Redpill me on Gerrymandering'

Its a common accusation leveled at republicans. Personally I don't see it as any worse than letting immigrants that vote leftist flood in, even if it was true.

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go fuck yourself john oliver is shit

Not an argument :)

Though you're right

>Redpill me on Gerrymandering
-Gerrymandering allows politicians to choose their voters.
-Relying on independent nonpartisan organizations won't work because money is a thing.
-Split-line algorithm (look it up) would be most fair if we're going to continue with the sham that is democracy.

Honestly, congressional districts should be drawn by county lines. It would make the entire process less fucky

ive heard that the people who come up with the district lines for gerrymandering are like lobbyists that work for the party or candidate
the argument I heard was that instead of just getting rid of it all together, you can just hire the lobbyist group to create the most fair outcomes for both sides
that or the algorithm

every side does it

>Every side does it.
And neither side is would be willing to give up that advantage. The feds could get involved here, but that would most likely violate a number of states rights statues in place.

There's no "solution" to gerrymandering. Both sides do it. So the best way to tackle the problem is to just incorporate it into the rules of the game. Which is what we do.

>ive heard that the people who come up with the district lines for gerrymandering are like lobbyists that work for the party or candidate
To my understanding, you heard correctly.

>the argument I heard was that instead of just getting rid of it all together
Something else would need to fill its place for a representative democracy to work.

>you can just hire the lobbyist group to create the most fair outcomes for both sides
that or the algorithm.
Money exists, so that lobbyist group will be bought and paid for long before all the seats on the council are filled. The algorithm would be the most nonpartisan way to represent the people. But I'm a mathfag, so I'm biased.

Bumping with examples.

>-Gerrymandering allows politicians to choose their voters.
Why is it wrong for Republicans to build districts around black and brown voters, but fine for Democrats to literally import and register millions of black and brown voters?

>muh 3 million unregistered voters

When will this meme die? This shit is just as paranoid as leftists who think Russia hacked the election.


>3 million unregistered voters
>not the 90% white country becoming 60% white in 50 years.
It's not JUST the illegals, but the legal immigrants, the amnesty recipients, and the anchor babies too.

Democrats on gerrymandering: It's okay when we do it!

>make all districts perfectly competitive
>more incentive for election meddling since the votes will always be close
>every election cycle 50% of the population ends up not getting represented
>in a representative democracy

There is nothing wrong with like minded people electing candidates who support their views. The problem isn't gerrymandering, it's normal people not giving a shit about primaries so that only hardline party candidates make it to the final election.

You beat me to it.

I'm always one step ahead.

Importing immigrants/minorities at least has the plausible deniability that not ALL of them will all vote Democrat.

Also, Democrats gerrymander like hell too to try and rig the game. Fuck, it's even on record that the Democrats were planning THE EXACT SAME THING that the GOP did in 2010 in terms of rigging shit through illegal gerrymandering had they secured all of the state level government offices in 2010.

The DNC had a corporation that specializes in redrawing districts outright create maps for them to basically disenfranchise Republicans across all 50 states via frankensteining new districts where the GOP would not have a chance in hell of ever getting elected again.

The only reason it never came to pass is that the DNC was asleep at the will and fucked up the 2010 mid-terms on such a level that it allowed the GOP to take back Congress and a good number of state level governments.

Well there has to be some convention to drawing districts. Gerrymandering at least changes what party is favored and it's impossible to draw districts that are perfectly split across political lines.
So no matter how you draw a district SOME party is going to get an advantage, this at least allows for the advantage to switch every so often.
Honestly not a big deal.

The courts have also said that black guarrenteed dem districts are required

It's not even a good counterbalance to the immigrants they allow into the country just for votes. I say gerrymander as much as they let us get away with. Every year under democrat rule is a year of white genocide and economic failure.

I live surrounded by the original one

Modern gerrymandering is just a counter to Leftist Negromamdering and Mestizomandering. Democracy is a terrible idea anyway, it should be done away with.

Both parties do it.
Republicans are easier to target for it since they are in power now.
It creates a disparity between total congress approval versus individual districts.
IMO congress is completely fucking useless at this point and we'd save millions just having the president/courts.

Feels good to live in a state that slayed the Gerry.

>all good when the Dems do it
>worst thing in the universe when the Reps do it
A glimpse into the mind of the Eternal Leftist

What district? I'm district 4.

D-9, Harrison County.

You want to know about gerrymandering, look up Maxine Waters and Elijah Cummings.

District 1 here. Fuck Lake County.

Ah. I'm 4 Hendricks

Indiana is so Based! I love it here!