It is finished my dudes
the second border fence has just been finished.

Other urls found in this thread:


>The fence, made of NATO-standard welded wire, was erected by 700 prisoners.

Sexy as fuck

Well done lad

>be 2010
>Hungary is literally a shithole that nobody cares for

>be 2017
>Hungary isn't so bad and now looks like it'll be the sole savior of humanity

Now they should put some land minds down and place cameras pointed towards them and post footage on liveleak so we can laugh

Eljen Magyar!

>stage 1: stop migrants -check
>stage 2: build a fence -check
>stage 3> the second layer with mud seeking cameras--check
>stage 4: land mines ---impending


More pics like this plz

So Happy. Keep those serbs out of EU forever.

Not shall pass!

>USA has no wall
>Hungary built two fences already

>be 2010
>Hungary is literally a shithole that nobody cares for

only in murica

Fuck you, Europe deserves to be flooded with migrants for electing cucked politicians


Hungary is inviting Europeans there. They are fucking brilliant. They are going to have the best immigrants while everyone else is flooded with shitskins.

Easy leaf, they still have boats.

Said the canadian goy


I love how casual those guards look while the Arab animal screams.

Not gonna lie, I would seriously consider moving there if Belgians keep acting like retards.

>Slav countries are the most right wing and still carry on the tradition of hating each other but hating immigrants more

Well done sir

whats going on here

Oooh, nice wire.

You wanna made a couple more layers?

global power by 2050

go fuck yourself

they're Huns, or Mongols.


That's the problem, Europe shouldn't just be a a hodgepodge of different Euro mutts like the US, it needs to preserve itself. In other words, you're a walloon/ Flemish fag, deal with it.


The winged Hussars shall strike once again

What's the difference?

Now give some proper education to the rest of the EU about 3rd world immigration

Well done guys.
If your language wasn't ayy lmao tier I'd seriously consider to move there.

I'd much rather blend with fellow Europeans than fucking shitskins.


I fucked the title, god dammit, that was for another thread

Based Hungary

Vagy egy szánalmas kudarc és remélem hogy haljál egyedül

We are not slavs, american.

wouldn't recommend it desu, the "we hate muslims" sounds good on paper but this place actually is just a poor shithole filled with retarded assholes, working if you're not self employed is fucking cancer, and the work morale is generally just whoever works the least and still gets paid is the winner
not to mention that this place is still full of rabid leftists and nostalgia socialists, the only good thing is not having muslims, but instead there's a shitton of gypsies who might not be terrorist but organise mafias everywhere
all in all if you're self employed and can afford a mansion somewhere with a 3 meters high wall then it's cool, otherwise don't bother


My neighbor is a germ with two kids. Its already happening. Even the Lügenpresse picked it up

Spot the whiny self hating leftist.

American education.

Good job neighbours.

>all in all if you're self employed and can afford a mansion
That's me alright.

Can I come in?
I'm an engineer

Godammit Hungary, I love you, even though you support the EU against us. I hope one day Europe is free.

yeah you're actually turks

come home magyar man

Acıklı başarısız olursun ve umarım ki ölürsün yalnız

Please take me with you, I'm stuck out here in Kingston :\

But your women though.

fuck of roach

I hope polish government will send more border guards to help you out, Lengyel, magyar – két jó barát, Együtt harcol s issza borát, Vitéz s bátor mindkettője, Áldás szálljon mindkettőre.

Easy there roachy....


I used to like it here, but the more I interact with the average autistic retarded hungarian the more I'm getting sick of it, hungarism is the daydream of teenagers who then get hit with reality
well it's probably better to live in new zealand or something if you have the money but I guess villages full of germans are fine, it's just the average hungarian/gypsy towns that are cancer, and actually over the time I'm getting along more with gypsies than hungarians now, they might be living like animals, only thinking about enjoying the moment and not giving a fuck about dying at 25 from all the alcohol and drugs but at least they're not arrogant autistic retards who toot their pseudo nationalist shit while just making everything more miserable

>number of walls at Hungary: 2
>number of walls promised at USA: 1
>number of walls built at USA: 0
Ha ha muh ebin drumpf

Not really, atleast in Czech Republic majority of people dislike right wing parties, they are connected with tunneling money after revolution. They are kind of scapegoat since socialist and communist steal too back then.
I would say we have unique enviroment here. Most people here are voting for socialist / communist partiest, but hate sandniggers, opinions toward EU are lately mostly negative.
On the other side, we have party which claims to be right wing, but they are leftist as fuck with their opinions. Luckily they have preferences around 4 %.

Is that Dinko The Destroyer?

What's this, google translate? Our language ain't this easy.

If you hate it so much, just fucking leave. Self-hating is really our worst attribute.

Létezik bárhol honnan az nem van igaz?

I hate our fucking worthless legislature, they're a fuckload of nevertrump cucks who are too scared to build wall


Do you really think that Tusk, Junker, Merkel and Macron won't punish you for this? There will be severe sanctions and Hungary will be forced to dismantle the fence and pay reparations to the refugees. You'll bend the knee to the will of the EU, or Merkel will make you suffer.
She does not forgive, she does not forget. Just ask Russians or British, how does it feel to suffer under the German heel.
Soon she will be reelected again and if you won't dismantle the fence you will feel Her Wrath.

You sound like a generic edgy kid who got bullied just a little too much. The kind you find in any country you can think of, and they all think their country is somehow the worst.

I hope based Calvinist man Viktor Orban puts George Soros in a head lock and does a freaking BODY SLAM.

>Everyone is nationalist
>Boohooo they were mean with me
>Gypsies are better anyways

Menj angliába mosogatni.

we already in the process of chasing him out we already shut down his university

>hurrhurrr i'm a nationalist but you should leave!!!!!
the typical pseudo nationalist retard, no the worst attribute is fucking with other hungarians constantly
guide 101 on how to be a great nationalist hungarian
>have a shit life and be miserable
>find someone who has a similarly shit life but is optimistic
>fuck with him 24/7, tell him to leave the country/kill himself etc until he's as miserable as you
>declare your victory
>better country achieved, not really
shit people, shit country, nuff said
>mondja osztrák ip-vel


wikipedia and dictionaries in the vague hope that someone will productively correct me out of pure desire to btfo

How is the Reformed Church in Hungary?
We have got a lot of anti white faggotry infiltrating even the most conservative denominations.
>Muh adopted African children
>Muh if you're a Kinist we will kick you out of the church
>Muh Confederate flag is bad

Kint járok egyetemre két éve már közgazdaságot tanulok, haza fogok menni jövőre dolgozni.

Jó amúgy a károgókat itthon hallgatni.
>D-de nem érted user, nyugaton minden jobb. Senki sem lop és mindenki boldog és gazdag!

>Kint mindenki barátságos

>Csak a büdös Orbán lop (nem védem, egy geci.) nyugaton minden politikus becsületes!

Ha az életed attól függ hogy egy 2012-es A4-es szar traktor audit vezetsz kint, vagy itthoni fizetésből egy opel astrát, meg is érdemled hogy kint élj és a gyerekeid
hazátlanként csepereddjenek fel.


You took the b8, you BTFO'd yourself already

well the one in my hometown is pretty cool because the pastor even acknowledges the evolution

>that one guy projecting his failed life on his country

im fine with that, its not like this matters

super jelly, hope we get ours soon

na tessék megmondtam, a nagy magyar ország újító, kint bassza a rezet és zsidóskodik aztán jár a pofája hogy "bezzeg te mekkora egy suttyó vagy ám!!!!!" pont erről beszéltem
rühes ország rühes fajtájával, meg is érdemli hogy megdögöljön
yeah yeah let's just keep fucking with each other instead of you know, any sort of support or encouregement, that's the hungarian way!

>Hungary is inviting Europeans there
I wouldn't want to live outside of Budapest desu. Hungarians are OK people and we get along with them

Hey bro you need to calm down


mindenki elmehet a kurva anyjába
főleg a nyugati kekoldok

Huh interesting. Well God bless you guys I hope your wealth increases and your people multiply.

>Second fence built on the Serbian border
>The Romanian border is still open
Am I the only one who thinks this is a problem?


Semmire sem reagáltál, csak beszóltál, gratulálok.
Ahogy arra sem hogy jövőre haza is fogok jönni.

Sértegetni nem bonyolult, öt éves pici nigger is képes rá bécs utcáin ha nem adsz neki aprót.

>self hating leftist retard gets mad because the country refuses to collapse as he predicted

lmao gyurcsány, menj aludni

this is exactly the kind of hungarian mentality I was talking about, especially the buttblasted great nationalists, let's just be as big of a dicks to each other as possible and try to make as many people leave as possible, because that's how you improve a country
by having some shit "but I'm better than you ha!!!! just kill yourself xdd!!!!" attitude

Is Hungary always on the right side of history?

Oh my sides poland you have done it again.

Well what you're saying is your opinion, but dude CALM DOWN

Hungarians are finno-aryan hybrids.

Look up the finno-korean hyperwar.

>Am I the only one who thinks this is a problem?
The fence on the Serbian border only matters for the migrants stuck there (you can always deport them back to Serbia, which is what we do). Macedonia has a fence on their border with Grease and iirc we (Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia) agreed we'd defend our borders on the border with Grease

>Act like an ungrateful country hating asshole
>Get treated like an ungrateful country hating asshole


Is Orban who Trump wishes to be?