
Who is your countries greatest inventor and what did they invent?

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George Washington Carver
Peanut Butter

Humphry Davy, as his discovery and invention of the first ever light circuit are responsible for the innovation that allows us our screens to this day.

Then again he was a Chemist not a inventor.

Either him or Joseph Swan for inventing the light bulb and hence allowing the eventual innovation mentioned before.

Joseph-Armand Bombardier Bombardier - the ski-dooørklund

GWC did not invent peanut butter

Al Gore - the Internet.

The jew invented degeneracy. Based jews.

Dr Young- the modern butt plug

Elon Musk invented Tesla

I know that pic is bait,but I still fell for it

Hey that's Nicolae Tesloiu, famous Romanian inventor of copper cable and also the first man to steal one.

The greatest? Santos Dumont.

He invented the first powered plane (14-bis) that flew without the help of catapults and was observed all over Paris. In addition to the 14-bis, he even invented the Demoiselle, which to this day is used as the basis for modern airplanes.

He was very similar to Tesla, lol

The Pirate Bay (Sweden, don't mind flag)

fuck out

Hunter Somerville - Diamond Shreddies



why is he sitting backwards on it?

Close, but wrong. The first plane was actually invented by Orville Redenbacher in Brazil

Thor Bjorklund
The fucking cheese slicer
>mfw that's probably the greatest norwegian invention

Sergei Korolyov - spaceflight

WTF!! I hate peanut butter now!

>is al gore
>invented internet

Is on the right side, this plane flies this way


Nikola Tesla.

Invented your life, basically.

Not even from Serbia, but this is exactly right. Tesla was one of the greatest minds in history, period.

Idk. One guy discovered something called electromagnetism.

The worst part is that this is literally norways biggest contribution to Humanity. Your country is as worthless as Saudi Arabia.

Norway is literally sandnigger tier from an objective standpoint.

Sir Edmund Hillary, he invented Mt Everest.

Newton. Invented gravity, without him youd just be floating helplessly

>invented mt everest

you could have chosen ernest rutherford but instead you chose that.

Trudeau: Male Feminist Superstardom
Dan Aykroyd: The Avro Arrow
Justin Bieber: subverts the Boy Band side project for a one-boy boy band

Blame the cunts that invented kiwi education.

Where to start, so many to choose from...
Robert Boyle, invented gas, and lighting your own farts

The Lumière Brothers with movies would be a fine choice I suppose.

We also invented Gallipoli.


>killing jews

Richard Pearse

flew a flying machine on his farm before the wright brothers but was never recognised because he wasn't a burger

Or maybe Louis Pasteur, vaccine against rabbies, pretty good, Pasteurization, Not to mention the number of things he discovered.

Isaac newton, the reflecting telescope. Then a day later he invented perving on your neighbours using a reflecting telescope.

Richard Jordan gatling inventor of the gatling gun gun and Benjamin franklins lightning rod

>Not John moses browing

Definitely Newton for inventing gravity and the downwards hill, before Newton all hills traveled upwards

J robert Oppenheimer

Too many French inventors to choose from.

a weapon to surpass metal gear

Gutenberg printing press nationality aside but nobody went's to read anymore and the news is shit now since most newespapers are going out of business

the first oil refinery

Born too late to go to school in this.

top kek

That's not true. He invented al-gore-rythm

Born too early to go to school in this

First modern Battleship?

Germany, Invented World War ...twice

>inventing shit
kek. too lazy.
some artistic shit like cubism.

>invents plane
>doesn't even know its backwards

lol what an idiot lol

suka blyat boje moi, have this AK 47 plus avtomata zastavas ak based like saiga here in srbija lot of avtomata carabin/dragunova. no kike to kill.

Margaret Sanger. Invented abortion clinic to kill blacks

Warrigoo from the Gollonghong tribe

>invented sharpy pointy stick for hunting

>invented curved stick for throwing

>invented hollow stick for blowing musical tunes

>invented two sticks to play musical drums

Egas Moniz

What distinguishes a serb, physically speaking, from other states in the balkans? I can never tell you all apart. You all just look vaguely eastern european to me.

invented AIDS

Invented petrol from your car while you sleep. Also invented the shoes off your doorstep.

A serb is nationalist. a bosniacji is muslim shit and stinks. a croatji is a US puppet, albanian are fucking muslimani terorista and US is to big but us citizens like you are so stuopid we downed you new stealth f117 and a f16 with 2 inexpensive SA-3 1951 missiles . your pc runs like tesla, a serb.. And you have no vague idea how much diverse is a serb from a romanian or a bosnian, you american bombed serbs for albanian scum imam