Why is Sup Forums against common sense gun control and common sense regulations

why is Sup Forums against common sense gun control and common sense regulations

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uhm..it says "well regulated"

even the founding fathers knew we'd need common sense regulation

we have gun regulations here and almost no gun related deaths, murder or any other degenerate incidents like that

americans will never wake up to this reality

OP is a colossal faggot not worthy of (You)s

This is a quote from the second amendment:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

"A well regulated militia"


Reasonable gun regulations are within the second amendment, you fucking idiots

>common sense

according to who

>if I put "common sense" in front of it maybe they will allow me to disarm them and make a totalitarian communist state

I wish Croatia had weaker gun regulations and more gun ranges desu

The more important aspect of this is that Milita=US Citizens over the age of 17. One is part of the Militia by being an adult citizen.
Given the tens of thousands of pages of laws on the federal, state, and local levels, the militia is pretty damn well regulated

troll thread

>any other degenerate incidents


Day of the Rope shill.

That's a cute cat!

During the time of the founding fathers they allowed people to buy cannons.

And also personally bought the Guiadoni Air Rifle which was a 15 shot semi automatic gun.

But you are just a fucking faggot begging for (you)s that deserves to be shanked with a frozen turd.


America will always have guns and there's nothing you can do about it you nigger dicksucking socialist.

Do you think US citizens should be allowed to own nukes? because that's the meaning of no regulations at all

No democrat ever said they want to ban all guns, they just wanted to ban certain military-style automatic weapons and have better background checks

why is op against common sense suicide? it's common sense just kys.

Because if you prevent "mentally ill" people from owning guns then who qualifies as mentally ill? (((The policy makers))) would probably add "Nazis" (conservatives) or basically anybody who isn't an antifa communist retart to the mentally ill list

Its another Liberals Suddenly Want Laws episode

I would rather have a common sense jew holocaust

>common sense
Pretty sure that's the majority opinion senpai

I'm genuinely for guns being treated like cars. Training/testing requirements, HARSH penalties for unlicensed and untrained guns/owners.

There should be a separate path for hunters with fewer hoops and requirements, that only allow for appropriate rifles and shotguns.

The people are the Militia, kikeboy.

We're not letting Tyrone have free reign.

I'm for strict gun laws in my country but that's because the police doesn't carry guns and we don't have many Muslims or niggers here. If I would live in America I would want a gun.

>Do you think US citizens should be allowed to own nukes?
Nice strawman. Nukes are prohibitively expensive for all but the Donald Trump rich.
>No democrat ever said they want to ban all guns
But thats wrong, you fucking Kike
"Common sense gun control" is code for "no guns for anybody."
>they just wanted to ban certain military-style automatic weapons and have better background checks
Its already fucking impossible to get an automatic weapon you autist.
Now into the gas chamber with you.

(((common sense))) gun laws are literally just another buzz word like "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines."
We already have enough gun laws.
If, by common sense, you mean getting rid of all semi-automatics and all magazines that can hold over 10 rounds of ammunition (an arbitrary number) to save lives, you've been (((fooled))).
The majority of gun violence in the U.S. is committed by niggers.
Eliminate groids, and we have an extremely low gun violence rate.
Also, gun violence statistics include suicides and self-defense in the numbers. Suicides alone, make up 1/3 of gun-related deaths, if I remember correctly.
Say hi to your gay professor, antifa cunts.

I am for common sense gun control: the government and its agents shouldn't be allowed to have all the crazy ass weapons they have. But the citizens' right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but I might make an exception for niggers and Jews and Muslims and pretty much any and every nonwhite.

Retarded college kid BTFO:

>Do you think US citizens should be allowed to own nukes?
Yes. If Pakistan can have nukes, than so can I.

Nah, just because all your pussy liberal friends are scared of guns because you don't know shit about them doesn't mean the rest of the country does.

Just how like all your friends suck cock but most people don't.

Finestien said she wanted to ban them all. youtu.be/ffI-tWh37UY

>common sense this common sense that
This is pure sophistry, the mainstream gun control advocates have no fucking clue what they are talking about.
Well Regulated would have meant being properly supplied to operate. Additionally, the amendment is worded in such a way that it protects the "right of the people" not the "right of a well regulated militia".

common sense gun control is keeping both hands on your gun

that's just safety mang

>Do you think US citizens should be allowed to own nukes? because that's the meaning of no regulations at all
Cool strawman. Building nuclear weapons is so fucking expensive that entire countries have sunk millions into programs without a shred of payoff, on top of that enriching uranium for private use is illegal, but actually building the ICBM and owning enriched uranium is technically legal. The reason we don't have tons of laws on the book about private creation of nuclear weapons is because it is absurd to think that the average law abiding citizen could have access to nuclear weapons.
>military-style automatic weapons
Good thing the average person can't own an automatic weapon. And what the fuck does military style mean? Pretty much every gun is based on a military design.
>have better background checks
Which would be completely worthless

your mom she told me last night haha

Any government that disarms the people is a tyranny

You also live in a police state where insulting the wrong people will get you jail time. And are now being systematically replaced with foreigners by your overloads.


>>common sense
>Pretty sure that's the majority opinion senpai


I'm not. I've been saying over and over we need to take guns away from niggers and spics. It's common goddamn sense.

>europe: enforce gun control at the very beginning so no one has guns
>america: enforce gun control when everybody already has guns

do you see what could go wrong

ALso....cops don't even want gun control, unless they're in your pozzed cesspools, and liberal hell holes.

Might as well drop some more red pills for your commie asses.

Because they are NOT commonsense and gun control is finger off the trigger and safety on


>having way higher gun crime statistics than any other non third world country with comparable gun laws
>The guns are the problem
>common sense

Anti gun shit just prevents you from facing your real problems burger.



Its always the fucking kiikes


Even a lot of the people who pretend to be pro-gun are retarded.

>Ted Cruz "vote for me look at my machine gun bacon mmm"
>fires in only semi-automatic

I don't trust even the people I vote for to properly open a jar of pickles let alone the people I don't vote for.

"Common sense" is a buzzword

Gun rights are actually expanding, contrary to the narrative



Why is OP against gun ownership?


they scare him

You traded gun deaths for truck deaths and the problem is only going to compound as your subhuman population explodes quite literally Russian rape baby.

>he thinks guns cause crime

By far the best historical argument proving there is NO MORE COMPROMISE ON THIS ISSUE!!!!!.

Jesus chill, a shall not be infringed would have sufficed


>military-style automatic weapons

Those already have much heavier restrictions than your standard semi-automatic weapons you dumb LARPing kike. Put a little effort into it next time shlomo

Why won't you admit you are a communist and are against the private ownership of firearms?
Let's start our discussion there.



Tfw you are a communist and completely for the private ownership of firearms

You can pull the gun from my cold, dead fingers.

Ban on semi-automatic weapons
>"common sense."

I mean, you people do realize that pretty much any gun more advanced than a musket is semi-automatic? Even a bog standard revolver is semi-automatic.

Kek has blessed mein post to help Red pill these kiked faggots!

Most commies are actually pro gun dude.
You're thinking of just gay-ass liberals and/or democrats.

How do you convince an armed population to go along with your nonsense?
Also, I thought you folks were against private ownership of anything on general principles.


>why is Sup Forums against common sense gun control and common sense regulations

Because those are buzzwords that don't actually mean anything?

Because niggers exist



It's ok to enjoy your freedoms in a LARPy way.

>voluntarily giving up rights
Kill yourself my man

As a former lefty who took a hard right shift because of Sup Forums, I don't think right wing people really care if their were some regulations, the issue is their already are regulations and they don't seem to acheive what the left wants them to acheive.

I think that if some regulations which were not "common sense" were removed as part of a deal to implement "common sense" regulations, the right would be more willing to come to the table.

But overall though, the government must be afraid of its people in order to have a non-oppressive government. In the current state of the world I oppose any attempt to restrict guns because it is clear the government is already too powerful as it is.

the people who own nukes are unwilling to sell them, and even if they did in wouldn't be on US soil so the 2nd amendment wouldn't apply since the US government is the only people who owns nukes in america and is unwilling to sell them and making a nuke is not possible for an individual. At least live in the realm of reality and ask if private citizens should be allowed to own tanks.

I completely agree. Let's do a diagnosis on the existing gun regulations, look at the crime statistics per country by year for example, and take out the bulky useless regulations.
"Common sense" gun laws shouldn't mean exclusively adding in additional restrictions.

With a country split roughly 50/50, there are two common senses, that's why.

define common sense

do you mean regulations only the law abiding will folloe?

There are no contradictions, moron. We tried to fucking teach you this in school but that nigger brain of yours just couldn't wrap your head around the ideas.
Now here you are embarrassing yourself in front of tens of thousands of people. This is why we advise you to NEVER post here: you're only confirming that you have shit for brains.

>Do you think US citizens should be allowed to own nukes?
Yes, absolutely.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

I'm a liberal and I have no issue with any single person owning a nuclear bomb.

Sorry sweetie, rights are passive, not active. Try again.

Yes and your women get raped by Saracens and you invite more of them in to fuck your women.

because when people say "common sense" they tend to mean "ban all teh evul fullauto semiautomatic assault weapons with those .30 calibre clips!!!"

try again when you start doing something about islamist rape gangs.

"Common sense" regulations are just a bullshit political term invented to make you seem unreasonable for not agreeing with it, same as "mansplaining" for shutting down the argument without actually having to defend your argument.

So, to get this straight, you want to add your "common sense" regulation on top of theirs?
Curious, who and how the terms will be defined.