Being Gay is Genetic

Homophobes + Christcucks B T F O

In southern Mexico, individuals who are biologically male and sexually attracted to men are known as muxes. They are recognized as a third gender: Muxe nguiiu tend to be masculine in their appearance and behavior, while muxe gunaa are feminine. In Western cultures, they would be considered gay men and transgender women, respectively.

The current study included 141 heterosexual women, 135 heterosexual men, and 178 muxes (61 muxe nguiiu and 117 muxe gunaa). Study participants were interviewed using a questionnaire that asked about separation anxiety; more specifically, distress and worry they experienced as a child in relation to being separated from a parental figure. Participants rated how true each question was for them when they were between the ages of 6 to 12 years old.

Muxes showed elevated rates of childhood separation anxiety when compared with heterosexual men, similar to what has been seen in gay men in Canada and fa’afafine in Samoa. There were also no differences in anxiety scores between women and muxe nguiiu or muxe gunaa, or between the two types of muxes.

When we consider possible explanations for these results, social mechanisms are unlikely, as previous research has shown that anxiety is heritable and parenting tends to be in response to children’s traits and behaviors, as opposed to the other way around. Biological mechanisms, however, offer a more compelling account. For instance, exposure to female-typical levels of sex steroid hormones in the prenatal environment are thought to “feminize” regions of the male brain that are related to sexual orientation, thereby influencing attachment and anxiety.

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On top of this, studies in molecular genetics have shown that Xq28, a region located at the tip of the X chromosome, is involved in both the expression of anxiety and male androphilia. This suggests that common genetic factors may underlie the expression of both. Twin studies additionally point to genetic explanations as the underlying force for same-sex partner preference in men and neuroticism, a personality trait that is comparable to anxiety.


>being gay
Wouldn't natural selection completely eliminate this "gene" by default ?

I call major bullshit.

dont care. Gas the gays.

No because gays cannot marry or be open in many places and so they continue to have kids. Also, if the mutation positively affects the reproduction rate of their female close relatives, that could cause a persistence in the gene.

Female siblings of gay men have 1.3x as many babies as women who don't have gay siblings.

it could be caused by autosomal recessive inheritance.

Well or if it positively affects fecundity rates in women, it could persist on the X chromosome. Being REALLY into dudes is a good thing for women, less so for men.

so in other words, gender is genetic. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Nope, you have to see the bigger picture. If a trait is a positive for the species, it may survive. Even if it isn't positive, it may still endures, as long as it doesn't hinder the survivability of the species. Example would be white tigers, very rare but still exists, they are very unlikely to survive but they are too rare to endanger the tigers population.

For example (totally made up, psy ev at its best), having gays in your tribe may lessen the deadly competition between Chads to access the females. It doesn't have to be something which is favorable to you as an individual.

A better example would be ants: the eggs laid by the Queen will produce a new Queen, the soldiers of that new Queen will be genetically very similar to the soldiers of the old Queen. The soldiers are passing down their genetic material without reproducing. It's very effective, even moreso than the human method.


I agree christians are retards but i am an atheist, either way you are wrong idiot.
God exists=Gays are bad becouse of gawd
God does not exit=Gays are genetic and ecolutionary failures and we shouldn't praise genetic failure who have disadvatages from main population
Are we fucking clear now?
Someone please close this fucking retarded thread.

k now fuck off

It does not matter if being gay is genetic. So is killing and raping (it's called the warrior gene) but we don't tolerate that too, do we? But we should, right? Because a social behavior is acceptable so long as it has a genetic basis, right? That's the only justification you need, right? Good, cause I have a genetic predisposition to violence, and I am going to make some boots out of skin.

population genetics. some people are night owls, some people don't breed


>Biologically male
Bill Nye would like to have a word with you.

If being gay is genetic then they should be bred out of existence. They will not pass on their gay genes when they stop knocking up hetero women.

Just need to wait it out.

Down Syndrome is genetic.
Guess its just an (((alternative lifestyle)))

This is what trans/gay people have been saying forever already...