Act. This act was, in essence, an act set fourth of disallow "undesirable" immigrants into the country to maintain peace and maintain American culture.

if you REALLY want to study sociology, study history. Hearing theories from biased people is no where near comparable to comparing the decisions people make when confronted with the same, or equivalent issues.

their skin isn't just a different color there are different peoples

Since that Jewish meme, and various liberal movements, America has turned into an usury based, "melting pot" of crime, degeneracy, and poverty.

Being proud of your heritage, and trying to maintain it, is a natural human desire, because it promotes survival, understanding, safety, diversity, and culture. By destroying those things, you're effectively destroying global differences in culture, tradition, value, and the like.

We don't hate people of a different skin color, we simply recognize that boarders and culture are a vital part of being human and maintaining life. We are tribal beings, hence the reason why people seek those of a similar/same race to commingle with. IQ, and all those other numbers and reasons are secondary to the historical paradigm, that humans are tribal, prideful, traditional, and inherently nationalistic. Most people don't think all immigration is bad, and we don't think all blacks are stupid or bad people. We simply believe that being American is special, just like being Swedish/German/Iranian/etc is special. We want to maintain those special traits unique to each race and culture by promoting nationalism to secure earthly beauty/diversity, and thus, fight the harmful influence that the early extremist Jews (and the current corrupt power structure) have tried to erode.

It isn't racism at all.

Cause they are niggers.

Kys and take your useless degree to the grave with you.

250 Merchants incoming


Hey guys I'm gonna take a quick break for a while, a lot of these comments are pretty hurtful and maybe it's best that I just read more before posting. Also it's quite difficult to keep up with so many topics to debate about; every time I try to write a short essay another argument pops up that I need to include.

Thanks for all the kind comments and have a nice day.

kys you piece of shit. Sup Forums finds your family AND KILLS THEM. You dont know on which lawn you just tried to piss

You whole class will be on the Antifa duck list, including gran gran. Enjoy being fucked by REAL nazis

My suggestion to you is lurk more and get a thicker skin. This place isn't nice, we aren't cuddly, we aren't kind. But that's part of the appeal. On here, you're anonymous, and what comes out is the more realistic interactions one would have were they not tied down by relations. Lurk, get a thicker skin, and learn to find two or three posters who are good at what they're doing to argue with. Don't split your attention too much. Good luck faggot, hope you come back sometime

Are these the students we were warned about earlier today?

And you, back to faggit fucking normie

yep. They like to get attention.
Lets give em hell

Did You Know: On 9-11-2001 five dancing Israelis were arrested after being witnessed filming and celebrating the attack on the twin towers. After being deported back to Israel, they confessed on television to having advanced knowledge of the attacks.

redpill time? redpill time

If you are not a troll then I have a question. Are you going into debt to take a class that has you shit posting on Sup Forums?

And I will answer yours. Its not ok to discriminate on skin color. Its also not ok to ignore the responsibility for someones actions because of skin color.

Blaming systemic whatever instead of their own choices is just racism. You see brown people and have trouble viewing them as human. So everything is someone elses fault but theirs. Like children.


>We are moving towards a global race

Completely and utterly incorrect for a number of reasons. Firstly, not all hybrids are the same (Eurasians differ from Mulattoes to a very great degree for example on The Fixation Index of Genetic Distance). Secondly, racial mixing more often than not means a race being subsumed by another due to differences in population levels and so on. Finally, something Western Whites often ignore is that the west is sui generis in it's adoption of 'racelessness' as some kind of principle of policy. East Asia remains 99.9% East Asian, Sub-Saharan Africa 99.9% Sub-Saharan African and so on. What is going on in the Western World is more adequately described as racial replacement (i.e. the replacement of the native or founding groups with foreign groups due to immigration and differential breeding rates) rather than any utopian 'blending up' ideal.

Ever heard the phrase "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" you fucking retard? The redpill has to be administered carefully to the most cucked of the cucked, it can't just be forced in as a suppository. If it could, our lives would be way easier and we could redpill normies left and right. However, that's not how things actually are, so we have to ease faggots like OP into the position where they'll be slightly more receptive of the hard truths of Sup Forums

about slavery

Fuck you OP, god damn Jew!


Hey I have a couple quick questions:

1. Can you name anywhere in the world where being a racial or ethnic minority is preferable or a good thing?

2. Can you name anywhere in the world that treats racial or ethnic minorities better than white western countries (Singapore and Hong Kong are largely western in terms of culture and administration and are severely lacking in some areas so they don't really count.)

3. If white western countries treat minorities the best, then how can you say that that white people are racist, or the problem is white people?

4. If being a minority is bad, why do you want this for white people, or anyone at all?

5. If you honestly believe that everyone mixing will solve inequality problems, I have to ask if you have examined the social stratification and inequality and quality of life metrics of nations that have "succeeded" at multiculturalism - like Brazil. If you haven't I think you will be unpleasantly surprised.




Welcome to reality

If it is impossible to be racist against white people, does that mean it is okay to hate jews?

asking for a friend

>he actually believes that

Landlords who consistently mistreated their serfs were usually subject to a revolt or being ostracized by their peers.
Serfs had a shit life by moderns standards, yeah, but it was nowhere near as bad as that story conjured from someone's ass tells.




Its ok to hate Jews. They deserve it.

>written like pottery.


Why is it okay to discriminate against white men?

thank you

> implying there is something wrong with racism
Gas yourself tbqhwyf

unload that gore arsenal goys!

blah blah

Obvious kike thread

Try harder jew shills

That's a fake quote, desu.

Student debt is gonna suck. The government owns your soul.

Luckily, now that King Nigger is out of office, you may actually get a job if you have a degree in oh you said Sociology, you are fucked. Explore the bullet exit options OP

we dont need a global sociaty, its a meme pushed by international corporations that make profits because of naive dumbfucks like yo, also races have psychological and intellectual differences. welcome to Sup Forums where your feelings doesnt matter

>Why is it okay to discriminate against [x]
Because the case for it not being okay has yet to be made.

>not all [x] are like that!
Outliers don't mean much.

>but if you treat people as groups, you fuck over individuals who aren't like the stereotype!
Do you think I'm so fucking stupid that I'm not capable of judging an individual for an individual when the situation calls for it? Use group jugdments when time and attention are short and you aren't in a position to evaluate people as individuals. Evaluate people as individuals when you are.

having a major in sociology is equal to working for mcdonnalds for 5 years

i can't believe I have to go to university with faggots like you for another 3 years

Stop replying you dumb faggots

Bait from sociology class raid homework, but I'll bite because fuck it.

We don't discriminate in the us. Biological differences exist between the races which manifest as potential for success in a free society. Recognizing these differences merely means recognizing that not all races are equal in terms of capacity for intelligence, athleticism, etc. This means that left to do as they will, races will tend towards a natural hierarchy in society. Attempting to 'correct' this outcome by legislating outcomes (i.e. affirmative action) results in a less-efficient society, slowing real scientific, economic, and social progress and is immoral by restricting the free man from making what he will of himself.

It is legitimate evil to legislate outcomes.

lol right?

this is awful....

more like give me reasons as to why I shouldn't discriminate

this, or bomb em with gore if cant resist from replying