Put on your Sup Forums thinking caps

Rex Tillerson is boasting about more sanctions on N. Korea. He is asking more nations to jump on the sanctions band wagon so as to stop N. Korea from developing nukes... er so the news says.

Here is the problem: The U.S. put sanctions on Japan before WWII--similar sanctions. Those sanctions only served to push Japan to war.

Take for instance China. We trade with China. If we put sanctions on China, China would probably be more aggressive towards us and probably start a war.

Now, this is clearly a hypothetical, but I think its important to take from history what exactly is going on right now. It seems to me that the U.S. is pushing for a possible nuclear war and is being rather cavalier about it... As if, to build up support to use nukes without the natural horror involved with such an action. Now, perhaps nukes will protect the rare earth from being mined immediately in N. Korea, so they can be accessed later? Idk... But, the nuke threat is real and serves no purpose monetarily other than to quarantine a large area.

Thoughts? Does Sup Forums still have a brain like it used to?

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I agree with your premise but I'm too angry to formulate a coherent argument right now, so here's a bump

Okay. Sorry for that


I was thinking that this an explanation for Trump's strange 'im a nationalist and globalist' comment.

Lets not forget that the World Jewish Congress declared economic war on Germany 4 years before Germany invaded Poland.

Before Tillerson became SoS, he actually criticized the concept of sanctions, arguing that they only punish civilians and do very little to actually change government behavior.

Yes. What is your greater point?

That economic pressure can lead to war.

So, you are saying that sanctions do not start wars?

Ok. Yea, i agree. Japan is the glaring example with the pacific trade

The real issue is this: China's gangster class within the Communist Party has been caught doing executable crimes in its dealing with Fat Boy's gangster class.

China's Communist Party can't make its mind up over who gets shot for corruption.

You mean Kim getting shot?

did your mom yell at you to take out the garbage

that's what's been happening all along. it's the reason north korea has been impoverished and why they're so hostile to america

I think there are some crazy mods lurking around tonight. I think its a false flag to stir up support for a shitposting board.

Yea, like just today, Tillerson ramped shit up. I think we are close and i think we are going nuke

Where has the US indicated that a nuclear strike is an option?

i thought of this shit days ago mate. every cunt on here is fucking slow.

no one listened to me. i told them this is going to be ww2 japan all over again.

Its implied in the rhetoric. Seems everyone I know at work... And i work in an interesting place... Thinks this talk is too easy for the gavity of the situation. Nukes are a general consensus

I think the nuclear threat from the west is a bluff. The DPRK will have to shoot first, and I don't mean an underground test. While provocative, contained tests are not actual attacks. But the sanctions are a problem. DPRK gets most of it's oil from China and, as we know, oil makes the world go round. I don't know if cutting off oil to the DPRK will cause them to launch an attack. I seriously doubt it. They may very well have years' worth stored underground (like the US does). Kim has repeated stated that there will be retaliation if a "single bullet" is fired into their country, but they have never threatened to invade the south without provocation. It seems to be all about defense. No one is going to start a war on purpose. The thing to worry about is some accidental spark.

Yea, bro. Its looking grim.
I wish the childish shitposting was more slow so anons could learn something.

Missing the obvious reasons why we all the sudden are ramping up with North Korea. Say what you will about Obongo, he was many things, but he was not close to the kike-lover trump is

Thinking false flag. What do you think?

Ok I'll bite. Where do you work?

Who would want to do that, though? Who actually wants another war in Korea?

nuclear war seems farfetched

I think it is also the banking system. We know Lybia was sacked for trying to introduce gold and Lybian currency. Korea, like Russia, is on that hit list. Rothschilds.

Bankers and us politicians needing rare earth.

Well, one hopes it wont be. Its too fucked up to think about.

Why not buy them? Offer Kim trillions. Irradiated rare earths have no value.

I agree. Im just worried about the 'all options on the table' rhetoric. You think its a bluff?

>i told them this is going to be ww2 japan all over again.

oh? NK has been at war China for over a Decade?


N korea a last holdout for ((them)) the kabbal has controlled beat korea for some time and are pushing for war, plain and simple. Trumps playing 14 d chess trying to get those loose ends tied up, patience we will make America great again.

i was talking about the situation is the same as japan in ww2 when i saw china starting to cut support for NK

I think the banking system thing is a bit oversold. I don't think gadaffi had a realistic way to do his gold currency. It was probably not happening soon. His ouster was brought on so immediately, so out of nowhere, that it probably happened for a different reason altogether. Its tough to say why.

If one is under 32 years old, there is a very real possibility of being drafted. As we know, jews dont get picked. This is my real concern because I dont want white dying for fucking jews anymore.

I do. It is too extreme. BUT, if invaded, DPRK will do anything to protect themselves. The Korean war was horrible. 15% of the population was killed, barely a building was left standing in either Korea. The US used plague and anthrax and napalm all over the country. The DPRK has not forgotten what happened. And they saw what happened when Libya gave up their nuclear ambitions. If they are bombed or invaded, all bets are off.

It seems a bit strange that all the countries not under our global banking system are targeted

Best Korea is a leftover issue of imperial expansion era. Must be solved before actual WW3 between Musslim East and Christian West go at it to cause the ORDO-AB-KAO , order out of chaos, that Confederate General , Mystic , Freemason said would be needed to bring in the NWO. --- May Day is May First.
Said to be the founding day of ... Illuminati.
Have popcorn & Mt. Dew ready by Monday.

it isn't about rare earths. any nuclear attack would be tactical in nature, limited to massed artillery positions, bunkers, etc. why? to demonstrate that there is no limit to the force this government is willing to use if it feels it is dealing with a belligerent power... one where negotiation is impossible. they are going to fuck north korea in the hardest possible way as the greatest show of, "this is what we are capable of. this is what we will do to you."

the real concern is gas and oil pipelines. this proxy war spook shit is unsustainable. annihilating north korea with every weapon in the US arsenal would most definitely make putin blink.

my two cents.

found chicken little

Illuminatii stole that from the Norse. Cunts!

causality can run both ways there though. for instance, Iran closed off to us bc of western machinations, not the other way around.

I'm only chicken little if the DPRK is invaded or bombed. Chicken little defense.

Generals name is Albert Pike.

I understand. But its no secret cia was all over iran. I think iran might have....

Nope thats a can of worms... NM


This is op. My tag changed.

Read his book , Morals and Dogma. cheeky fellow

McArthur on the Korean "police action." And keep in mind, he had seen a lot.

Im awate of it. 9+ rosicrucian. No worries, im not the illuminatii your looking for

They don't care about North Korea, it's just an excuse to make trouble for China.

Pretty simple: The Jew World Order is eliminating countries that don't play by their rules. You get Gaddafied for refusing the Freemasons deal.
The thing is North Korea is a super traditional nation that still has a sense of honor. North Korea will not bow down to the USA or any other imperialist nations; they will kill us all or die trying. The devastation inflicted upon them from the Korean War is still fresh in their minds. They truly, with all their hearts, hate our guts and for good reason.
The depressing part is, I don't think the NWO can be stopped at this point. They literally have a gun pointed at the entire world, and if they are threatened with impeachment or removal of power, do you think they will step down passively? No, they will burn the mother fucking world to the ground with them. They have the entirety of NATO and the USA at their fingertips and can squash dissidents like cockroaches.

I hate when people use dates to prophesize happenings. Things will most likely happen when we least expect them to.

i honestly see americas end game being war with north korea, when america wants a war it gets one

> push it to war

So either they develop nukes, or we go to war.

I'd rather take the latter.

>either they develop nukes, or we go to war.

Except they already did.

What's wrong user?

True, they DO have ICBM's, but they barely work. I think the sooner we go to war the less we risk.

why shouldn't they get nukes? why are they the bad guys? US didn't bat an eye when Japan told them they were going to annex Korea. US declined to support Korean nationalists at the Treaty of Versailles. they have been under occupation by a foreign country for 100 years. they had their country split up by Jewish interests and they were indiscriminately napalmed and had 20% of their population killed by the US in the Korean war. Why shouldn't Korea get nukes to defend themselves from Israels #1 goys?

Except that they have been building an underground defense for the last 60 years. Most of their capabilities have been hidden. They are rumored to have thousands of chemical and biological drones ready to pop up and launch to the ROK and Japan. There's all kinds of shit they could have ready.

REEs are not rare

N Korea is doing its normal shit
The US is doing its normal shit

Stop turning mole hills into mountains

Wait for a continued brokered peace

Nukes are still off the table

This childish "durr nuclear war on the horizon" is limited in both scope and depth

Grow up

Sanctions punish the people for the crimes of their rulers. They deprive the powerless sustenance in the hopes of swaying the minds of the powerful.

It's not as of the people of North Korea have the ability to change their government. It's not as if the regime is unable to shield itself from the effects of the sanctions. They've proven in the post they are willing and able to starve their people in order to do so.

Geopolitics aside, and your points on that matter are clearly valid, sanctions are evil.

Total war is total

There is no limit to what the NORKs are doing. The more total their response the more measured the response of the West

NORK aggression knows no limit

They know the score

Real war is not in the planning

What aggression? They haven't attacked or threatened to attack anyone. All they said is that they would defend themselves and their territory.

>. Being this retarded

Kushner is Trump's #1 guy. He is a close personal friend of Netenyahu, an orthodox Jew (read Christ/ Europe hater), and a financial tycoon head quartered at 666 5th Ave, ny, NY, across from the Rockefeller foundation.

> why shouldn't they get nukes?

Because they threaten to destroy us on a daily basis.

> why are they the bad guys?

1) Communist
2) Threaten South Korea
3) Unstable country
4) Wishes to destroy the western world

> US didn't bat an eye when Japan told them they were going to annex Korea

Because we were way more isolationist back then. We're not in the 1940's anymore.

> US declined to support Korean nationalists at the Treaty of Versailles. they have been under occupation by a foreign country for 100 years. they had their country split up by Jewish interests and they were indiscriminately napalmed and had 20% of their population killed by the US in the Korean war.

And so? How does this pretain to North Korea being a threat to the western world? You're saying that because we did shit in the past, its okay to ignore what's happening in the present. Kill yourself.

> Why shouldn't Korea get nukes to defend themselves from Israels #1 goys?

Because they aren't going to nuke the US specifically, but rather South Korea most likely. Why not just arm the entire world with nukes, even isis? I guess they have a chance to defend themselves from the "muh jews"

>North Korea being a threat to the western worl


Although nobody cares for NK, it seems like more everyday that the only thing threatend by NK is itself. They would damn nuke themselves.

> actively building ICBM's
> promises to nuke the US


Russia will nuke North Korea check these digits

What's wrong with self defense?

That's called being the aggressor, not defending yourself.

Just like an unstable person shouldn't have a gun, an unstable country shouldn't have a nuke. Politics don't even matter. If you think North Korea is a sovereign, independence-seeking nation, you must be fucking retarded pastafag.


But isn't NK the one making threats?

checked senpai. sorry. rerollnigga

Wrong reply.

Are you actually retarded? Eurofags know literally nothing about US gun laws.

That's what I said?

I've seen some retarded shit on pol but god damn, son. You need to change your water filters and take your virility serum.

That's the point, they're trying to goad NK into taking the first shot so then the US will be vindicated in leveling the entire nation. This will also fuck with China as they'll get tons of refugees which will hurt their economy and allow US to grow.