Women's Suffrage

Was it a mistake?

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nice milkers

Yes. Absolutely.


Yes but those titties in my face aren't

Yes, like everything that happened after the (((French Revolution))).

Of course


Most women are very easily impressionable.

Think about the mental fitness of the woman who threw herself under a race horse. She was probably mentally deranged as suggested by Anonymous5.

Yes obviously.



nice udders

Suffrage itself was a mistake. Once it was allowed universal suffrage was inevitable.

Humanity was a mistake

Of course, we all know they vote for the most beautiful.


Yes, women don't deserve rights and are inferior to men.

if i was born a women today id be a slut for suffrage for 1 guys dick for life but oh well

no women should suffer

That's a bit misleading. Women's suffrage came the same year, I believe, as tax on income. Not to say women didn't help it, but it wasn't the main factor.

I could bleat about allowing feminism and the suffragettes being a mistake until the cows come home but I'm just leaving the fem's to collapse in on themselves like they have done before like with the Ottoman Empire when the Turks let the feminists control things for a while and then an Empire that spanned for centuries disintegrated quite quickly.

Get to a safe distance and then pick up the pieces afterwards.

> Feminist implosion & self destuct of civilization imminent.


It's funny, I used to be a feminist "ally" or whatever cuck term they have for it is
Being exposed more and more to the utter triviality and stupidity made me completely indifferent to feminism and that I was fine with how egalitarian things currently were
Actual observation of women and their actions, looking at the history of feminism around the globe, and thinking about it critically made me a literal misogynist.

Women's suffering should be more common.

In hindsight, we shouldn't have; it was too soon.

not if letting her vote results in a motor boat. otherwise, yes.

False equivalency, not wanting women to vote =/= MGTOW.

lel on that

Consider those digits checked

Finna suffer them titties DAMMM

I didn't think so, but the statistics say otherwise


Tl;dr. Guy should learn basic sentence structure if he's gonna post his shitty book on reddit


The destruction of the traditional family structure and cutting the value of labor in half is something that has fucked us unbelievably.

Yes but to be fair, also was non-lad owner vote.