Are DNA test from Ancestory and 23 and me etc. fake? If so were can I get a legitimate one?

Are DNA test from Ancestory and 23 and me etc. fake? If so were can I get a legitimate one?

doesn't matter
you lose the rights to your genes if you send it to them

No. Just someone's test said they're 50% nigger and they disagree doesn't mean it's fake.

you already lost them when your where born

I want to get one of these but at the same time I don't want to give my DNA to the Jews.

Well fuck me in the ass, I just did, what will happen??

Nothing. They aggregate data with thousands of other people to try and find new links between genes and disorders.

Sorry, I mean, they're going to use your DNA to create mindless good goy clones (Sup Forums's version)

I think I still had some red Gatorade dye in my saliva so it might not work hopefully

Sugar won't do shit to your DNA, they can still read it fine. There's literally 0 reason to suspect they're going to use your DNA in some malicious way.

Only semi-related but I figured Sup Forums would find it interesting.

I work for a company that does background checks on life-insurance applicants to see if they're lying. For instance, you might apply for life insurance at company A, and check off that you're a smoker, then be unhappy with the rate they give you. So then you apply at company B, and don't check that smoker box, so you can get a better rate. Basically my company accumulates data from all the big life insurance companies and checks to see if you're trying to lie to get a better deal.

Anyways, my point is that we also buy data from DNA test companies like 23&me, to help life insurance companies see if you might be prone to some kind of terrible genetic disease, so they can raise your rates if you are. I thought Sup Forums might get a kick out of the fact that these companies effectively sell your DNA.

tl;dr 23&me and other DNA testing companies sell your DNA data to anyone who wants to buy it

They are not fake, but also not 100% accurate. If you get more than 1% nigger in your results, you are a nigger.

There's also no reason for me to suspect that my DNA won't be used for something greater than simply finding out my ancestry.

Put a fake name on your DNA and, believe it or not, it'll still come out accurate.

Thanks for the rare

Holy fuck. Never seen gibralter on here.

> If you get more than 1% nigger in your results, you are a nigger.
Says the guy 9 miles from Africa

if they already have my relatives dna, is there any point in holding out?


I saw a Swaziland going on here for a while

I got Antarctica and Niue the other day.

Just go to your local police station, OP. They'll take a DNA swab for free.

>23 and me
what happens when you do it under a fake name?