Do do leftists dye their hair strange colors?

Do do leftists dye their hair strange colors?

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In the 80's everyone wanted crazy color hair, but the dye technology was lacking. If you wanted cobalt blue hair you would probably only end up with a blue hue for a couple days and then cancer.
Now the dyes are long lasting and non-toxic, and we see the associated cultural effects technology has laid waste once again.

It just gives normal people a warning as to what sort of person they'll be dealing with

To be an extra special snowflake

do do

Are you having a stroke?

I love you




Same reason black people dress like niggers and ordinary white people dress professionally: to signal to their fellows that this is a safe space and they are not threatening

Naturally, as with all such groups, it often has the opposite effect to people who are not part of their cast, in effect being aposematic.

similarly in nature there are poisonous plants and creatures that display such vibrant coloring

Similar to tattoos, "I have no internal merit so I must use external indicators to show how unique and interesting I am".


>Do do

That's it

That doesn't explain why though. I'm sure their intention isn't to scare people away

It may be because they think many societal norms are just tools of patriarchal or racist oppression, so they don't conform to the norms by dyeing their hair some unnatural colour that honestly just looks fucking ugly 9 times out of 10.
It may have to do something with their personality too, e.g. if they are narcissistic, they want to stand out, to be unique, by choosing a hair colour that immediately stands out and is relatively rare, while the same narcissism drives them toward radical leftism, because they can feel righteous and heroic by defending "oppressed" minorities from the evil patriarchy, and because they can feel smarter than those stupid "science-denying" people on the right.

>their intention

It's subconscious, that's your explanation.

I remember back when all the cool older teenagers would dye their hair with Kool-aid

They seek attention and do what their peers do to make themselves unique.


Gotta be a unique snowflake. Individualism is the left's facade. Hidden underneath is just another kind of collectivism.

The right is neither collectivist or individualist. We stand for solidarity with our own kind, but not just conformity.

This. It's tribalism. It's an external signal of your commitment to the group identity.

In nature, bright colors generally indicate venomous, toxic, dangerous creatures.

Seems about right.

yes they do do

Looking the way god designed them reminds them that there is a God and therefore rules.

They reject their heritage and ancestry and strive to create a new identity for themselves.

Tl;dr white guilt

American leftist propaganda. I used to think that "punk girls" were cute. Now I want a good wife with no tattoos or piercings or colored hair.

They lack identity

30± replies and not one user has posted the aposematic meme.

>Wow I'm so wacky and unique I dyed my hair blue #6 I'm not like other girls
Translated from slag
>Stay the fuck away, I'm literally insane and will probably try to murder you for looking at other girls

only anime girls look good with that hair.


Anime girls (at least in theory) have strange hair colours naturally, whereas 3DPD have them because of chemicals