Last Hunger Game bread

come here for the last one


>USA snatches a bottle of alcohol.

Fucking degenerate. Kill me

why is i a girl tho?

Don't you fucking know polandballs ?

I do, but dont like the meme


Fugg, not switzerland

Turania is ded

Sweden didnt find the cuck shed



We use backpack to fill with rocks and throw at someone



>Nigeria had never seen so much water

>falls into pit and dies
You idiots. We're just building a bunker over here.


>be an aussie
>get trapped by jews

>jews set up traps

no poland you were doing good so far :(




I have a feeling the leaf will win


Get sickled you mongs




I wish the mods would make the new board already. these threads would be perfect on there

fast forward two days later because it's too slow

Poos vs Roaches. Whoever wins we all lose.

Ebin :DDD

If you kill your enemy he wins so Canada won't kill Turkey

Mods have been deleting these hunger games threads. Can't we have fun?

I have another one in the oven

Christians states vs Muslim states

it's going to be ebin :DDD

But I wait before starting a new bread, otherwise people will be bored


where do you go to make these anyway