Did I missed something?


Other urls found in this thread:


1) Sin is a thing of the Left.
2) Adam and Eve sinned (thus were Leftists)
3) Original Sin causes ALL death.
4) Thus all death can be blaimed on Leftism.



Communism killed 94M, checkmate.

>Islamic terrorism
>right wing

This Ieftist is gonna have to answer to George Soros for his hate crimes against peaceful truck Islam

whats that 3rd one supposed to be?
right wing terror?
if so that number is absolutely absurd

> Nazism killed 60 million
> Fascism killed 35 million
> White Nationalism/White Pride killed 30 million
> Blaming all WWII deaths on Nazism alone
that's retarded, Nazism didn't kill anywhere close to that
Fascism DEFINITELY didn't kill 35 million, and White Nationalism definitely killed way less than it's purported as, the Islam one I could see over a huge time period but it isn't Right Wing really, at least by the Left's definition, and they don't go after it anyway, although if they started to that would be fine IMO.

You expect left words to be smart?

>all the kikepedia sources.
tippity toppity kek

Oy vey I wonder who's behind those stats.

>right wing

socialism is in the name, have a (you)


wouldnt the nazis technically be leftists?

and what about the violence committed by Mao? Or the gulag?

idiot slide thread. bait better


>white nationalism
Was there really a time where white people killed a bunch of others for the purpose of making a white state?

I'm confused here. Could we use this image to make the leftists have a civil war? Call Islam a violent right wing ideology(again), but use this image to make the cucks fight the communists. Does anyone know if that would work?

I prefer art to your faggotry.



>italian fascism caused 35,000,000 deaths
>celtic cross people caused 30,000,000

Fash/Natsoc is centrist economically.

>white people killed 100 gorrilion jews and goys!

600* gorrillion

>Not including Stalin and Mao who together killed 80 million

>Nazis killed 60 million
Your fucking stupid

what the fuck

>Your fucking stupid
Thank you

Also I don't believe in this shit and I posted it here to discuss 'bout this trash-lie

Any religious movements are right wing by default.

No way nazis were leftist.This is why i despite socialism.Germans were really close to comrades from Russia.Just two different socialistic ideologies fighting each other.

>italian fascism caused 35,000,000 deaths
Not a bad score for a shitty army.

That's factually incorrect the nazis personally killed 7 billion.

All jews

No that was last year its 33.342.223 billion last count

One question if you allow me:

I hear things like that 'bout Italo-Fasc, but why were they so, in your words, shitty?


Benito Mussolini was heavily influenced by Marx and was involved in Marxist movements in early 1900s. He even wrote socialist periodical and called for "violent revolution". He even was one of the editors for this Italian socialist magazine called "AVANTI!".
How is that right wing?

Thou shalt not kill

Someone pls explain the white nationalism number

Because he then understood how shitty socialism trully was for his country.

The actual fuck? "All World War II deaths are the fault of the Nazis."
Fuck off, Ahmed.

Communism alone killed 100M people, also
>blaming all WW2 deaths on nazism
That's fucking retarded

yeah and thats where all of the similarities with socialism end. if you actually gave 3 fucks about the subject you would know that they put socialist on their party name so the socialist would vote for them.


They lost a battle to French troops because they didn't have a crowbar to open the ammo crates.

help me build a swastika on austrian and german flag