I finally understand

I thought "the Jews" were a conspiracy theory, with no real validity, but only circumstacial evidence, like most crazy conspiracy theories.

I now understand that "the Jews" aren't some secret society meeting behind closed doors, planning the destruction of the white race. They are vermin. Intelligent and capable vermin, who find themselves in influential positions in our society: Media, finance, academia, government, business, philanthropy.

They reach powerful positions in these institutions partly because of personal connections with fellow Jews, but more importantly on merit. Jews are smart, cunning, amoral, and will do whatever it takes to maintain these institutions' death grip on the goyim.

The Jews aren't Christian. Even Western atheists are deeply influenced by Christian thought unconciously, whether they would like to admit it or not.

The Jews are a different breed entirely. They hold no deep values or principles. They are parasites upon whatever culture they plague. They must be eradicated from whatever society they infect. Most of all, our society. A society which has flourished like no other culture in human history, despite the Jews' continual struggle to subjugate it.

We must remove Jewish control of our culture, or face extiction.

Other urls found in this thread:


welcome to the other side


The historic responsibility of world Jewry for the outbreak and widening of this war has been proven so clearly that it does not need to be talked about any further. The Jews wanted war, and now they have it. But the Führer’s prophecy of 30 January 1939 to the German Reichstag is also being fulfilled: If international finance Jewry should succeed in plunging the world into war once again, the result will be not the Bolshevization of the world and thereby the victory of the Jews, but rather the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe.

We are seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy. The Jews are receiving a penalty that is certainly hard, but more than deserved. World Jewry erred in adding up the forces available to it for this war, and now is gradually experiencing the destructon that it planned for us, and would have carried out without a second thought if it had possessed the ability. It is perishing according its own law: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

Every Jew is our enemy in this historic struggle, regardless of whether he vegetates in a Polish ghetto or carries on his parasitic existence in Berlin or Hamburg or blows the trumpets of war in New York or Washington. All Jews by virtue of their birth and their race are part of an international conspiracy against National Socialist Germany. They want its defeat and annihilation, and do all in their power to bring it about. That they can do nothing inside the Reich is hardly a sign of their loyalty, but rather of the appropriate measures we took against them.

One of these measures is the institution of the yellow star that each Jew must wear. We wanted to make them visible as Jews, particularly if they made even the least attempt to harm the German community. It is a remarkably humane measure on our part, a hygienic and prophylactic measure to be sure that the Jew cannot infiltrate our ranks unseen to sow discord.

As the Jews first appeared several weeks ago on the streets of Berlin graced with their Jewish star, the initial reaction of the citizens of the Reich capital was surprise. Only a few knew that there were still so many Jews in Berlin. Everyone suddenly found someone in the neighborhood who seemed like a harmless fellow citizen, who perhaps complained or criticized a bit more than normal, and whom no one had thought to be a Jew. He had concealed himself, mimicked his surroundings, adopting the color of the background, adjusted to the environment, in order to wait for the proper moment. Who among us had any idea that the enemy was beside him, that a silent or clever auditor was attending to conversations on the street, in the subway, or in the lines outside cigarette shops? There are Jews one cannot recognize by external signs. These are the most dangerous. It always happens that when we take some measure against the Jews, English or American newspapers report it the next day. Even today the Jews still have secret connections to our enemies abroad and use these not only in their own cause, but in all military matters of the Reich as well. The enemy is in our midst. What makes more sense than to at least make this plainly visible to our citizens?

It's something in their nature that makes them do it, in all places at all times.

Shame I feel for you
Your life as you knew it is over

In the first days after the introduction of the Jewish star, newspaper sales in Berlin went through the roof. Each Jew on the street bought a newspaper to conceal his mark of Cain. As this was banned, one began to see Jews on the streets of the west side of Berlin in the company of Gentile foreigners. These Jewish lackeys actually should wear the Jewish star themselves. The excuse they give for their provocative conduct is always the same: the Jews are after all human beings too. We never denied that, just as we never denied the humanity of murders, child rapists, thieves and pimps, though we never felt the need to parade down the Kurfürstendamm with them! Every Jew is a decent Jew who has found a dumb and ignorant goy who thinks him decent! As if that were a reason to give Jews a kind of honorable escort. What nonsense.

The Jews gradually are having to depend more and more on themselves, and have recently found a new trick. They knew the good-natured German Michael in us, always ready to shed sentimental tears for the injustice done to them. One suddenly has the impression that the Berlin Jewish population consists only of little babies whose childish helplessness might move us, or else fragile old ladies. The Jews send out the pitiable. They may confuse some harmless souls for a while, but not us. We know exactly what the situation is.

For their sake alone we must win the war. If we lose it, these harmless-looking Jewish chaps would suddenly become raging wolves. They would attack our women and children to carry out revenge. There are enough examples in history. That is what they did in Bessarabia and the Baltic states when Bolshevism marched in, even though neither the people nor their governments had done anything to them. There is no turning back in our battle against the Jews — even if we wanted to, which we do not. The Jews must be removed from the German community, for they endanger our national unity.

That is an elementary principle of racial, national, and social hygiene. They will never give us rest. If they could, they would drive one nation after another into war against us. Who cares about their difficulties, they who only want to force the world to accept their bloody financial domination? The Jews are a parasitic race that feeds like a foul fungus on the cultures of healthy but ignorant peoples. There is only one effective measure: cut them out.

How stupid and thoughtless are the arguments of the backward friends of the Jews in the face of a problem that has occupied mankind for millennia! How they would gape if they could ever see their dear Jews in power! But that would be too late.That is why it is the duty of a national leadership to take all necessary measures to keep such a thing from happening. There are differences between people just as there are differences between animals. Some people are good, others bad. The same is true of animals. The fact that the Jew still lives among us is no proof that he belongs among us, just as a flea is not a household pet simply because it lives in a house. When Mr. Bramsig or Mrs. Knöterich feel pity for an old woman wearing the Jewish star, they should also remember that a distant nephew of this old woman by the name of Nathan Kaufmann sits in New York and has prepared a plan by which all Germans under the age of 60 will be sterilized. They should recall that a son of her distant uncle is a warmonger named Baruch or Morgenthau or Untermayer who stands behind Mr. Roosevelt, driving him to war, and that if they succeed, a fine but ignorant U.S. soldier may one day shoot dead the only son of Mr. Bramsig or Mrs. Knöterich. It will all be for the benefit of Jewry, to which this old woman also belongs, no matter how fragile and pitiable she may seem.

If we Germans have a fateful flaw in our national character, it is forgetfulness. This failing speaks well of our human decency and generosity, but not always for our political wisdom or intelligence. We think everyone else as is good natured as we are. The French threatened to dismember the Reich during the winter of 1939/40, saying that we and our families would have to stand in lines before their field kitchens to get something warm to eat. Our army defeated France in six weeks, after which we saw German soldiers giving bread and sausages to hungry French women and children, and gasoline to refugees from Paris to enable them to return home as soon as possible, there to spread at least some of their hatred against the Reich.

That’s how we Germans are. Our national virtue is our national weakness. We do not want to change all that much, and as long as our world-famed good nature does no great harm, why should we? Klopstock gave us some good advice, however: don’t be too good natured, since our enemies are not noble enough to overlook our mistakes.

If this advice applies anywhere, it apples to our relations with the Jews. Carelessness here is not only a weakness, it is disregard of duty and a crime against the security of the state. The Jews long for one thing: to reward our foolishness with bloodshed and terror. It must never come to that. One of the most effective defenses is an unforgiving, cold hardness against the destroyers of our people, against the instigators of the war, against those who would benefit if we lose, and therefore also against the victims, if we win.

>even western athiests are influenced by christian thought ubconciously

Spotted the shill

Cucks that enable the Jews are just as bad as the Jews themselves.

Therefore, we must say again and yet again:

1. The Jews are our destruction. They started this war and direct it. They want to destroy the German Reich and our people. This plan must be blocked.

2. There are no distinctions between Jews. Each Jew is a sworn enemy of the German people. If he does not make his hostility plain, it is only from cowardice and slyness, not because he loves us.

3. The Jews are to blame for each German soldier who falls in this war. They have him on their conscience, and must also pay for it.

4. If someone wears the Jewish star, he is an enemy of the people. Anyone who deals with him is the same as a Jew and must be treated accordingly. He earns the contempt of the entire people, for he is a craven coward who leaves them in the lurch to stand by the enemy.

5. The Jews enjoy the protection of our enemies. That is all the proof we need to show how harmful they are for our people.

6. The Jews are the enemy’s agents among us. He who stands by them aids the enemy.

7. The Jews have no right to claim equality with us. If they wish to speak on the streets, in lines outside shops or in public transportation, they should be ignored, not only because they are are simply wrong, but because they are Jews who have no right to a voice in the community.

8. If the Jews appeal to your sentimentality, realize that they are hoping for your forgetfulness, and let them know that you see through them and hold them in contempt.

9. A decent enemy will deserve our generosity after we have won. The Jew however is not a decent enemy, though he tries to seem so.

10. The Jews are responsible for the war. The treatment they receive from us is hardly unjust. They have deserved it all.

It is the job of the government to deal with them. No one has the right to act on his own, but each has the duty to support the state’s measures against the Jews, to defend them with others, and to avoid being misled by any Jewish tricks.

Hello user, take a seat

You're here forever now

Now leave Sup Forums - considering this place is filled with trump zionist marine le pen loving degenerates

>Scapegoating Jews for our problems: the final ""red pill""

Sup Forums

Yes, we did.. Now fuck off comming here pushing jewish degeneracy!
Hail brother! Welcome to the other side indeed, it always warms my heart when a fellow human wakes up to the war we are inn!

Hallelujah, he has risen

I dont want to hurt Jews, many of the ones I know are great people. But these fucking jews need to stop fucking with Europeans or else


The destruction of jews must happen, every jew brain needs to be crushed into pieces, doesnt matter if its a jewish child, woman or a man, a holocaust must come.
Long live mankind, wether youre black, white or asian!

Nobody gonna check'em? Guess I have to

They have tortured and killed our women and children for many years, we have done nothing.
Jews are the eternal and ONLY enemy to mankind.

You can't escape your culture's influence on you entirely. You are a Christian, if not in name, in spirit.

It takes extreme arrogance to think you arrived at your moral beliefs independtly.

That's about right. But......there is a final level.
There really are "starchamber" Jews.

>The destruction of jews must happen, every jew brain needs to be crushed into pieces, doesnt matter if its a jewish child, woman or a man, a holocaust must come

Are we the baddies?

I finished reading Mein Kampf today. I've considered myself a national socialist for a few years but without real understanding of what it meant. I am completely dumbfounded, I feel like I've woken up from a dream.

How do I continue from here? I dont have speakers gifts (lel finnish autism) but I want to make a difference.

Maybe not you, i dont think a larping kike on Sup Forums is dangerous at all, i dont care about you

Join Nordic Resistance Movement

You finally understand.

Now pay attention to the most painful second step:

>i repeat

You enquired in the last bastion of true free speech in this world to find meaning and to find genuine, unquestionable truth.

Now you know. Now leave and work for your family. Work for your race. Work hard and work long so that one day, we may make a movement so magical and magnificent again.

We have before. But Sup Forums serves to teach.

As a smart man once said, "once you get the message, hang up the phone."

Then why did you say "every" if you didn't mean it.

For you my Nordic Brother! vastarinta.com

How come you're still here then? Though I would agree with you in a sense; Sup Forums does trap you in.

cool post dude

Read the ducking bible retard, Christianity permeates the west. If you were raised here, you have Christian influences whether you're a Christian or nkt

You guys are pure evil, or as close to it as you can get. I hope you enjoy killing women and children some day, sicko.

May God forgive you.

The only other safe place you can find in the storm to come is religion. But that is also the next logical step in your redpilling. You will realize that this entire world mostly consists of manmade illusions, and that our legacies are finite. Soon enough you will realize that you are in need of some hope like a man who's been walking in a desert is in need of some water.

The final redpill is realizing that you have been neglecting your own tree of life, though not of your own accord, and the only water that can replenish it is Christ.

For about 6 years my conception of the Jewspiracy was just that, that it was a conspiracy. I saw the quasi-schizophrenic infographics and poorly formatted Sup Forums posts as a sort of whitelash akin to niggers who blame their ills on whites.

It wasn't until I started reading real intellectual perspectives a la MacDonald that I began to understand. They are parasitic, hypocritical, nepotistic, and insular. They leech off their host, infecting them with nihilism and diluting their culture of the sake of profit. They peddle hedonism and other degeneracy, ultimately leading to decline.

But worst of all, the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you. It is not the Muslims for whom criticism is off limits, indeed even the blacks face mainstream criticism. But criticize a Jew and you will be admonished at best - looked at as evil at worst.

We must reclaim our institutions - media and academia mainly - and remove the (((Marxist))) parasites.

Apparently Christianity is no antidote against evil.

>"If you kill the enemy, they will" - Leaf

now look-up Ashkenazi. this flys over the heads of most, but i want you to be strong in your study's. once you figure out these "factions", you will be far beyond the vanilla "jew" poster. fare well.


I give myself 30 minutes of Sup Forums every other day.

Try it yourself, it genuinely makes you more appreciate of all these autists.

I still think that if we just send most of them to israel its better than killing them. We just need to stop supporting israel with foreign policy.

If those two things are achieved the west would be free, and thus the muslims and the jews can fight it out.

It's good advice, and something I've known I should do for like 2 years now...

My gf that I love dearly is jewish and I will kill you faggots with my bare hands if you ever gain a political voice in this country.

This is the hardest step.
I went from checking every hour Inwas wake, to just in the evenings, now I miss entire days.

There is so much work to be done IRL.
Hail victory, Hail the land of Burgers, Hail the Republic.

They really need to be exterminated, tbqh.

I intentionally stay away from Jewish women.


Your jew sympathizing, mongrel loving parasite
hosting bullshit is no longer welcome in the white mans society, get out while you can or we will remove you.

>The Jews aren't Christian.
Holy shit... Did you figure that out all by yourself, faggot?

You can do it.

It's just like getting fit, getting smart, becoming a better public speaker.

The only one who can decide enough is enough is you. You possess limitless potential, whether you choose to tap into your eternal spirit, test your limits everyday, and truly see what you are made of is only up to one person: (You)

Congratulations on your remarkable discovery known for the past 3000 years and being the reason for Jews' enslavement and torture since Judaism began.

welcome to the real world, user. the truth will set you free

Good, then you can be jailed and your whore wife can be sent back to Israel

Welcome brother.

You'll burn in the oven right alongside her

Don't worry user by the time we get to power you'll hate them even more than nazi larpers for what she will do to you after a few years,ever wander why TRS and a lot of those people who hate jews have been married with a jewess....

Welcome, brother.

>giving them further victimhood status
not a great move

>claps slowly and dramatically
Well done, Neo.
Now you must wake up others.

>the republic
Trump's jump from "reject the false song of globalism" to "I am a nationalist AND a globalist" made me wake up to the fact we need not a political solution.

The entire corporate controlled congress should be gassed.

i thought it was work?


The dream baby. Also, congrats on your awakening OP. Good to have you here

wait wait wait I'm apparently out of the loop. Can someone redpill me on this please. How and why are Jew's enemy #1.

What is the least cucked version of Mein Kampf available in English?

white faggots playing identity politics.



>They hold no deep values or principles.
What are you deep values and principles?

They literally did 9/11 too.


Says the same person who says this A lover of kikes and degeneracy. Hope you get knifed soon faggot, or even better.. Hope someone knifes your whore of a GF infront of you

apparently killing people based on their religious beliefs and ancestry constitute a really strong set of values and principles.

I am genuinely curious as to what evidence there is of this. I have never really looked into it. If you have anything on hand I would appreciate you.

gtfo schlohmo

Basically that means,while Ahmed is bombing you and tyron is raping you,when your day a day consists of paying taxes and competing with shaniqua and Fátima over who gets more gibmedats then you forget that the jews Andrew stealing away everything else from you

>Said the kike, while murdering every race who welcomes them

in a disorganized society, the strongly organized group will profit

We are the grandsons of romans. We have their law, we have their religion, we are slaves or masters.

>like most crazy conspiracy theories.

Except there's nothing "crazy" about an ethno-religious cult that sticks together and uses nepotism to subvert and take advantage of the other groups for personal gain. (((They))) have been doing it for 2000+ years.

because x% of group believe y, the entire group must be killed

brilliant. kill yourself

uhm. Fuck. that makes total sense when it is put in front of you. At the same time though, justplaying devils advocate here, couldn't the same be said for any invading force? Like camel jockeys for example. It would benefit them all the same and I know of plenty of evidence of them doing it. It is obvious. I just haven't seen it from them. I guess I will have to go down that rabbit hole tonight.

Thank you, user. I've read so much at this point and gotten /fit/ and armed somewhat, but now is the time to gain an extremely strong material foundation as well. My dream is to live on a ranch somewhere in the PNW.

Should we let the jews live in israel where they don't bother the rest of us, or do we have to kill the israeli jews too?

Is more about self defense,last tie we didn't even want them killed we just want them to get the fuck out and fuck off to their own country if possible before they destroy ours,I'm pretty sure as soon as europe is on a self destruction countdown they'll fuck off to israel.
Traditionally they used to be doctors so they had influence over their patients who were nobility etc etc

we are immune to your tricks you fucking kike. your day is coming soon

Nah, jews have always been a problem. Read history faggot. You are either a jew, or a traitor to your folk. Either way, you belong either in Israel, or in a grave. Nice reddit spacing by the way


I don't disagree, I think
>Hail the republic
Meaning a denial of democracy's eminence. The government should be there to protect the 49 from the 51.

Holy shit what the fuck?! How have I never seen this. How credible is the guy that sent the email??

Just the Zionists. I have a Jew friend who we regularly good about being part of the ZOG I wouldn't want him to die



My ex is jewish and the nepotism and ethnocentrism was really obvious from the time I spent with her and her family.

She has been going off the deep end of "hurr durr liberals are smarter than conservatives, hurr durr rich people hate the poor"

I sort of want to talk to her for a long time and see if I can make her understand my point of view.

She often complained about the orthodox jews in israel and how she hated them so much she said it was like she was anti-Semitic, so I could probably make the claim that orthodox jews are just super jews and the jew-lites are just as harmful to non-jews.

She complained a bit about Philippino immigrants overstaying their work visas in israel so I could maybe tried to use this to form analogies.

Her dad was actually had many redpilled beliefs.

When she talked about how sweden made social democracy worked he would tell her that social democracy only works in homogenous societies, and he often would say that jews should not be in charge of countries.

At the time I considered it just that he didn't like how israel was being run, but maybe he was on to something.

He also said that situations like nazi germany in jewish history only ever happened when the jewish community stopped living in their own enclaves and started integrating while remaining jewish.

Her Jewish father taught me more about why Jews might be a problem more than Sup Forums did, but I didn't listen at the time.

yes. Nazis are the baddies. somehow this has to actually be said.

There is a secret society in the form of the Israeli government, but mostly it's just that the vermin all have the same interests
In a secret society every member would be convinced to further the goals
The Jews are born without needing to be convinced, they WANT all of this
The saying "Great minds think alike" isn't just about great minds
People who like A for A reason generally like B for B reason
There are far less personality archetypes then you think, people who agree on some things about A will likely find they share other interests, like the same favorite color or similar hobbies
It's like Jews are built to do this stuff

Essential watching. youtube.com/watch?v=PtIa8c7gSCg

Essential reading is Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald - the book can be found for free in PDF form quite easily on the Web.