Marine Lepen seems to win currently

Marine Lepen seems to win currently.
She have Dupont Aignant, a lot of fillonists likes him. Now, she need to promote Melenchon in the government as a minister. She will win.

Pol, this is happening. Lepen have a great chance of winning. Macron is currently losing because of the lack of self control, insulting the Melenchonnists and being severly humiliated by Lepen since 3 days.

This is not over though. The struggle needs to continue. We NEED Lepen to promote Melenchon as a minister. Then we will win the election easily.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Now, she need to promote Melenchon in the government as a minister.

user, Melenchon have a good presidential program, ecologic and economic wise, he'll be a such good minister. That's what the Lepen government need

>going anywhere near Lepen
It's already asking a lot out of him to not take positions between her and macron.

Is it true that the economic policies of macron are similar to marine's?

He already said that he won't vote for Le Pen and you should stop fapping on his speeches.

How much is a lot, 20% or 70%?

Melenchon is going to be the key in the second round.

He didn't say he would vote Macron eigher

>We NEED Lepen to promote Melenchon as a minister. Then we will win the election easily.


Macron has no real policies. He agrees with everyone on everything but with Le Pen. Basically he's the most jewish puppet guy we've had yet.

Melenchon is a key in the 2nd round

Macron list Melenchon yersteday. Lepen need to take this advantage

Shit. I meant melenchon

will the Bradley effect be huge this election, and I'm talking much bigger than Trump's Bradley effect. Cause that's what I'm guessing.

It's up to you Frenchbros

Don't let us down

Le Pen is economically left

Honestly he'd have a place in her government as a minister of relations with the European union or at the Ecology, he's not a fucktarded liberal and they have as many concordance points as they have divisions.

>implying the front national isn't reddit-tier

they even do fucking amas there wtf

Push the economic angle. PUSH.

All you frogs who still think Macron is not bad need to watch (or listen to) this:

on a scale of 0-Tony Blair how bad is he?

they literally call him the French Tony Blair

you fuckers better pray that Marine wins then

>openly said that he doesn't feel good in places when there are only blonde blue eyed people
>supported race mixing like crazy during meetings in Marseilles in 2012 and 2017

You seriously imagine Melenchon minister of relations with the European union? This guy feels more related to sandniggers than others Europeans.
And what about ecology? When you support massive immigration you are de facto against ecology.

Fuck you all cucksovereignists.
You would accept a commie liberal president as long as France is out of the EU.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan doesn't only attract his voters but also the people from LR who are disappointed by the treason of Fillon. And there are many more voters to get from NDA and LR than from Melenchon (20% max).

>than from Melenchon (20% max).
Okay my bad, it's even less: 15% according to the polls on Presitrack.

I would accept political compromise to elect marine over macron

She can go fuck herself.

so le pen has no chance right? people are just gonna vote for another globalist open borders cuck who will suck muhammads cock at first sight.

>economic wise
TOP KEK poorfag and uneducated

Culture de Rothschild

I hope Le Pen wins, it will be a nice boost to the moral. However you guys will have shit ton of riots. Look what's happening in burger land, all the libcucks here protesting, rioting. Also Trump haven't accomplished much due to senate and federal judges blocking all the bills he tries to pass. I don't know how your faggot government works but I feel like even if miraculously Le Pen will win she won't be able to change anything.

Why are there so many French communists?

Maybe just able to slow down or block liberal and globalist crap.

Still better than Macron in any cases.

French schools are full of leftists.

KGB won.

So are schools in the Netherlands and you don't see our working population going on stike at every whim. France is just pretty socialist at heart.. The whole egalite thing took a turn towards the extreme. Even Le Pen is like that..
>muh evil business that actually provide jobs
>muh poor exploited laborers that deserve money even if they don't produce

read Zola, take those people, brainwash them over 3 generations and that's what you get

most of them aren't even french, they're portuguese, spanish, italians, poles and jews mostly, not to mention the arabs and blacks who probably represent like 70% of all syndicates

No. She's populist he's liberalist. Simplifier to the max

Join the Operation Le Kek discord channel to help organize and execute raids. We need more Frenchies in there to help with messaging.

that crypto-kike is literally the electoral version of /leftypol/, except that he can actually meme.
>our worst enemy


quoi le baise

That's an advantage, most of them voted Melenchon

Does it say "I'm not a protegee" ?
Hollande's face should be there, along with any other hated EU official that supports him.

Macrou is the candidate that niggers and gypsies will vote for.


Go back on please

Why is that a gif

Since when is Sup Forums so full of hidden and open commie agitation? Le Pen is already too much on the left when it comes to economics. Melencuch would be the death of France. You have to thank God that he did not make it to the second round.

I love how the deaths due to the shitfest that was Chiang's republic are pinned on Mao

Sadly, the once great nation of France has been the homeland of cancerous egalitarian philosophy for hundreds of years now, including the postmodernist or cultural marxist thought which made its way into the academic world of the entire west.

Saint Denis, Bernard of Clairvaux and Jeanne d'Arc are weeping somewhere in heaven.

>Le Pen is already too much on the left when it comes to economics

I don't see how protecting your people from unfair foreign competition is too left, unless you think that we should adopt an american style free market where people just buy the cheapest chicken even though it's full of hormones, antibiotics and was cleaned with chlorine

yeah cultural marxist from notorious Frenchman Charles Marxes and his Franc-Four school of economics.

>>Now, she need to promote Melenchon in the government as a minister.

Did you see the last vid of Melenchon on Youtube ?

He said: I will vote on 7 may but never for the FN

How is he supposed to accept a minister post after that ?


Do you get that?

in order to love france you must have what she has become

This feels like the Trump race all over again.
I have a good feeling about this.
Godspeed frogs make France great again and destroy the EU and Germany's multicultural cancerous project.

he wouldn't be präsident though, brainlet

Marx was of course the demonic overlord of modern socialism but the underlying egalitarian philosophy was not invented by him. Rousseau and Comte came before him. The first left wing genocide happened before marxism, during the French Revolution in the Vendée.

As far as post-marxism is concerned, Frankfurt School is very bad but the french postmodernists are worse. Deconstruction, post-structuralism etc., plus Pol Pot came literally from the Sorbonne, french intellectual climate.

France needs to get back to the basics of its former great culture or it is doomed.


No one is falling for your tricks, Rabbi Hans.

yeah violent communist uprisings born in the French salons and factories are totally the threat now and not neo-cultural marxism and globalism from the Chicago Boys of Milton Friedman and the Frankfurt school coupled with Schumpeterian creative destruction.

The French revolution created the notion of Nation by opposition to the notion of Kingdom, Macron and consorts are a threat to the notion of Nation itself.

Le Pen's protectionism is utterly irrational. You can not wash away your low level of market attractiveness by isolating your country. That will make things worse, not better.

Trump also has protectionist elements but within the US borders all his actions are aimed at better business conditions. Lower taxes, cut government bureaucracy, cut regulations and so on. Without a solid market economy, there is no way to accumulate wealth. Can't distribute wealth when there is no production and investment left.

you don't know shit about the French economy, we have better products that are completely outpriced by low quality spanish and polish garbage and since everyone is poor of course they buy the shit garbage that's 70% cheaper.

You're an imbecile.

Cultural marxism is the product of german and french philosophers from the 1960s and 70s. Friedman was a libertarian capitalist, not a globalist.

Global free trade is not the problem, the problem are (((those))) who want to abolish nations and replace them with orwellian supra-national institutions.

Global free trade worked fine when every nation was protectionist, dumbass.

Guess what, make your good products cheaper. Cut gibs, lower taxes on middle class and family entrepreneurs and profit.

>le french education in economics

Free trade and protectionism is an oxymoron.

Hey Frenchies, you guys need to spread memes on French twitter that paint Macron poorly. As important as it is to drum up new support for Le Pen, at this point it's arguably more important to demoralize Marcon voters so they don't go to the polls.

See pic attached for an example I made. Spread this kind of stuff. If you don't think the quote is believable or it's not extreme enough, I can fix.

yeah that's totally the problem of our agriculture and not the fact that Spain, Poland, etc... are flooding the markets, after all the supply totally outpacing the demand by orders of magnitude never caused commodity price crashes.

We should totally start paying people 300€/hour like in spain.

Friedman worked as Reagan's chief economist, retard. Reagan was a globalist jew (albeit puppeted) just like all the rest

The answer to cheap competition can not be to pretend that it will magically cease to exist when you isolate your country from european markets.

France has incredibly high taxes on productive people, an overblown government sector, a highly regulated labour market and low attractiveness for investment. These problems are the root cause for the lack of growth in your economy.

Another problem of course are the hordes of migrant leeches who live of welfare ghettos. At least one problem Le Pen might fix.

>Lepen/Melenchon gets in
>taxed to death even if outside France
>Macron gets in
>can't emigrate period

It's going to be close, why didn't i start acting a year earlier or five.

Melenchon would not accept anyway.

I think that the first round of the election was somewhat rigged. A lot of anomalities were witnessed throughout the election, and Macron being at 24% seems a little off.

Despite that the real question will be if fillonists will prefer their right wing conservatives view over fillon's character, and if melenchonists will rather have a souverainist candidate over their far left views.

In the end i feel like both options will make france very hard to govern for the next 5 years. Macron's mask will fall and people will see that he's just Hollande 2.0 so the people will turn on him, and he'll have a very poor support from the assemblee. On the other hand if by surprise Lepen wins, negociation with europe and the US will be very tense and the medias will constantly bash her.

be honest, how much frog vagina is going to vote for Macron simply because of his face?

They’re all citizens and Lepen is a civic nationalist.
Unless a military dictatorship is created, France is over withaot much daobt.

this is gold

Fillonists were either interested in capitalist reforms or wanted to fight the islamist threat. What do you think is more important to them in the face of Macron/Le Pen?

someone keeps changing dupont-aignan's wikipedia page to far-right instead of right-wing and replacing gaullist and souveranist with far right



Because its Wikipedia, the fuck do you expect?

There were rumours that a scandal would break regarding Macron's handling of Alstom.

Did any of ye French goys hear about that?

Melanchon literally, unironically wants to limit land ownership. The man is stuck at the level of land collectivization.
Fucking commies, I swear.
t. Frenchman that left for free land three years ago.

clinical retardation

>Free land
>literally an orwelian nightmare

Unless you plan to get the citizenship and renounce the french one, you're fucked regardless.

jokes on you, the guberment can't even this keep Orwellian nightmare machine running properly.

>promote Melenchon

communists ever supporting nationalists. water and oil.

i don't think fillonist's prime concern was the islamic threat. The main reason why people voted for fillon were that we had a "leftist" president, so according to the french tradition it was time for the right, and his societal concervatism. And also for the capitalist reforms and the general "french people don't work enough and are lazy" stance that please the conservative bourgeoisie.
The islamic threat was a very minor perk for fillon, since people being primarily concerned by terrorism and islamism would vote for lepen.

Overal i think that fillonists "capitalists" will vote for macron, fillonists christians from the upper middle class will vote lepen (which is increased by Dupont Aignan's alliance with lepen), and people with general concervative views but that are still europeists will be splitted between macron and lepen.

you think they'd like her than a literal Rothschild banker, the enemy of your enemy is your friend

>we have better products that are completely outpriced by low quality spanish and polish garbage

Welcome to the EU, user. Most of the countries have experienced similar things, but you'd better say "thank you" for not being hit the way Eastern Europe has been on this matter.

All of stuff that is produced in Romania is exported outside the country (food, cars, various other items etc), while Romanian people are forced to buy imported garbage virtually everywhere. Despite the fact that we could essentially have an economy based on local, fresh products (especially in the food market), all the supermarkets push foreign, cheap, GMO'd products galore.

>mfw I want to buy strawberries
>the supermarkets (Auchan, Carrefour, Lidl etc) sell strawberries from Spain (that have no taste whatsoever), while Romanian strawberries are exported by the dozen

Such is life in the common market of the European Union. First they destroy your industry, then they move on in to completely obliterate the local supply stores by opening up x20000000 foreign supermarkets. Consumerism 101

Not really.
In spite of the memetic revolution and very localized events (Commune of 1870, Front populaire in 1936-1940, after the war 1945-1947), France was a rather libertarian country for most of history. It enacted taxes on revenues after the US and every Yuropean country, as far as the 70s it was German and UK people that fled fiscal and regulatory hell to France.
A staggering number of free market economists were from France, where the (((labor theory of value))) was always ridiculed even by lefties. The only thing seemingly to the contrary is the centralist push, but that is usually a question of Paris dominating. Anglo historians desperately try to push their history of France where it doesn't explain anything (even worse with Americans comparing it to state's rights).

The whole France is socialist meme is complete rewriting of history (there is no difficulty isolating a few supposedly representative moments in a big country's history). But it's true since the 1970s and people have short memories. I expect most French people would be extremely surprised by an uncucked history of the country.

Still two years before I can be naturalized.

Nailed it.
Same in France.
It's like they need this to make sure their jobs can be justified. It's ridiculous at this point.

We have a supermarket chain here that wanted to exclusively buy French meat even if it meant paying above market price but the EU forbade it.

She's dead on arrival lad. She died on the scene my boy. The 2nd election will be a still birth for her.

What I'm trying to say is she's never going to make it.

>a literal Rothschild banker

In a country where most of the high-level politicians are freemasons, do you really think the normies that Macron was a Rothschild banker?

As one french user correctly stated, regarding the French election: "I wouldn't be surprised that if a huge scandal hits Macron regarding his sexuality or whatnot, he would actually rise in polls the next day. Such is the mind of the French electorate."

nice pic user, almost shed a tear

The fuckers paid our fishermen to burn their own boats as they sold our fishing waters to foreign trawlers and placing quotas on the watets putting ours out of business

>ask for Melenchon in Le Pen government
>call me a brainlet

>It's ridiculous at this point.

It most definitely is and it has been for quite some time now. For people like me who actually experienced life under true communism, I'm amazed by the fact that most people are completely oblivious to the similarities between the EU and the USSR regarding the common economic market. Only the patron has changed - no more Russians, but a lot more Bruxelles

The eternal retarded regulations will eventually bring the final blow to the EU, and that's for sure. As to give you another example of such European retardation, Romanians are not allowed anymore to practice a tradition that goes back to ancient times - cutting the pig before the Christmas Eve - because the EU stated that the whole process is to inhumane and disregards EU practices when it comes to animal rights.

I can't enjoy my rind (skin of bacon) because the EU says so, apparently

I didn't ask for him, I said it would be a possibility

our future, Franco-it is coming

be more specific, no one can follow you