Is a socialist

>Is a socialist
>Gets called far right
Can someone explain this to me?

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She's so far left it looped around to the right

Socialist is to the right of communist.

mainstream parties are shit scared so they just discredit their opponents as ebil nazus.

>We should have borders and not just let everyone pour in.
>Islam is a dangerous ideology.
There we go, those two alone are enough to make you far-right, regardless of any other position.

National Socialists have a pretty good point

so she is a nationalist and a socialim. geez if we only had a word for such....

A nationalist AND a socialist?
Don't be silly

Everyone who is slightly critical about the EU and uncontrolled immigration is far right, user.
Source: MSM

In France, what we know as communism, is called right-wing extremism there. Because the french are so socialist.

Anyone ho doesn't want to suck Jamal's cock is literally Hitler, that's how western politics work.

"Far Right" is a scare term the MSM uses to refer to any nationalist.

same shit than in venezuela were oposition parties accused by leftist of being conspirators with the usa are members of the socialist international.

Once you go left you go until your society collapses.

Blame it on these guys.

Don't forget that she's a strong secularist and republican too. If she was around in 1900 she'd fit in on the far left of politics. Today simply not wanting hundreds of thousands of Muslims in your country makes you a Nazi.

Same reason Dansk Folkeparti and Nye Borgerlige are placed in the rightwing block by the media, despite being left and central left wing.
The only right wing policies they have is stronger immigration laws. That's it.

this bitch is a jew psyop

>Can someone explain this to me?
The left has given up on being about economics and its mostly focused on being about identity instead.
They believe that the complete destruction of western identity is a prerequisite to implement their marxist ideology.
They'll sooner support a hardcore capitalist that supports mass migration than a literal communist that supports conservation of their ethnic group.

>Thinking left vs. right has anything to do with socialism vs. capitalism

this board taught me that I, too, am a Nationalist and a Socialist. I thought i was a centrist libertarian with a dislike for open borders and unskilled migration, but no, I'm actually a Nazi.

people confuse the 'far right' with a completely different, nat - soc position

bring on the eugenics.

>implying the front national isn't reddit tier

they even do fuckin amas there wtf

>Thinking there is only one scale of left vs. right
>Has no idea of political axises

read it