Are atheists or fags a bigger threat to the world?


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athiest by a very very huge margin

He's a big guy.


I'm an atheist, but at least I don't fuck boys

That even a question? Atheists, by far.

They are psychologically wedded to debasement with no accountability. Most don't have the balls to admit it, but that it is the core issue. They have failed spiritually. They don't *want* a world where actions are subject to deep moral evaluation and eternal significance.

Moral cowardice, spiritual blindness, and self-deception are the three pillars on which all atheism rests.

This is like asking: "whats worse, a lack of government or a government that doesnt exist?"

They both have strayed from the path that civilization requires of them, ie Christianity, and will fuck everything up.

Fags will die early of suicide and STD's, but not before telling your chilred to be promiscuous and sexually deviant.

Atheists will poison the earth with stupid ways to run society.

Both bad

Atheists. Fags are a symptom, but Atheists are a cause.


Ima tell my boyfriend's wife's son about this when im done rimming my tranny side bitch.

it's also the cult of Scientology which is the problem

>mfw we can already disprove free will in the lab
>mfw everyone in this thread is literally 6000 year old Earth deep in superstition

Funny because a lot of us atheists believe its christcucks and their holier than thou attitude which has caused the west to fall into degeneracy. It also gives your enemies material to guilt you into doing their bidding "wow i thought christians were compassionate, why wont you take all these poor uneducated black people into your country?"

Not to mention the sanitized Christianity they practice has only really existed since long after the enlightenment.

kettle bells and whey protein


Denying the existence of God is just a tactic to justify genteel faggotry and the suffering of faggots to live.

In a world where it was accepted that there is a God and His law was to be obeyed, faggots would not have to be executed by the state. The families they disgraced would be expected to kill the faggots themselves.

What the fuck are you people talking about? I'm an atheist. how exactly am I a threat to the world?

Basically, imbeciles insult and run away. Sage goes in all fields.

All atheists are fags.
The point is moot

Anything that disproves little children = threat.
This board is full of autism desu.

100% Atheism.

Atheism is known to take lives and destroy nations.

Christianity is. It enalbles the GOP to manipulate dumb fucks from the south. Christianity must be destroyed at all costs


Isnt Christianity the one that denies evolution, science and believes the world is 6k years old? I am so fucking happy christians are dying out.

This was the stupidest post I've read all month, you deserve some kind of special recognition for it

well atheists and scientologists go together like shit in toilet

Muslims, followed niggers, followed by atheists

Welcome to nu/pol/ - Identity politics and circle jerks

Everything is a satanist conspiracy to attack low IQ Christians so we'll vote for Trump, the least conservative and traditional person, to support our traditional, conservative values.

! If you disagree with this post you are a paid Soros shill !

Atheists. I've heard idiots like Varg Vikernes say that they're better than Christians because they rejected the middle eastern Abrahamic religion, but that's bullshit. Atheists are generally very Liberal, and even when they're not they can't get over their "muh rationality" nonsense. Pure European belief is much more likely to be accepted by someone who's already a theist.

And fags? Who the fuck cares? They'll be extinct sooner or later.

I'll take a shot at at. Atheism, as opposed to religion, or even agnosticism necessitates by it's belief system (the belief that there is no God) that there can be no objective morality.

Now I didn't say morality itself, just objective. The morality that would be dictated under atheism is relative, and generally just arrived at by what enough people, 'feel' is moral.

Without an underlying objective right or wrong, morality will essentially just devolve into, be a nice guy to others publicly but if I can get away with something in private or at the last action do whatever benefits me the most.

You can see a similar thing that occurs in 'competition' game shows like survivor. People will feign willingness to cooperate with one another until the 'backstab' round comes, in which they decide to make their self-interested move and take out the nearest competitor.

This gets worse over time, because you always want to be the backstabber and not the backstabee, which means to get that position you have to backstab one round earlier than the other person, which eventually just leads to people backstabbing at the first opportunity.

Now Atheists today can be moral people and act morally, but that is generally them just piggybacking on the cultural momentum afforded them by a christian-valued society.

Over time, without God to back up the morality, it will devolve the way the backstabbing survivor contestant scenario. Essentially Atheists today merely mimic the moral actions of other without having the fundamental basis as to WHY, certain things are moral and certain things are not.

My favourite contribution of Christians?

Faith-based politics

I feel like I can talk to God
I feel like I'm the opposite gender

Thanks, Christianity!

I'm not religious myself, but I would say atheist. Not all, but most atheist are reddit tier. They tend to be super liberal and use only science they like. When it comes to evolution they're all for it until you bring up racial differences like IQ and such.

Atheist also tend to be against any sort of traditionalism because, "OMG ITS 2017 WE HAVE TO MOVE PAST THAT STUFF!!! SCIENCE!!!"

This is what I think of when atheist is mentioned.

Neither really. Both are used heavily by Marxist though to subvert and destroy societies. That's why they're a problem. If the end game wasn't communism both of these categories of people would be totally benign.

Yeah I agree with this. To give an answer though, I would still say atheist since they are larger in number and growing.

That is merely rationalizing one's emotions. This becomes more prevalent with less religion. Do you think it is merely coincidence that there has been a decline in observance of traditional values and practices that corresponds with a decline in religiosity in Western nations?

Even if you are not a believer yourself, it is to your benefit to have a religious populace in your country to preserve traditional values. At worst you find people wish you Merry Christmas, or perhaps give you a stink eye when they notice you don't go to church.


Atheists are just misguided

Fags are openly in rebellion against God

Can't stand looking at miss piggy

George W. Bush invaded Iraq because "God told him to."

If you believe that, you're the most retarded homo in this thread.

>Fags are openly in rebellion against God
Same as drunkards, people who have premarital sex, liars, and people who don't attend church.

Refusing to even believe in God seems worse for one's soul, and overall more destructive for society in the long-run.

fuck i'm not on /fit/

Atheism, egalitarianism, and autonomy made women into what they are today. Unhealthy women = unhealthy society, children, and future. They are the glue, everything has destabilized because nothing keeps them in check anymore.

I followed your point and I got to this.
>Now Atheists today can be moral people and act morally, but that is generally them just piggybacking on the cultural momentum afforded them by a christian-valued society.
And I agree, despite being an atheist, and that's why I don't actually fight against religions like Christianity, because I see them as the only people who have struggled to improve the morality of society. For example, you will always see some church minister giving food to the homeless. But for the atheists, that's hard, they have to think about, they have to raise funds, the don't have that moral intuition. They are amateurs.
But religion isn't just about morality. It is also about mob mentality, social control, and lots of bullshit and institutionalized bigotry.
And, by the way, it's rather good that we don't follow old Christian moral rules to the letter. I mean, have you read the bible?
So, if you want to invent a system of morality because you think people left to their own subjectivity are morally retarded, then we can do that. In fact, we've already done that: it's called society. Society is ruled by the government as a moral authority, society makes laws that are supposed to represent the morality of society, society teaches people what they should and should not do, and so on. And I personally see no reason why we should rely on an ancient small society of Canaanites to make our rules, when we can do our own.

Is this bait?

>Religious populace
>Preserve traditional values
Oh, is that why Europe is importing Muslims?

You're obviously not talking about the modern Christians, who's values are incredibly different to any values of the past. It's almost as if their religion is a load of crap and what they believe in changes every century to appeal to whatever environment they're in.


>mfw you're Satan trying to deceive the good people of Allah

>But religion isn't just about morality. It is also about mob mentality, social control, and lots of bullshit and institutionalized bigotry

I'm not trying to say that Christianity as practiced has been perfect. And I would agree with you that if the Church tries to control people directly that is a bad thing to do.

In fact I think that the importance of Christianity in particular is that it gives a basis for individual people to chose to do good and moral things themselves. If you look at the New Testament, Jesus does not force or compel anyone to do anything. He does say what is good and what is bad, and how one can obtain salvation, but it is always up to the individual to chose act that way. This is important for any sort of free society to exist. People must chose to do the right thing not because they fear some sort punishment, or government sanction but because it is simply the right thing to do. Now it is possible a society could exist where government exists to compel everyone to do the right thing but that would be a police state.

And how do you suppose this Godless society would arrive at deciding what is the 'right' thing? Maybe at first it would start with people genuinely trying to formulate what they feel is best, but eventually, especially if this is a police state, it would be those in power who decide on what is right and what is wrong. And I am certain it would lead to those in power creating rules that benefit them and their cronies. Look at every socialist/communist regime ever for proof. The masses are just cogs in the machine to benefit the elite.

Christians have proven to be the worst religious. They are responsible for more deaths than all religions combined. The Thirty Year War speaks for itself.

>Oh, is that why Europe is importing Muslims?
Well I think Europe is importing Muslims for two reasons.

1. They irrationally thought they would be a source for cheap labor.

2. They thought it would eventually lead to a new identity group that they could use a a reliable voting to bloc to stay in power and increase the power of the government.

You're obviously not talking about the modern Christians, who's values are incredibly different to any values of the past. It's almost as if their religion is a load of crap and what they believe in changes every century to appeal to whatever environment they're in.

Here I will give the important Christian values that I think overlap with having a good society, that I also think have largely stayed consistent. God exists and created mankind in his image. This means that mankind has a soul and freewill. This is the capacity to chose to do good or bad. The purpose of man is to get close to get God. This is done by accepting Jesus as your savior and doing good to help your fellow man. Also by virtue of mankind having a soul he is imbued with inherent dignity. This means it is morally bad to behave or act a certain way towards man. It is always wrong to steal from man, to cheat on a man, to murder a man, to enslave a man. These are objective things that are right and wrong based on the inherent dignity imbued in man by God. Without God existing it impossible to logically arrive at this idea. Emmanuel Kant tried to mimic the idea of the soul in his work in a secular way, but it essentially came down to him declaring it is so. Because I said so is not a sufficient basis for reality unless the person saying it is God.

>And how do you suppose this Godless society would arrive at deciding what is the 'right' thing?
That is a very good question, and fortunately, there is an answer. You look at how things are, you study the effects of your actions, and then you decide. This is why atheists are interested in science. You might say that atheists are hypocrites about science when it comes to racism and whatnot, but you might be mistaking atheism with leftism, and leftism is a cancerous religion itself.
I digress. You asked how do we decide what is good. We look at the reality of things. You might play the devil's advocate right now and say that some people might decide murder is good if it benefits them. But I kind of think that people will see the wisdom of punishing murder even without some god telling them, and simply by looking at the fact that society as a whole benefits if people come together to punish murder.
Either way, humanity is fucked. Either you realize the reality of facts is a dictatorship, or you accept god as a strict dictator, or you do whatever you want and risk being a degenerate.

Atheists. The majority of them are against "Islamaphobia" because apparently Muslims are a minority, meanwhile next door in Bangladesh they're being hunted down like vermin

I think some atheist blogger just got stabbed to death recently in the Maldives.

>atheists and the gay mafia are threats
>OP wonders which is the greater threat
>both are jewish constructs
>not seeing the forest for the trees

Hedonism and atheism/nihilism form a positive feedback loop.

Define "threat to the world"

Ernst Rohm, head of the Brownshirts, and most of his officers were flaming, out homos.

So atheists by default?

fags. They demand special privilages like access to marriage.
Atheists would support traditional marriage if they weren't continually attacked and molested by christians/priests. Not to mention they have the most compatible "belief" system to eugenics, unlike christian fags.

disconnecting yourself from God or a higher source is really damaging to your health and is a cause of suicides. Making people believe they are a spec of dust and nothing they do matters..

(((atheists))) or (((fags)))

I'm atheist. And I think that there are absolute morals. Christianity affords cowards a way to blame evil in the world on other powers, instead of taking action against it.
>christians aren't the greatest cowards
>be good or go to hell

Fags tend to not reproduce so maybe they spread their moral ineptitude to their little foo-foo dogs but thats about it. So I gotta go with Atheists.

some atheists are moral and upstanding.
ALL fags are degenerate.
atheists >> fags

I don't know why it's presumed that an atheist society would be some murder and rape fest. Instead I think what would happen is

>1. old religion weakens in power
>2. people try to secularize morality, giving it a rational basis (Kant)
>3. however this lasts only temporarily as reason (Logos) is challenged
>4. the era of subjective morality begins, the old structures based on objective beauty, family, etc, decay


All atheists are secret fags, so it's a trick question.

did someone touch you inappropriately when you were litte?

Fags weren't a problem on a large scale until atheism ballooned after WW2.

No wonder the West fell, with morons like you who have such a simple understanding of religion it's no surprise

2/10 would smash in every hole.

Thread could have been closed with this post.


Your country doesn't understand how to use the loo

>Are atheists or fags a bigger threat to the world

Yes, atheists like Stalin and Mao Zedong have killed millions of people. Atheists killed over 94 million people in 20th century.

Faggots created aids that has killed so far 40 million people worldwide.

That's irrelevant. Killing someone and being an atheist doesn't mean you killed them because you're an atheist. That's why the claim that atheism is responsible for Mao and Stalin's victims (many of whom were killed by incompetence leading to an unintentional famine) is stupid. Christianity is responsible for pretty much everyone killed in the crusades, inquisition, and ongoing christian terrorism because the reason the perpetrator is killing is christianity.

Come on, don't be fucking stupid.

Neither, honestly. Atheists aren't a threat in the least, they're just people who are logical enough to not fall prey to a superstition out of fear. Fags aren't a threat either, they just want to be able to have a relationship and get married like straight people. The real threats are things like islam (or honestly, religion in general as they are all extremely similar and operate the same).

Religion is the worst thing about Sup Forums. You don't even believe your own bullshit, otherwise you wouldn't be on Sup Forums right now.


You know what the greatest threat to the world is? Evil. But, then, what is evil? I would define evil as the act of going out of your way to cause others harm for no reason besides personal pleasure. Now, I don't see any atheists going out of their way to cause others harm, nor do I see too many gay people doing it; yet there is no shortage of straight christians trying to ruin the lives of those who disagree with them. For what? It can't be for "the greater good," because both atheists and gays have been around for as long as people existed, but have yet to cause any major conflict. So perhaps you are doing this out of personal pleasure, which makes you evil.

People like you are the greatest threat to the world.