"Oathkeeper" cousin fuckers threaten to beat up Richard Spencer


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fuck white people and fuck richard spencer

The fuck is an Oathkeeper?

A Lolbertarian militia. They claim to "fight for free spech" but are saying they're going to beat up Alt-Right speakers and protesters

>people who enlisted in the military and stayed in until they got kicked out
>keep people smart enough to chart their course out of their super special club
>Expected to be arbitrators of free speech

color me surprised

Funny. That fat fuck would be gassed in 3 seconds if he tried to fight someone.

A stupid club where the sole criteria for entry is that you were a cop, firefighter, or in the military.

Game of thrones larpers gtfo

>lolbergtarians finding common cause with communists
4 jej

They threatened my uncle a little while ago because my uncle is a federal cop up in Wyoming doing his job.

Id fuck up an oath keeper if I could.

Mostly they're just fat old men maxing out credit cards on "Survival Food" and guns.

They can pretty much be ignored as politically irrelevant.


>These are the kinds of people that were allowed to breed just to be sent overseas to fight jewish wars


wait, I thought Oathkeepers were based Trump supporters?

Former and current law enforcement and military etc

Part of joining either is signing up to "protect the constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic".

Means they don't follow the government commands if the order breaks that. Effectively people who won't fire on civilians if the government cracked down on stuff etc.

beat me to it

Why do these morons hate Spencer? He's a fucking borderline lefty. God they are so fucking stupid. Proof that no one listens to anything except group think and preloaded headlines.

Because they love fighting for Israel.

Shouldn't have threaten. Not suprised at the opposition to Spencer but I am suprised at the threat.

as a whole though Oathkeepers > Spencer dick riders at trs. They actually adhere to sound principles and as the names goes uphold there oath to the constitution. Generally are stand up guys.

Bunch of boomer lolberts that got us into the mess we are in. They worship a piece of paper that their own government shit all over a LONG time ago.

It is really for the bottom of the barrel of the groups I mentioned. When you leave those jobs, you are expected to put what you learned to work or retire and live your life.
Some, like the people you describe, lead such empty lives that they seek this group for purpose.
>i prodected freedums once, i gan do id agin!

They were. So either they were taken over by Jews, or this thread was.

>Berkeley kicks Antifa ass to the point that they don't even show up.
A new challenger shows up. Finally, someone noteworthy.

>If one Oathkeeper is bad then all Oathkeepers must be bad

Just contact the organization and ask them to disavow, they obviously do not understand the point of the movement if they are siding with Antifa.

>Why do these people hate Spencer. He's a borderline lefty

You answered your own question. Learn some reflection before you spout on about "groupthink"

good, Spencer is an idiot who gives the left an excuse to call trump supporters and people who are conservatives nazis.
what good has Richard Spencer done? nothing
hes nothing but a lefty punching bag.

Fucking cowards didn't do shit in Oregon when the FBI killed civilians yet again. Didn't do shit about Waco, won't do shit about anything. They're literally just the gun version of bikers; a bunch of loud old faggots who run when the real trouble comes. Fuck them to hell.

Lol mate, the constitution is worthless blue pilled piece of shit inspired by utopian memer John Locke with this "natural rights" lie. I bet none of them have actually even read that piece of paper. They just shit around yelling at Obama while their goverment spies on them and continues to degrade borders and foreign nations pumping immigrants into their country.

Lolberts and constitutionalists have absolutely NO political presence and laughed at by the left. Look at Ron Paul, media btfo him on both sides.

ex-mil who value the oath they took and assorted wannabes. posturing on behalf of a vague group is pretty stupid but Spencer's values do violate its values.
tldr dont care

You cuckservatives are half the reason America is degrading into a Brasillian marxist state. Politically impotent and at the mercy of the commies in your institutions.

Why does "White Pride" have to automatically mean supremacy...
Anyone who thinks Spencer is kkk is a moron.

Pol is not spencers personal army

he is a jack ass who makes all white people look bad, probably a plant who made himself the figure head of the """"" Alt Right Movement""""" that was started by Hillary Clinton

I hope they dont stop with one punch for once he only ever get hit once, probably because his other buddies at the CIA dont want to hurt him too bad

Didn't oathkeepers give weapons to negro storeowners during the ferguson chimpout? Lol.

Reminder that nobody will ever respect free speech. It's just not possible.

Everyone has their limit and the climate at the moment is shutting down the white right.

Free speech will have some improvements under fascist rule.


Obvious antifa shill. Omg guys lets get them to hate each other!

>Didn't oathkeepers give weapons to negro storeowners during the ferguson chimpout? Lol.

I would have to agree that op is an antifa shill considering they are planning to disrupt a trump rally and the oath keepers are planning on defending the marchers.

"Everyone who doesn't spread their ass for niggers and kikes is a shill"

Aww poor little Trumpet is confused ;(

It's okay. There are no shills back on Reddit, sweetheart. It's safe there.

>just following his orders

That's literally the reason for the K-12 system.


fat larping boomers with $10000 dollar ar15s bought with their social security and military pensions

Did you even watch the video? All I said is that they're threatening Spencer with violence. Which is true.

Not quite, they went down themselves to stand on rooftops. They covered store and were in turn being covered by police marksmen from other roofs. Not that I can blame the police for keeping and eye on guys on a roof with guns.

>natural rights lie

Yea fuck 2500 years of western philosophy. What Value does views of natural law put forth by Aristotle, Cicero, the church father's, scholastics, and the rest have to offer us? The only the true tradional values of the West come from the mid 19th to early 20th secularist who spent there entire lives rejecting everything learned and built upon by their forefather. Right on brother you got it all figures out.

This is a textbook boomer who worships the state (his faggy club is for ex state employees only).
>muh civic nationalism
>dose nothing while the left usurps every institution, from education to hollywood
>loves Jews & Israel
>main focus in life is to enrich his own demographic with wealth and power
>no politically awareness other than statisim.

>Mia profile pic

I love that there's lots of fellow Monster Musume fans here. Given that it can't be discussed anywhere else without mods deleting the thread, I'd say Sup Forums is the perfect place for it.

Not allowed to answer my own rhetorical questions when others have been so wrong about him lately? Where do I need to pay off my thought crime fine?

Wow, you better go tell /r/eddit about that

They are boomers. Of course they are controlled by kikes.

Yes, that's all you said, but the thread is garnered to cast the oathkeepers in a negative light. This just before another possible confrontation with antifa and the fact that you used Richard Spencer came across as kind of a "they don't like our fellow nazis! Let's dislike them!"
The video looked like they didn't want them at their rally, but there's not enough context given.

AHAHHA you are no different to a science denier or a communist. You libertarian fuckers are completely blue pilled. Your rights exist as much as the state can ensure them. The US state has decided your right to privacy no longer exists. I thought that was a natural right goy?

Ooh good comeback

it hurt me bad, i so mad

"Oathkeepers" looks like they swallowed the bluepill a long time ago, and haven't quite figured out that they are a target in the culture war as well.

>>If one Oathkeeper is bad then all Oathkeepers must be bad


Islam has also had a good few centuries to develop. Must be great then, huh?

Natural rights are silly.
>Muh God made everyone equal and everyone have rights because... It's nature!

Fuck off. You're not my equal. Your life has no value. You are not entitled to live and I don't have to respect you or your life. My society should work together to dominate you.

fucking that snake pussy while getting autoerotic asphyxiation by her tail.

yea boiiiiiiiii

Then why was he there? Who the fuck invited him? He doesn't get to show up at free speech rallies and go "well it's only MY free speech that's protected, but you're not wanted here". He's no better than Antifa if he does that.

Yes, exactly. So much hypocrisy, typical boomer losers.

spencer is a democrat plant. fuck him

Some needs to hand this boomer fuckwit a physical copy of the 'at least I still have the constitution' meme.
>I doubt he can operate a computer.

>Lack of context
The founder of oathkeepers blatantly said they didn't want the identity evropa guys there, they told them that and if they came back they were going to kick their ass.

Maybe they just meant they were going to force them to leave instead of violently attacking them... Just like Antifa wants to do with all of the right

How else could that be misconstrued?


the ones doing shit about antifa

National socialist cucks need to go back.

>beating up this road warrior
id like to see them try

t. Muhammad from Mali

oh because they havent been doing that even when spencer wasnt on the scene? You are the essence of a cuck and your fucking flag says it all. KYS

They are Patriots not nationalist. The only thing they hate more than the federal government is the UN. If you're gonna criticize atleast know what you're talking about.

My bad I miss read. Poe's law and all.

Yall are trying to hard. Lurke moar or go back to TRS. But with random buzzwords make me think yall proxy shills insteand. God I fucking miss debating with stormfags atleast they actualy make a point and weren't little cucks that dick road controlled opposition.


Not that i like Spencer or the skinheads of identity evropa, but I'd fight with the skinheads over these boomer cuckolds who've done nothing while the west burns, and now come out of the woodwork to attack the guys trying to put out the flames, because muh' constitution.


Who cares? Let them beat the fuck outta antifa

So they're basically turning into antifa larpers?
>Free speech is only ok when it aligns with my views.

How much you want to bet that this guy served in an all white area.
Meanwhile the oathkeepers that served in "vibrant" areas are likely more WN than alot of WN.

This fella does not speak for the group. His daughter is likely burning coal or something along that line. I wouldn't write off the oathkeepers yet , this guy is only 1 out of a group of many.

This is someone who believes in the Syrian gas falseflag. I guarantee you he

>Thinks the US Military can do no wrong
>Thinks Israel are based and our ally and wouldn't mind dying for them
>Doesn't mind his country turning into a non-white hell because "DUDE MUH CONSTITUTION, MUH GUNS, MUH RIGHTS WE ALL AMERICAN BASED BLACK MAN IN MAGA HAT"
>Links Neocohens like Graham and McCain statements.

I'm not fond of Spencer, but I also don't know much about him, but at least he's doing something for the white race.

>a fucking non-argument

every time

But spencer is a controlled opposition faggot, so why would i care?

Caring about our constitution which has been getting raped for 40 years = cousin fucker I guess

this is dangerously close to eidgenossenschaft. this fat fucks doesn't know what powers he dances with in his naivety

I've since looked it up. I was under the impression it was specifically an oathkeepers event, I didn't realize it was a free speech rally. Yea, I take it back. That dude is a tool.
I still have a generally positive view of the oathkeepers overall though, despite this guy.

Oh well. Richard Spencer is a childish faggot.
He sucks. The alt-right sucks.

>Follow the yellow dick road
You think Milo will be at the end of it?

>Not respecting soldiers and police
This is who I know you.

Not an argument. Lolbert. Take another blue-pill and bend over for ol Uncle Sam. :)

Punished cuck
A man denied his wife

Police deserve respect for protecting communities and people in our country. Soldiers serve the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia, they haven't fought a real war in years, and deserve no respect.

Retreat to your safe space with your Bible, Jew slave.

Violence is a perfectly legitimate political tool. "Free Speech" is a cuckold ideology. Pitched battles are a much better way to deal with opponents.

You have to go back

>just being a lolbertarian cuck

The oathkeepers are generally good. If you spoke to someone higher up on the chain they would denounce what this man said. They respect all free speech, but when you get a bunch of hicks together some are not so bright.

>Soldiers serve the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia, they haven't fought a real war in years, and deserve no respect.
Le plebbit edge lord. I know without doubt that you're near 30 on the BMI scale without an single gram of worked muscle. A complete faggot in ever sense.

Uncle Sam can go fuck himself.

Whats Mike Enoch up too?

I didn't join them because they are a bunch of out of shape old men that think keeping up with their marksmanship the military taught them is good enough. They are undisciplined and as worthless as the very civilians they think they are better than. t. Army vet. P.S Richard Spencer is a massive faggot that got punched by a shit eating faggot and gets bullied by everyone cause he's a massive pussy.

which is........

And where were these fat fucks for the last 40 years?

"Obongo and Bush already ripped our precious piece of paper to shreds, but how dare you young punks not worship the scraps that are left!"-is all these people have to offer to discourse.

>typical boomer losers.
yup, its what happens when you sell all of the success and growth to jews instead of handing it down to your children

dont worry about it halfling

I wouldn't want fed narcs near me either.

>I can't attack your ideas
>I can't even attack you
>I'll just claim you're part of some group I don't like
Truly pathetic.

This is the height of intellectualism among people who believe that natural rights exist.

Lol go start your little ancap city state mate i'm sure it will all work out fine :)