Is is true that this is used as proof of intelligent design in American schools?

Is is true that this is used as proof of intelligent design in American schools?

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hehe it look like a chef with the chicken pan haha

thats what i was taught

Yes, 102%

Ooooh I see it now, I thought it was a weird dick

nice thread cobber

yes until you got to minnesota, then things take a turn for the worst

>talks shit about American schools
>doesn't realize they are Marxist institutions now
>doesn't realize his schools are as well
>doesn't know he has committed a hate crime just by coming here

I'll pay reparations by taking the bull's strap on.

not sure, but can confirm god created kentucky

Do you really believe that's a possibility?

Damn Straya, seriously.

Isn't that what preacher Godfrey taught you in Bible science class?

Those types of people are a very small minority, Straya. Nobody outside of their inbred little hick communities takes anything they say seriously.

Not sure? I know that going to school in California, as a young kid is even more weird that it was back then. They were (fake) nice but now they say it's even more weird. Indiana, got a lot of credit for not allowing common core, which I think was good overall, but one the other had, what they didn't say was they wanted to replace it with something even worse. When I was a kid in IN, my friends actually made dumb Kentuckian jokes and now they can't because IN has still never passed an ISTEP overall. Now KY is higher up because they wanted better. Now Indiana is the joke being the lowest still. I dunno what happened to them but the majority of folks in IN have never left their state and many even city. Yes, they do things very differently there.

New Indiana Motto: "A love of law that's pestilential."

I don't understand what you mean by that? is a map of America proof of intelligent design?

No generally those who teach intelligent design just question the dating methods that are used, refer to other dating methods that "confirm" a young earth.

How do we destroy Minnesota?

>Ameriflabs in charge of knowing jack shit about their own culture

You have to go Outback, mate.

It's a guy with a booth on his head, pissing in a drawer.

Lmao, the "chicken state" is Kentucky. fucking america, man


FUG :D-----DDD

someone explain wtf I'm looking at

I'm so sorry