So i drove my girlfriend to have an abortion in a nearby clinic earlier before. That being said...

So i drove my girlfriend to have an abortion in a nearby clinic earlier before. That being said, I know you are judging me but can you explain why? It's not like you would be the one supporting our child.

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Shoulda wrapped your cock or cum in her ass, dipshit.

Or on her ass. Did you really have to cum right on her cervix? I know accidents can happen, but come on.

Do you shit your pants when you've got an upset stomach or do you run to the bathroom?

And there you have it.

See, no matter WHAT bullshit they try to spill, anti-abortionists are driven by a single thing: a religion that desires control over sex. They seen things like pregnancy out of wedlock as "god's punishment to whores" and such... they want people to suffer for defying their dogma. Every one of them is a weasel who would betray their country for their religion every day of the week.

>I'm a retard that gets into trouble I could have avoided easily and I'm not man enough to take responsibility

You should not reproduce, yet you must.

They have abortion in Croatia?

But he did avoid it easily. Via an abortion.

It's infanticide

You're just now realizing pro-life people are dipshits who are still mad they couldn't get laid in high school?

did you stay and make sure it was done. your flag says g/f probably took the money and wasnt pregnant to begin with. also, you are now a murderer in gods eyes.

but he just solved the problem

do you have trouble reading?

>Paid for it yourself
meh, you're an idiot but nothing more
>State funded
Bitch why does your stupidity have to be an economic burden to others

was it a nigger?

>you kidnap some kid
>"I know you're all judging me but can you explain why? It's not like you were the one caring for the child."

I just promoted sodomy as a preventative to abortion. So, that makes me a Christcuck? Also I blamed him for being dumb.

You would've been a shit father anyway. Unless the woman is going to die or the baby is stillborn, anyone that'd willingly kill their unborn child has no business having one ever, even if they get a better job or stop taking creampies from guys that have face tattoos or whatever.

Just like with suicide, it's cheaper and easier to let the trash take itself out than burden society with it

you and the idiot you stuck your wiener in fucked up
don't try and sugarcoat this or deflect responsibility

lol kek

>if you cant pay for it then dont have it

>save your resources to have 10 later

Because murder is wrong

I will pray for you and your girlfriend. You've both sinned. This is very bad. I hope one day you realize how terrible this was and repent for it.

I will pray for your baby too.

don't fuck if you can't take care of a child
actually, don't fuck if you're not married, degenerate

In hospital where i work we are making hundreds abortions every year.I see nothing wrong also many poles last year is coming here because they banned abortion but we can help them

>also, you are now a murderer in gods eyes.
not an argument

Sure. Why do you judge other murderers? It's not like you would be the one losing a loved one

I suppose many people struggle with the concept of 'potential life', a massive amount of projection, and regressive morals/ethics.

You've made a difficult decision. Continue enjoying life.

Before the "sexual revolution", which was essentially the mass cucking of the entire population by making them pay taxes to financially support short-sighted single-moms (I have no issues with widows), or pay for their abortions, pregnancy out of wedlock was de facto "punished" by virtue of the inherent misery involved in trying to raise a child, alone, on a single salary as a woman. This lead many to prostitution and other inadvisable career paths. Divorces were rare and men were strongly expected to take care of their wives "till death do us part". There was social pressure for men and women to marry because the alternative was relative misery, especially for women.

The entire point of marriage is to protect married women, and guarantee children to the married men.

We've essentially exchanged that system for what amounts to subsidized whoring, paid for indiscriminately by everyone, whether they stand to gain anything from it or not. If you're lucky you get to fuck at a discount, if not you just get fucked.

With our current laws marriage is now a joke, and serves no purpose but to fuck over even harder the men who enter that contract; birthrates are at an all time low, men and women as a whole are as miserable and unhappy as they've ever been, and western civilization is on the verge of collapse.

Point is: men and women shouldn't have sex if they don't want children. There are consequences to one's actions. You're not doing anyone any favors by indefinitely sheltering people from those natural consequences, and perpetuating subsidized whoring, which in contrast is very unnatural and incredibly destructive to one's country, as the current situation in the West clearly shows.
>Every one of them is a weasel who would betray their country for their religion every day of the week.
Retarded quote of the week.

How about being responsible the first time you dumbass. There is a whole section of contraceptives at a drug store you could have purchased to limit the chances of pregnancy. Lets keep creating a culture of anti consequences? A future Einstein who could have created easy space travel or colonization of planets faster has been killed. Now we never know what your child could have lived up to. Its a cultural war. You fags got civil unions/marriage now, now you want pedophile to be normal. You see the lefts side of logic and mental instability.

This dumbass thinks of pleasure more then responsibility. How about not getting pregnant in the first place. Another selfish leftard who only care about instant pleasure.

I'm not religious and I dislike abortion. Get out, kike shill.

But if the state also covers birth control, what's the difference?

why didn't you just reach in and yank the fetus out yourself?

Accessory to murder.

>I just killed a baby and I feel terrible but I'm too much of a pussy to take responsability for my actions so I'm just gonna stand here and hope that some other beta like myself tells me I did the right thing

Kys faggot, Sup Forums is a christian board