Admit it, he was the most based Arab of the 20th century


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being a lebanese user, its pretty freaking rare to find anyone post anything about lebanon.

He sold his country and he was punished for it. Bashir isn't living in you, he's buried underground and burning in hell :)))))))

never said anything about admiration towards him or not, just surprised something about lebanon finally came up

Not an arab.

He got what he deserved :^)

I love how everyone always makes it seem as if the Lebanese Christians were saints. They held on exclusively to power for decades and took all the jobs, all the money was in their hands and they all had private armies while other sects were starved and helpless.When their bloc lost a parliamentary election in 1958, they called in American Marines to invade Beirut and reinstall them in power. If they had dealt fairly with the majority (not just the Muslims, but the Druze as well as other Christian sects) they could have stayed in power. Instead, the Phalangists used the Palestinians presence (btw which was initially militarily and politically opposed by virtually ALL Lebanese sects, including the Shiites and most Sunnis) as a pretext to start slaughtering their political opponents (including other Christians, go read what the Phalangists did to the Franjieh and Chamoun clans) and slaughtering MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS WHO WERE ACTIVELY FIGHTING AGAINST ARAFAT because of their religion or because they were in a different Christian party. To top it all off, Syrians entered Lebanon at the invitation of the Phalangists, and the Phalangists tooks Israels side against their own people later on all the way until 2000, then were left off the hook and not punished post-Israeli withdrawal. I know Sup Forums likes to live in the clouds where are all Christians are saints, but in Lebanon, the phalangists got whats coming to them. Now, theyre like helpless dogs begging hezbollah to protect them from ISIS. Theyre lucky the shiites didnt genocide them and continue to allow them to exist and live their pathetic lives in lebanon

Neck yourself you Zionist puppet.

Is that bachir gemayel? Yeah he was cool, him and chamoun family.

levantines aren't arab


True that

>Lebanese Forces
A tiny Christian militia no one even hard about that was pumped up and had money and arms pumped into it so as to divide the Christians (e.g. between Lebanese Army and these pricks) and make them weak.

kifak bro, nshala 5er.

Not really. Ho el nez7in el souriye neko okht el balad.

Awwal shi, neko okht sou2 el 3amal la2anno as7ab el che9el el lebneniye ma 3endoun ay mishkle ywazfo souriye.

w tene shi, neko okht el 3aj2a w as3ar el she2a2 kamen (ba3t aktar memma keno mentekin).

souriye get out REEEEEE!

libanan aslan ard souria.

3anjad, ah wa le 3ande 3alam usa mish libnen, ze3jitne shway. bas eh lezim tshouf il souriye had bineyte 3aysheen, mitlil sraseer mi2irfeen,

i remember like min sinteen kein ramadan bil sayfiye wa hol il mangoliye bi nos deen il layle ma2tou3a il kahraba wa mdaoreen motor, n2ata3it wa mish 3arfeen leh, ba3ed yaomen mana 3arfeen toli3 ino hal sraseer 2at3een 5atna, min il motor wa 3am yisir2o kahrabitna.

3milna kam talifon wa nteko zabatou lal shreet, aslan nihna min ba3da jibna wahad yhot 5at tene min bineye bmayi3de 3annon.

2e5ir shi mara 2a3deen ana wa imme 3am nohdar tv illa ma shamayna rihit gas, shifna il matba5 wa kil shi bas killo motfe, tlo3na 3al baranda wa hzar shou 5ara shifna.

wahad minon la souriye 2a3id fetih aneenit il gas 3am bi fadiha bara hemila bi eed wahde il sharmout, kis immon nshala ymouto, bas 3anna kam wahad fetheen mahalet mne2ish hinne chill

go fuck yourself sand nigger

Phoenician NOT Arab


bteswa ayre ya ibn el charmouta.
Ne7no fini2iye, mech souriye.
El fini2iye keno m3amrin moudounon Sour w Saida w Jbeil w Beirout w ghayrin alef el snin abl ma ento 7otteito 7ajaren fo2 ba3doun.

Dallayto bado ro77al la alef el snin ba3d ma ne7na t7addarna.

Baddak t2elle ne7na cha3b wa7ad? Ne7na la cha3b wa7ad, wala 7adara we7de aslan. Ya jerben!

>libanan aslan ard souria.
La2 ya 3ayne. Aza ma la7azet, fi selselten jbeil byofslo lebnen el akhdar 3an el sa7ra taba3koun, ya tatar.

Rou7 l3ab be sabi3 ejreik, ya badawi.

el7as ayree fuck face, sho, mafkir 7alak fer3ooni? enta souri wo imak souria ya ibn el manyak.

Wtf am i looking at

He even shaves four times a day

>tfw you can't read numbers

Lebanon dominated by Chrisitans:
>Prosperous country
Lebanon dominated by mudlsimes:
>Balkanized shithole

lol. Cha3b ghabi.

chou hal barahin l awiyyeh lle addamta!
Ana farjaytak moudoun 3omra alef el snin. Enta e3id 3am bet sarrikh met el ahbal.

Metl ma ento nekto lebnen bel 7arb el ahliye, halla2 3am btentek Souriya be 7arb ahliye kamen. Abel ken dawrna, halla2 dawrkoun. Kharjkoun ya kleb ya toughat, da3ish ma assar fikoun.

Nchalla ybi3oulak emmak be orch, ya 3akrout!

I'm bitching about Syrian migrants in Lebanon. They fucked up the labor market, road traffic and real estate prices.

eh wala, mitzakar ana kif kinit il3ab footboll ma3 shi jinde soure lama kinit z5eer bil jabal mane 3arif leh houwe hounik, min ba3da 3rifit ino souriya bas hon ta tneek wa thatim,

fi mishkle bi hal hareb il souriye,

iza bashar byirbah : libnen mintek albo
iza bashar byo5sar: libnen mintek albo aktar ma3 il mhajareen wa il rebels ill ha yharbo honik wa hon barke.

5od ba2a 3al araf wal manyaket

my most recent experiences was when they started stealing electricity from our generator line, 2 years ago during ramadan in the summer where we have double the usual electrical cuts cuz everyone using ACs to stay cool, another is when they started emptying a butane gas canister right fucking outside, why idfk, but what i do know is that they are living like fucking roaches in a filthy ghetto building,

fi e7timel aza rebi7 hal kalb el taghi el mestabed Bashar, enno y7es 3a dammo w ma ba2a yjarrib yetmanyak 3al lebneniye lle henne 7oulafe2o dod esra2il wel ousouliye.

We need to locate pictures of his obliterated faggot corpse

Pissing on the grave of the maronite state

eh wala, lezim, bas fi mishkle ino ha yirbah wa ykoun raso btizo wa ma yhis 3a damo wa ykamil manyaketo 3arif ino rousiya meske dahro.

>wanted to be paid in gold for his oil and to introduce the Gold Dinar
>actually elevated his country far above shithole status
>central bank not under Rothschild control
>kept refugees out of Europe



>prosperous country

This is simply not true, It wasnt a "prosperous country", it was literally a "prosperous elites and enslaved populace"

>Niggers (Somalia etc)
>All Arabs
Please stop spreading Abdul Nasser's myth.

>"prosperous hard-working people and useless lazy sandniggers"

My favorite Arab.
>tfw kike controlled USA and (((Kissinger))) destabilized Middle East killing hundreds of thousands and prevented him from uniting the Arab world which would be a threat for Zion