Just a daily reminder that if lepen is elected the west will undoubtedly be saved

Brexit needed to happen, trump being elected needed to happen(despite if anyone thinks he is shit, he isn't hill dog,) Le pen needs to happen. 3 western countries breaking away from globalism is enough to start the catalyst that saves our countries and we can all be based as poland(yes i said that so what)

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thank you for your energy


Yeah, Le Pen and her Jewish boyfriend will save us all, lmao

(((Don't worry, goy! Le Pen is going to save you goy! You can stop fighting because Le Pen is doing it for you)))

You people are retarded. This is why we are losing. They prop a gate keeper who is pretending to be a nationalist and you all get wet for her.

You underestimate the crusaders preparing against sharia encroachment.
The world is becoming educated to Islam. The tricky battle is with the left so help meme Le Pen to victory to buy more time you dense mother fucker.

>that if lepen is elected the west will undoubtedly be saved

NO IT WONT. stop with the delusions. le pen is a civic nationalist. brexit wasnt a national election and Trump is only 1/5th of what i was hoping he would be.

An election wont save the west. not unless you're electing a second Hitler or reinstating the Monarchy

no these 3 things happening within 1 year of each other shows that the west is wakening and reallllly wants to change course

Sharia is not even remotely a threat faggot

Jews are the only real threat

Sand niggers to dumb to take over

The Jews are smart enough to take over the world, because they have done it already

The jews are sending the Muslims to the west, so if you stop the jews you stop the muslims.

The Jews can only destroy those that aren't choosing for themselves to be better. The Muslims Fuck shit up and take your country through ghettoizing and implementing Sharia, along with pushing victimhood and gaining the left's support.


Why is Putin there?

are they good things? yes. but they are a farcry from saving the west. damn far. dont act like we're next to the finish line.

fuck off reddit

Le pen is losing, though. Sup Forums doesn't even fucking care. Why should the french cucks? This board has more threads about pseudo-scientific personality tests than the french election.

Jokes on you I have no idea how to reddit ;)

>Goy, don't bother fightning!! You have already lost goy!!!
I hate this defeatist attitude

I'd fight on all fronts for you fuckers. The Jews have us pinned though. Just right for liberty and western values everywhere so Islam doesn't pin us... That'd be bad for hundreds of years.

saying we haven't won yet =/ defeatist attitude.
i want change in the west. a civic nationalist party is only a baby step to that.
real change is going to require alot more than casting a ballot m8. need to change the culture too.

i'm not sure either, maybe a joke about how he helped trump get elected with hilly's emails. plus russia is a big world/military power, a threat to globalists.

Question my bro: do sluts have no shame? Or do we need to constantly hold ourselves and then to the higher standard even if that means abstainance?

LE PEN 2017

can you leave this site? its obvious you dont belong here.

Never, Sup Forums is my /lit/ fix and I get swirling Sup Forums

Stormfags. Not even once.


Le Pen has no ideas but isolation.
She will hasten the demise of western culture with extreme positions by leaving the average voter feeling secure about their culture but disillusioned with the political right's ability to deliver better living standards and better future prospects
It's preferable to have tighter immigration standards along side nuanced economic and regulatory policies.

Yes goy the west will be saved, don't even worry.

>Le pen is losing, though
Everyone thought victory was assured for Macron but turns out the opinions is really split, much more than it should be. The stigma attached a Front National vote isn't as strong as it used to be. She actually does have a chance this time.

She be working with business man Trump to cut regulations and open up sweet sweet ties with us baby. Just focus on that Islamist problem right now.... it drives me crazy seeing those truck attacks.

I just made a whiskey note bros. Here it is verbatim.

"Focus on the crusade you crazy mofo.... Wing chin, Butterfly swords and liturature. No more use of the internet except Crowder on thursdays. Save those that believe in classical liberal values on any front and go there to fight." Suggestions on language to learn first? I may reconsider.

I even dont know what is worse western globalism or our feudalism tho.

just aim to amplify your freedom bro you've got perks from Islam in the coming days

for honesty's sake i'm also this bro I've just switched to a computer

It's a start, just as brexit and trump were. But western civilization will never be truly saved until Islam is viewed with the sort of universal disdain as Nazism

She will flip flop like Trump, we need Fascism now.

We are getting there with the endless Islamist soldiers attacks like in Nice.
She won't

Guyse, there seems to be something fishy about one of Macron's mentor.

Pic related is Jean Marc Borello, one of the national delegate of En Marche, which is Macron's movement.
The guy had many different jobs, specialized educator, teacher in Science Po (where he met Emmanuelle Macron), worked for the government under Mitterand (Socialist president 1981-1995) to fight against addiction, managed a nightclub, created a "non-profit" organization called SOS which is specialized in social economics.

In 1999, he received a suspended sentence of 6 months in jail for turning a blind eye on drug deals in his nightclub.

He also is linked to a pedo scandal. In 1997 starts a trial that will last until 2006. The accused, Robert Mégel, director of a shelter for minors which purpose was to reeducate them through luxury. The kids would travel to Morocco, USA etc. visit wealthy places and meet important people. Jean Marc Borello who helped his friend in his project, both financially and with his network, spend the whole trial defending Robert Mégel and even accused the plaintiff of being liars. In the end, Robert Mégel was sentenced to 12 years of prison.

Pic related is the next Prime Minister of France.

Screencap this.

>tfw rooting for macron since the beginning

Marine Le Pen speaks to the dumb masses, she's as populists as it gets, whereas macron speaks mainly to the privileged. Result: Marine wants to play on the same field than the far-left candidate Melenchon even in it makes no sense when you compare their ideologies. She does not look like a sane candidate to choose desu, we won't know where we gonna go.

I'm still a proud racist, but voting for Le Pen is just dumb. At least, the day of the election would be fun to watch, but all the day after would surely be a lot more painful to endure.

Globalism could have been a nice thing. Yet we see it in ruins, corrupted by it's nemesis-nationalism.
Let's see who will win the racial wars.
Ibn4 neo-nazi Unites States of Europe.

nice brainwashing there m8

you make no sense (just like your candidate afterall)

Strictly speaking we need both a Le Pen win and then an "out" vote in a Frexit referendum. I agree though that it should be considered our highest priority and would probably save the West.

>Marine Le Pen speaks to the dumb masses
>le "Le Pen voters are retards, Macron's voters are to intelligent to vote FN" narrative

FSB j00s pls

>Marine Le Pen speaks to the dumb masses

>I'm the brainwashed one
Keep telling yourself that

Just see what happened with the whirlpool shit. I do not care much about poor workers personnally and I surely do not want to spend more to assist them.

Nice cherry-picking fgt

Yeah, unfortunate but they are political candidates so shit like this is mandatory.

nope hanouna isn't mandatory he's just trying to get the beurette and trash vote

Interesting how this strategy of painting nationalist parties as being dumb is seen across Europe.

It's almost as if the globalist establishment doesn't like them.

>Nice cherry-picking fgt
>implying the MSM is not doing the opposite on a daily basis

At least he just appears for votes and does not promise them dumb shit.

Yeah that's true. That's not a reason to do the same here though. I'm not a normie.

>and I surely do not want to spend more to assist them.

retard if they lose their job YOU ARE GOING TO PAY THEIR UNEMPLOYEMENT

Don't get your hopes up

France is littered with cucks

>That's not a reason to do the same here though
>Appealing to moderation and reason just after using the "FN's voters are dumbasses" meme

>I'm not a normie i vote maron guys !

French people arguing in English.

I prefer to spend for them getting unemployment / formations on a short/mid-term than spending at least the same to have a broken system on the long term.

But really what I was talking of was more about the messages she wanted to provide there. The "Oh I did not plan to go here but after seeing how Macron did not respect you enough to come to see you, I decided to" speech, just to go back to her place with no real engagement. Where Macron spent all day discussing that shit with the different persons concerned.

I do not think that their voters where dumbasses. The last time I voted was for MLP (I did not vote last sunday). I just say that she's speaking too much to the dumb masses, and I don't like it.

>complaining about english on a US mongolian throat singing appreciation forum

Quints made it so. Praise.

Are you mad faggot? Your country is in shit and will probably enjoy frau Merkel til the end of times.

(sorry for the typos btw)

Wasn't complaining pal, I'm glad that you realize that english is the superior language.

Keep your eye on the prize it all starts with crazy Muslims.

t'es trop con c'est un niveau exceptionnel

France already has a colosall Muslim infestation and said Muslims are laying eggs at an extremely high rate. Unless Lepen addresses this directly France will not be saved.

too late for any salvations

all is left is o set Rome on fire,write an epic about it, gather the pieces and start over hoping you've learned from mistakes (which BTW you never did)

I thought Le Pen didn't like juice?

Desole Einstein, je ferai mieux la prochaine foix.

En tout cas, tes arguments sont imparables, felicitations.

>tfw Sup Forums has been saying the pendulum will swing back
>it's swinging back hard

Both are horrible, Russian feudalism has very little upside compared to globalism. If the West wants change they need to make concessions, integration and nation building instead of no refugees. Trade gay marriage or some shit for no refugees to ensure the 'evil right' doesn't hurt them.

They're French and will be going no where, Le Pen is lying out her ass.

The pendulum is broken, if Le Pen wins Russia gains influence and fucks over Europe. When Macron wins, Europe is done, BUT it has a 0.1% chance of some revolution.

>I just say that she's speaking too much to the dumb masses, and I don't like it.
I don't like it either but you can't win an election without doing that. You should vote for her in the second round.

Yes she isn't perfect, far from it to be honest, and electing her wouldn't be a stride in the right direction, but it would still be a step.

Politicians and politics should never be seen as an end but as a mean. The end is to make every mental barriers coined by the left (that are driving us into a wall) to explode and Marine Le Pen by reaching the 2nd turn, by rallying Dupont Aignan to her fight, is doing just that.

Hey frogs, we had this "silent majority" that elected Trump. Do you guys have that at all?

The thing is, the FN has been part of French politics for decades, which gave so much time for the MSM to create a pavlovian rejection of anything associated with it.

We have a silent majority, but it's a relative majority, which in a two turn election is not enough.

North Afrika is going to make western yurope pay for the whole Ghadaffi thing

war will sweep across it.

karma is a bitch, bet on it

They don't, French have been cucked since My 5th, 1821

Now we wait for climate change and Afrika moves to Europe, yay...

Italian maybe? it's the closest language to Latin that isn't redundent.

Damn. I read about the things Le Pens father was sued for, quality bullshit.

Sad that he lost in the end.

I can agree with that at least. I still do not think I'm gonna vote sunday as I have too much social anxiety for doing that.

But between Macron and Le Pen, I do prefer Macron, as I still think that professionnally (I have a job as I'm autistic enough to be good with computers), it will help me more. And my professionnal life is what I value the most.

>I do prefer Macron, as I still think that professionnally (I have a job as I'm autistic enough to be good with computers), it will help me more. And my professionnal life is what I value the most.
Macron will have no legitimacy to reform our economy. The legislative is going to be a slaughter with both Socialists and Les Républicains torn apart between selling themselves to Macron or not.
His voters were already for a big part resigned voters in the 1st turn (and it will be even worse in the 2nd).
So what is he going to do if he can't have the support of his voting base and of a majority in parliament? Well he'll just do what they all agree on: more immigration, more sucking up to Merkel/Schulz, more degeneracy.

A Macron's mandate is just wasting 5 years because if Macron wins this time, Le Pen will next time.

and how exactly a colonial muslim nigger shithole is going to elect someone like Le pen ?


is this the antifa thing where they are trying to integrate? nice reddit spacing cuckboy