Is anxiety real or is it just a made up term to sell drugs?

Is anxiety real or is it just a made up term to sell drugs?

Basic human emotions are real. But you don't need (((ssri's))) when you feel them.

the ppl I know with anxiety disorder often also have a drug and/or alcohol problem. I guess this is connected to it.

anymore "stoner at party" similar to this?

The girl i am currently seeing has been prescribed sertraline against anxiety, been taking it for 4 weeks now, I'm not sure what to think of this.

I'm fucking crying

everybody has anxiety but some pussys cant deal with it so they try to cover their emotions with drugs.

Poor Nick

I have bipolar disorder and I can say from experience that severe anxiety and panic attacks are real. However I don't buy this free floating anxiety shit that every Millenial on Tumblr has

>anxiety is the same for everyone
are you a literal retard?

>what are genetics
>what do you mean each person's brain differs in terms of interpreting situations/emotion

yes idiot, most psychological disorders on the books today are in fact real

So I should take prescribed drugs to fix these issues?

Humans were designed to worry about survival and problem solve. Take someone that's got an IQ above room temperature and put them at a desk all day they'll eventually weird out. Dumb people can lay around all day and be content and stress free.

It's real, but you can get rid of it with willpower alone.

But that's difficult, and requires conscious awareness.

Anxiety means your subconsious is, surprise, suprise, fucking anxious about something. Maybe the correct course of action would be identifying and elmininating the source of this anxiety instead of medicating and self-medicating to the point of anhedonia.

Yep you can do it on your own but it takes time and you don't need drugs. Wanting it gone tomorrow is a path to nowhere. 3 to 6 months of chipping away at it and you can be rid of it or at least manage it easily.

Circular Breathing helps so fucking much.

I know this sounds stupid, but if you ever have any anxiety issues, learn this technique.

It could save your life, I'm not joking.

Anxiety is just a defence mechanism from keeping you to go insane. Some reptillian brain shit that triggers when confronted with certain stimuli.
These snowflakes on the internet do not have an anxiety disorder

Never tried it but if I get in a rut again ill look into it. accepting anxiety as it is was the most powerful thing for me. accepting that you cannot control the feeling consciously and stop fighting it worked like a charm. Exercise, meditation and diet help but honestly calming the nervous system is all that's needed. So I can see breathing patterns helping for sure.

Weed or other psychedelics usually can have a good impact on moderate mental illnesses.

For shit like schizophrenia or SPD, you need hardcore anti-psychotics.

t- a psychology major

Its deep in the subconscious somewhere. I've been in bands, done public speaking, live in a fairly shitty neighborhood and none of that makes me nervous but a slight dizzy spell or large crowd can send me down a rabbit hole.

It's my favorite technique of all.

It's good for literally everyone.

Once you can do it properly, you can begin to consciously lower your heart rate, etc.

Shit's like magic.

If I were to describe its mechanism of action: It's condensed meditation that you can center yourself with, anywhere, anytime.

How did you learn?

another thing is stay the fuck away from anxiety forums and youtube channels. It's a bunch of people who are likely to never get out of their current situation whining and malingering. I got much better 1 week after stopping posting at those places. And from a political angle its a bunch of left wing snowflakes blaming Trump and Brexit for their anxiety issues.

>tfw been listening to Pink Moon again lately
kinda tearing up sometimes

Wrong thread, whoops

Teach me to smoke weed when I wake up

I don't remember, I learned very very young. Maybe 7 or 8 years old.

just a maladaption to the weird futuristic society we find ourselves in

It's a sad fact, many seek the things they suffer from these days, just to feel redeemed in wallowing in their plight.

Anxiety is just incoherent fear. Just fucking stop being a dumb, ignorant, untrustable, vice-consumed, self-deceiving degenerate, you sick shit! It's a cut and dry straightforward solution of just becoming coherent.

I'm 24 and recently got pretty bad anxiety in the last 6 months. I can say that REAL anxiety is certainly not a joke. It can interfere with sleep and make you depressed. Essentially it can make like a living hell if you let it.

I got severe anxiety and panic/anxiety attacks from Hypothyroidism. I could still function but life wasn't great. They put me on some medicine for the thyroid thing and ifs been helping.

Anxiety is a learned thing, you can't wake up the next day and wish it away. It'll take at least as long to get out of it as it did getting into it.

It's easy to call someone a pussy or whatever for having anxiety but until you experience random anxiety attacks for literally you shouldn't talk.

Just remember, it can only be as good as you allow it to be.

Anxiety is self-sabotage. A short-circuited, fight or flight feeling.

>Bad social anxiety
>Never had gf
>Died a virgin

If he was born later he would be posting here

I agree, Drake is the only person deserving of the /ourguy/ title

Yeah that's true. Just hate how it makes it difficult to sleep. Go to bed at 2:30 can't sleep till 6 wake up at 2 pm...

Thank fuck my boss understands and let me come in whenever.

You have to face it, it's a poisonous voice that won't leave on its own.

>John Martyn (who in 1973 wrote the title song of his album Solid Air for and about Drake) described him as the most withdrawn person he had ever met.[75] He would borrow his mother's car and drive for hours without purpose on occasion, until he ran out of petrol and had to ring his parents to ask to be collected.

You have to understand, once the thought pattern becomes ingrained as habit, it will become increasingly infecting.

Anxiety cases don't start out wanting to live in a bubble cut off from everything ever/just dying to make it easier, it progresses to that.

>Ryde has been described by Drake's biographers as "the nearest thing" to a girlfriend in his life, but she now prefers the description "best (girl) friend"

>I called him up, and he came back in, and we talked, and I just said, "I'd like to make a record." He stammered, "Oh, well, yeah. Okay." Nick was a man of few words.

And which one came first?

My question when people say they have anxiety is "What the fuck do you have to be so anxious about?" I mean for fucks sake you live in the west, ina top 10-12 country. You have water, food and a shelter most likely. You have access to post secondary education. You have access to some of the best medical help in the world and here you are trying to tell me youre stricken with anxiety? Go fuck yourself.

>tfw not an animated rain gif

Yeah, probably gonna go in for CBT. Dont like the idea of being on hard drugs. Plus I need to change my way of thinking. not mask it with hard drugs.

look me in the eye when you ask me that, user

You dont get it man, sometimes it can be a physical thing in your body like the Thyroid pumping out way too much of a certain hormone.

Most of what you "feel" is just chemicals in your brain. When that gets out of whack all sorts of stupid shit can happen.

It's real but probably 99% of cases aren't actually disorders and don't really require medication.

Anxiety and panic attacks are usually your body/brains way of telling you that you aren't living right. Time to do some self searching and address the problems in your life.

You can do it.

Remember to reinforce that, over the poisonous voice.

Then let me rephrase my question WHERE the fuck has all this crippling anxiety popped out of? This was not a thing before the 2000s as memory serves, at least not a fraction of the amount today.

Maybe that's when mass media really started to kick in. Personally I feel inferior to everyone I walk past on the street and in class because I'm always comparing myself to others.

Also, don't be too hard on yourself.

Appreciate the journey. Each day is another shot.

am i the only one who feels even worse after meme encouragements like this?

Its a myth that anxiety and depression don't occur in the 3rd world btw. And huge myth. People aren't gonna focus on anxiety and depression in places where genocide and war is happening.

Its real but a lot of cunt sjws fake it for attention

Anxiety disorder and others like OCD, clinical depression, etc are certainly real. The problem is nowadays, special snowflake just use it as a label, as a fucking medal to signal how special and in need of attention they are.

People with those the actual issues usually don't flaunt their disorder on other people's face. They much prefer not letting others know about it.

Because you punish yourself.

If you won't allow yourself enjoyment, how can you find it?

>People with those the actual issues usually don't flaunt their disorder on other people's face. They much prefer not letting others know about it.

Ironically, the far-gone person with the real disorder would never want the attention, and would never bring themselves to ask for help.

This is the real problem. People that think having a bad day or a few panic attacks have the real disorder. I've had to manage it my entire life and I view it like someone who has a limb. Its there but I can still live my life with it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

what does anxiety have to do with food, water, and shelter?

* a limp not limb. lol I have all four limbs.

I never believed in anxiety until one day i had a panic attack and have delt with anxiety ever since. But i now know what caused it and what can still cause it for me even 3 years later... alcohol. Believe it or not i drank so much back in the day my hangovers were all panic attacks. Alcohol withdrawl can fuck with your nervous system.

I have it under wraps now thanks to diet exercise and less bingeing.

The anxiety meds are all chemical masks for under lying problems with diet and exercise.

GABA6, HTP-Nettle, fucking Zinc, fucking Magnesium. Stop staying up 4-6 hours past sundown staring at a screen. Stop playing videogames with stats and progression, better yet, cut off videogames entirely. Nedless to say, masturbation and porn have to go for at least 90 days, sex isn't recommended too. Add more eggs and raw, unsalted nuts to your diet. Cold showers, excercise, etcetera

You're anxious and depressed because your dopamine trasmitters are literally fried from constant overstimulattion.

>where was [uncommon and shunned thing] before the internet?

>t. boomer

Go to bed, grampa.

Ask her if she feels like it's working for her. Talk to her about it and be supportive. Despite what the edgy teenagers here say, anxiety disorders are real and medication does actually help in some cases. Anyone who's experienced severe, unnecessary anxiety and sought treatment for it will tell you the same.

That's why I think mental disorders are still much neglected and there's a need to address them more, just not in the way SJWs are doing, of course. People need a healthy mind beside a healthy body too.

Ironically, I also think people who fake mental illness for attention actually do have some kind of attention-seeking mental disorder which they themselves will never admit. A better mental care will be of benefit to everyone, including these fakers, for it will get them out of their special snowflake mindset.

shutting off wifi at night helps too. The brain picks up frequencies and it can mess with some people sleep being on all night.

Took sertaline about a year ago. It gave me tremors so now I'm on Prozac.

Correct, most of the posers are deep down narcissists that feel guilty about it.

>that feel when you're starting to exhibit symptoms of multiple sclerosis

now that's fucking something to be anxious about

Sometimes it's more than that. It could be some wrong wiring in the brain or even genetic.

There are cases where perfectly health and normal people, with regular exercise and social interaction, get hit by depression like a lightning for no apparent reason related to their lifestyle or living condition. They also find that even tribal people in South America can get depression too, even without video games and other modern comfort. Those are the ones that will stay under the scorching sunlight without finding shade while doing nothing, as if they're lost on something.

Apologize that I can't source those cases, it's from some papers I read long ago.

I have a few forms of cancer.

But I'll stay here as long as I want to.

So many people live lies.

It's subconsciously taxing.

>But I'll stay here as long as I want to.

I admire your resolve. I hope what i think it is just turns out to be stress related fatigue, i have so much to give.

>tfw 6'5", 140 iq, white, not super attractive but not ugly, with anxiety disorder
feels bad.
It started getting noticable when I was 20, but looking back I probably had a bit when I was in HS. I went to university at 21 and it got real bad, started taking sertaline, still almost failed out of school and gained a bunch of weight because I started self medicating with caffeinated soda and eating out.
Graduated now, learned to manage, life is almost back on track. feels pretty good.

>i have so much to give.

Then M.S. won't stop you either way.

Maybe slow you down, but not stop.

Good luck in your travels.

You're pretty stupid.

It's all based on perspective.

An anxious mind can turn the smallest issue into the largest looming thing imaginable.

It's something money, higher lifestyle, fame, etc. can't cure, and many times only makes it worse.

Everyone can create their own demons if they allow it. It can balloon from the smallest thing, they just have to not let it. They have to get over it, as stupid (to normies) and impossible (to them) as it sounds.

But first they have to recognize it for what it is, and genuinely and honestly confront and address the root of it.

>But first they have to recognize it for what it is, and genuinely and honestly confront and address the root of it.

Cool platitude

Cool aversion to introspection.

that isn't introspection, that's an empty statement in the same vein as "depression? dude just go out more"
you don't seem to know what actual anxiety is, thinking an "anxious mind" has anything to do with it shows that.

>An anxious mind can turn the smallest issue into the largest looming thing imaginable.

That's true, happening to me.

At first it was "What if I can't get to sleep ever again" and this is what triggered the whole anxiety disorder for me.

Now its like every little thought has power over me. I would normally pay the thoughts no mind..... but now they almost overwhelm me.

Check this out. I have an issue where I count to 4 repeatedly over and over. What do you think the root of that is

There's no root. I'm just like this.

I've had ulcers caused by it, which spiraled (ironically) into massive vicodin abuse and alcoholism to dull it.

My issue was I was afraid to face myself. I would rather reflect what I believed others wanted me to be, than be genuine.

Everyone has a different root.

It's easier to wallow in it than face it though.

When do you do it?

Anxiety is just FOMO

I started that particular habit when I was 15 and did it pretty much non stop for 8 years.

It's 2

>soldier gets legs blown off and gets ptsd and a panic disorder
>kid gets severely beaten/abused and develops an anxiety disorder
>"man up pussy"
Lmao k

As in, every movement you would make, you would do it? Even while you were sleeping?

Did you feel like you had to do it? Or were you only conscious of it when others noted it?

Have I ever told you that I love you?

Obvious pure O - OCD.

Everyone has their quirk that has it, I cant stop thinking about my breathing for example. you might call it "manual breathing". Its not really a big deal its just tied in with the anxiety.


It's real it sucks

I love you too user, nohomo

Anxiety is real. ADHD is not real.

Seems like an arbitrary judgement.

Most waking moments and in dreams. Yeah I felt like I had to.

I'm just saying examining the root wasn't helpful for me. You could say it was rooted in the fact that I'm like that but perspective didn't help. And it wasn't like I was doing it while neeting I was an NCAA athlete and getting a physics degree while doing it.

I've had suicidal thoughts since i was 16-18 and it doesn't help that i'm neurotic as fuck

My gf is going out tonight with a bunch of other girls and all i can think is that she'll cheat on my and none of the girl would tell me if she did
Not to mention she wouldn't tell me anyway

Fuck man this mutation of my genes better have a point or i have a serious complaint to fill with the Big Man if he exists

Might've been a way you kept yourself focused.