What is difference between australian and american?

what is difference between australian and american?

At least the australians keep abbos in their place. American leftists have let uppity niggers run wild for 50 years - i doubt the strayan abbos even have in in them to form anything like Abbo Lives Matter at this point

but americains keep Indians on reserves

you didnt post the real image

>but americains keep Indians on reserves
True. I guess comparing Americoons to strayan abbos is inaccurate. Honestly i'm not that familiar with the state of minority rights in straya, but i'm assuming it's not as bad as in America or Canada. I may be wrong

i think mine is more realistic


They're so fucking dumb, they could run their shit as LEGAL ethnostates within the US and aren't taking advantage of it. But that's no surprise. Race matters and it's a mistake to expect anything great to arise from shitskins.

first are communist, second fascists

is not rare

hello neue freunde

can confirm my fellow goaker


Hey, Austria calling us fascists. Must be doing something right.

About 20kg

Want to know how I know you've never been here?



Australians aren't fat you absolute mango

Want to know how I know you've never lived anywhere worth settling?

well memed friend

aww is someone a little self conscious?
don't worry mummy will be back with tendies any minute

>not fat

yeah righto m8

THIS is the average american man
a mixture of the strongest Germans, the smartest Brit's.
We are strong, tough, smart and have a big heart but tempered by logic

>in 1911 the government makes a government position, the holder of which is the legal guardian of every Abbo and all half casts
>In 1936 a law is passed allowing for Abbos to be taken into custody without trial or appeal to prevent them from enter places they aren't wanted in
>Abbos only became citizens in 1948
>Abbos only got the vote in 1949
>Atomic testing in areas that Abbos are known to live in the 1950's
>Abbo children of mixed race forcefully taken from their parents to be raised as white with the inteion of breeding the black out of them over several generations lasting well into the 1950s
>Not as bad as America or Canada
Good one mate.

Americans aren't good shitposters

Australians are the best shitposters
How are the ladies there in the land down under?
