Who is this guy?

Who is this guy?

He's pictured on the Paleoconservative wikipedia page with no name.

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Barry fuckin Goldwater. The father of modern constitutional conservatism. OP, you better sort yourself out. Pronto.

It's a shame he chose to run in '64 of all years. No republican would have beat Johnson riding the kennedy mourning wave

Ok. Bought related.

He was Eisenhower-esque, disciplined, and opposed to the bottomless social safety-net that Johnson imposed on the country. Reagan famously spoke at his convention, as a matter of fact.

Barry Goldwater. Probably the most iconic of the old guard conservatives. He was considered far right in his time but would be considered moderate today because he opposed the religious fundamentalists and their attitude.

“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed'' before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents "interests,'' I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can.” - Barry Goldwater

The old conservatives were based. They were eclipsed by the Cold War conservatives like William F(ucking) Buckley jr. who put big business and the global empire agenda ahead of the Republic and the interests of its citizens. They morphed into the NeoCons, who took the Trotskyist idea of global revolution and applied it through globalisation and neoliberal economics. They are the biggest traitors to the Republic of all.

Now that we hate all these fake conservative idealouges as much as we hate the neoMarxist fake left, it's a good idea to look at the old conservatives again. They were always able to work with classical liberals to serve the interests of the people in a free republic.

Fake conservatives like John McCain and fake liberals like Hillary are really two sides of the same coin, a coin that serves only the financial Oligarchy, the true enemy of free people everywhere.

It's a shame that Trump is heeding neocons now

Was Barry Goldwater the last chance this country had to save itself?

How could the fucking electorate be so fucking wrong?

Cuckeo cuckservative

>He doesn't know Barry Goldwater.
Y'all niggers need Jesus. And Reagan.

john mccains seat warmer

Johnson won because a great ad campaign scaring the public into believing Goldwater was going to cause WW3 ya dingus.

>Fake conservatives like John McCain and fake liberals like Hillary are really two sides of the same coin


He was indeed. The electorate was so wrong because people are dumb (pic related).

Friendly reminder that Goldwater was against the Civil Rights Movement.

And that Hillary Clinton campaigned for him kek

>people on Sup Forums like Goldwater

>Hated Evangelicals

I thought Sup Forums's whole thing now was to hate fedoras, kikes, and be wholesome Christians all the while?

No argument from me. I'd rather be ruled by a strong lion (king), than my fellow rats.


Meh, not much would have changed with Goldwater.

The parties would still be the parties, the House would still be the House, and the Senate would still be the Senate.

As much as you might not like the guy, Bernie is absolutely right in saying to make any sort of real, lasting impact that you need to create a base of politicians within the system. The shift in the GOP during Goldwater's time, and then again with the Tea Party has proven this to be factual.

Even if he had gotten elected, there wouldn't be that much changed in the Geo-political history aside from him probably authorizing nuclear strikes in Vietnam.

lol the least you could do would be to explain whom Barry really was.

Nah, there wouldn't have been the Immigration Act of 1965. So the entire country would be different today. Fucking slowly this country has gone to shit since its founding.

>lol I don't have to address your point because you said the name of someone I don't like.

They are both Jews. They are both non-religious. One is a Commie, the other a Constitutionalist. They are essentially the same guy aside from their political views.

My point about lasting change stands, I even gave you two examples of it occurring. But feel free to keep stepping over those public roads, Mr. Not-an-Argument.

Please clarify your argument.

How are Bernie and Goldwater the same?

Are you dense?

Illegals somehow have something to do with the Immigration act? Or are you trying to drag H1B1 visas into this? You're aware those didn't start to becoming a problem until the middle 2000's, right? How the fuck would the country be drastically different because a bill that has nothing to do with our actual immigration issues, and a system problem that only fell out of the bill as the result of new technologies that could not possibly have been foreseen? Anyway, H1B1's are used to hire Pajeets, not Burritos.

My argument is that Goldwater would have no lasting change, because he was just one guy and didn't really have the support of his own party. As much as you want to pretend it's impossible, nearly everything Trump has done so far is the result of an Executive Order. The next guy who comes into office can just nullify them. This is the inherent issue with not getting the support of your party. This is also why, as I fucking pointed out, the Evangelicals worked together to control some degree of government at practically every level. And then the Tea Party did the same thing. With the exact same fucking party Goldwater was running for.

All I did was point out that Bernie has an incredibly salient argument when he says, that if you want to enact lasting changing, you must build a foundation for that change to rest on. There is literally nothing preventing the next President in office from asking to join the TPP, for instance. Especially since the shills in both parties support it. This glaring issue is the ultimate reason why Trump will have no lasting mark during his term(s), aside from maybe appointing Supreme Court justices. But even that is done by committee, a committee who doesn't particularly care for him.

value of liberty shines


>masses of sheep bleating
>masses of goat bleating
He should be a good learning experiment.