What have blacks ever invented or created? Can it really be that they have never contributed anything to society...

What have blacks ever invented or created? Can it really be that they have never contributed anything to society? That seems unlikely just due to simple probability.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=black inventors&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS727US727&oq=black inventors&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2881j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Elevator saftey brakes, and commercial peanut butter production, and mass slavery.

Racism. Or, more accurately, the revival of the KKK.



google.com/search?q=black inventors&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS727US727&oq=black inventors&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2881j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

pic related

Lawn mower

African-Americans are 30% white on average. I think OP means real black people.

fixed op

>Half of these are simply "First X to do Y"
>Other half is actually legit
>Overall it's maybe 2 or 3 pages, tops
>2-300 years of development, maybe 2 or 3 pages of inventors

Fuck, they really are terrible.

Sick beats, nigga.

Did pre-colonial Africans invent anything? Obviously there are westernized inventors that happen to be black. It seems like all the other major civilizations made technological contributions of some kind before being westernized, except Africa.

Here's the real list:


They created fatherless homes

White flight

Affirmative Action, Food Stamps, White Privilege

The answer is nothing. They are both impulsive and indolent retards that can project rhetorical skills at times. Although this gift of gab is not due to any mark of intelligence, but more to a remarkable cavalier spirit and ill placed sense of esteem. They contribute nothing and never will. They will continues to be a burden on this world long after the very last White man has been diversified.

>First half of the list are basically random people who got PhDs
>many of their wikipedia articles are shorter/less impressive than my professors' wiki pages
>hey, first human to perform a human heart transplant, that's huge
>hey this guy got the nobel prize, that's also huge
>hey this guy is director of the prestigious perimeter institute, wow
>mfw all 3 are white south africans

holy kek

You'd think this would be a decent argument for African inferiority, but somehow it isnt...

>list includes Hellenistic Jews, Berbers, Punics. Arabs, Copts etc.

Fuck they're really reaching at straws.

baka u crackers don't have no culture


also white south african

google american inventors

Plus we are the only African country to make nukes.
Nigs really need to appreciate us saffers more.


actually nothing, they didn't even invent woven clothing if you think of it

and back to plebbit he goes

Too bad all you white South Africans will get killed off or leave for Europe in the next 10 years

They never invented anything notable. They also never achieved anything of note in the field of science.

Niggers are (generally speaking) useless.

Tire necklaces


They helped the White Man get on the moon. Remember those Black Math Whiz chics?

Zika is in south america you fucking tard

They invented necklacing

Anglo bantz.

Zika was actually made in a lab by a white man for rockerfella

They contribute alot to the arts and culture, but they're especially huge contributors to music (ragtime, jazz, blues, gospel, hip hop, etc.). Of course that's not science (unless you study musicology or some shit), but it does generate tons of money which helps fund science through taxes.

They had some things like canoes and forms of communication over long distances but I forgot most of it.

It's argued that one of the most significant reasons why blacks tend to stay out of STEM is because they aren't aware of many blacks who were involved in it. So if more awareness is made then it will encourage more of them to get into STEM. People figure it's the same way in that alot of blacks look up to black musicians and sports players. Of course there's also poverty and black culture that trap a chunk of black people, keeping them out of STEM.

When I was uni, there were very few blacks in my classes (biochem major), but most of the blacks that were in them were from countries other than the US.

One of the most significant reasons is probably because a vast majority can't stop being niggers for a week.

The excuse that black people need to see more black people do something in order to go for it is such a bullshit excuse. White people are not one united group that all think alike, just look at all the different types of white people there are. Has anyone seen a black goth for example?
Just because John and Steve go on and become scientists doesnt mean I'm automatically gonna do it too, and just because Jamal does it wont mean Shaniqua will.

Quit nigsplaining.

As far as I know just the super soaker.

oh fuuug

African born black immigrants do very well provided they aren't refugees. If you are good enough to succeed in Africa and get here you are going to be successful here most likely. That doesn't mean good things for slave descendants though. The idea that more black scientists will encourage more to become scientists is just dumb unless you are talking about their children.

>but they're especially huge contributors to music (ragtime, jazz, blues, gospel, hip hop, etc.).

Ragtime, Jazz, and Blues have Jewish influence. Blacks just aped off of them.

They somehow managed to get that one anti Euro George Will quote in there.

>don't like what you see? Exit the union

The inferior, cave-dwelling white man stole all of the superior black man's inventions, like this stick.



Step up to me niggah!

Many early European colonists reported that sub-Saharan Africans hadn't even managed to invent the wheel.


No need for a wheel when there are beasts.

Cracker ass cracker.

Just searched this up. Somehow Memedris Elba is on the list.

Fighting manpower