If whites won't defend themselves from going extinct is it not their own fault...

If whites won't defend themselves from going extinct is it not their own fault? from a religious stand point god gave man free will, from a evolutionary stand point, if your race won't protect itself either due to subversion or ignorance and weakness is it not deserved? mother nature is a facist after all.

for another case, will whites go extinct? is it possible in this day and age? will it happen violently? peacefully via race mixing? or will whites eventually have an in group preferance?

I can't really see an in group preference, apart from in times of war from any western culture.

pls respon

>I can't really see an in group preference
I meant historically

Will there be any tears for the last Bushman, Native American, or Aborigine?

Ethnogroups come and go.

They never contributed anything to humanity. The extinction of whites will plunge most of the world into another dark age.

it's a bit different now tho.

I don't know much about the bushman or the aboriginals, but the native american was wiped out by disease mostly, small pox is deadly especially without any resistance to it because your people have never encountered it.

the white population is 700-800 millionish, thats a lot to get rid of.

White people & western civilization can't be saved. We're witnessing early stages of fall of the holy roman empire. I'll give whites ~200 years max and western civilization as we know it ~50 years max.

By whites I mean those who are really white, that means no jews and shit like that. Jews will never die off.

if whites go, does western culture completely go with it?

what about mestizos in south america, a fair bit of white admixture, could they eventually pick up the mantle of white europe? or will the orientals become the new whites?

define white please.

was 1945 the final nail in the coffin? or was it the hammer smashing the first nail?

Not soon since people will always have preferences as well as the alt right getting more popular by the second. But once non-medical bionic implants become a thing, 50 years and our brains will be in jars.

Kek, that long?!

I give it, 1 epic war; and the White race; will be near decimated.

Successfully burying the Bolshevik revolution for what it was and subverting the truth about WW2 was the final nail in the coffin.

I mean those who are white both inside and out. White skin color and also culturally white. That means proud of your heritage and not too nigger friendly. Those marxists in liberal colleges waving antifa flags and stinking like niggers do not count. Also those who vote for socialists and social democrats because of tolerance. I don't know what the hell they are but not white. Sadly these kind of tolerant fucks are taking over, gay marriage, women voting, equal rights, transgender rights, these are all anti white and this kind of shit is destroying western civilization. It was a slow progress but now it suddenly accelerated over the last 5-10 years.

whens the next war coming? I don't think anybody wants to fight for their country anymore.

what if another orator like hitler came along, with his passion and vigor came along, but in a country with nuclear wepaons, they couldn't attack and destroy national socialism: the second round without having people fire off nukes?

It simply can't happen in western world, in days of social media and mass media this won't happen. You can't do genocide when news travel instantly. Especially in this cucked part of the world.

but are they not whites who need to be saved? told the truth? theyve had 70+ years of programming forced on them, often from birth via TV and the indoctrination camps of school and then higher learning and it being forced through the media?

I completely agree some can't be saved, some people are only born to serve as an example to deter other from making the same mistake. but some must be saved, remember generation Z ( i think it's them) are the most conservative generation since 1945, coupled with a new hitler and them as a voting block in 10-20 years, could we not save the west?

see if we had a fantastic orator come along, a new fuhrer could we be saved?

>You can't do genocide
Genocide is never an option, and it should never be mentioned, it's wrong, they may be genetically inferior but that doesn't justify it, mass deportations with as much force is the better option.

subhumans can live, but only in a superior-inferior type interactions. we rule them, much like Rhodesia under British rule

We may not fight for a nations fight in a zog planned, profit-making, financed war - but there are those that would; and do - the UN shmucks for instance.

I don't see people leaving their comfortable lifes, in which they only have the odd chance of being killed in a terrorist attack in a major city to go to war with china, russia or the norks without a nationalist revival.

all I know is, the left and the right both puppets with the globalist hand inside, farrage, corbyn, trump, le pen all of them. we need national socialism

But you can kill a country through socialist/communist policies as we have seen in the pastnot to mention suppress info/spread disinfo like with Bolshevism.

can the internet, as it is now, ever really be completely suppressed without full on north korean state style dictator ship?

I used to have my doubts about the whole DA J00Z own everything, but the torys bringing in the new antisemitism laws when antisemitism is not a major issue here.

Elie Wiesel says, 'In Jewish history there are no coincidences.'