Conspiracy Thread

Convince me of your most believable conspiracy theory.

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the jews really are trying to rule the world

there is growing evidence that op is a faggot


hey, i was gonna say that.

but not all jews right? I feel like most aren't in on the spiel

I made a thread a few days ago and provoked Israelis to lasht out on me as to prove this point. They even started talking hebrew to eachother (forgot about google translate existing kek) telling the others to not say too much and that they don't have a strong "foothold" in Norway yet. They do infact destabilize the world either by proxy wars in the middle east or through media in the west.

shove that shit up your candy ass. everywhere that jews are, SOME of the jews take strategic measures to ensure that ALL of the jews reap the benefits. 1 kike per city is still too many kikes.

Bad goy

nicely done, bro.

Are you talkig about Nani from Garland?

maybe they were just larping like most Sup Forumslacks do

I just hope I don't tragically die of a ((((heart attack)))) or an (((((((((accident)))))))))

Better than getting killed by a muslim

Japanese empire was manipulated by freemasonry and managed to assist to make two huge communist nations.

How are you, Schlomo? Always where I am aren't you? I was being pretty smart about it and they revealed themselves without noticing what I was doing

The LOTR is real history. Moloch is Sauron and Saturn is Morgoth. Sauron's symbols are the ring and the eye, the same symbols the ruling occult use today.

most Canadians are brainwashed to the point they'll give up everything including their lives for the will of the puppet masters. it's something in the schooling, media, water supply, etc.
it's one reason why Canadian posters here seem so autistic. they can't help it. even the ones that agree with everything on Sup Forums



Every time I post it, silence.



>office fires can bring down a modern skyscraper


amazing that people bought it

wheres the archive????

But all I do is larp on this board too ;)

Nukes aren't real, they were made up by the Jews for several reasons including

>scare normies into believing they can be vaporized in an instant
>fool people into believing the USSR and USA didn't stay allied after WWII. People believed they couldn't fight a war due to MAD. The reality is they never wanted to fight a war, they were both controlled by the Jews and were working together to take over the world for Jewry.
>get the goy to believe in the Sampson option.

If nukes were real they would have been used in combat sometime in the last 50 years.


it is. lest we forget, on 9/11, osama bin ladin puts out a statement saying al queida didn't do it, sorry not sorry. short time after (2 days?) we *know* that bin ladin did it. FBI's most wanted list never attributed it to bin ladin because there's never been any evidence to support it.

Getting "independent when you turn 18" is a full fledged kyke plot to enlist young goy to the slave market of mortgages, debt and cubicles.

And to tear up the family.


Ausanon here - brother is ASIS. Not supposed to know.
>but I know
US intelligence own at least one Sup Forums server. US citizens posting here have electronic dossiers on them using machine learning to develop potential threat profiles. This is also of interest to FBI for obvious criminal monitoring reasons, as well as training purposes.
He nervously didn't want to explain what else these dossiers would/are being used for.


Alex Jones is owned and operated by CIA.

save it, its all yours my friend

Hitler did nothing wrong

yep, just audio that they said had evidence that they admitted to the crime, but when others listened to the tape, none of that could actually be heard. 9/11 is the only conspiracy i care about and i think, the only one that really matters, that will yield results if the culprits are brought to justice. i count alex jones as a culprit. he obfuscated for the guilty, even if he wasn't aware.

Sandy Hook was a conspiracy to help pass gun control laws
Because dead kids are strong "emotional arguments"
That is if they aren't aborted.

lots of people will go down when the 9/11 house of cards fall, including rudy giuliani

4x4 is controlled and a super-advanced AI is being used by the DoD that they got from lockheed who got the AI from a company they absorbed recently. one i won't name, but that you can find it.

A long time ago your dad fucked your mom.

The murderer of Pim Fortuyn was paid by the PvdA and maybe even by Ad Melkert and/or Marcel van Dam personally

Is it time to get off Sup Forums? I just come here for the memes and happenings.


nice vidya, leaf


it's too late. just let them know you aren't out to hurt people and feel remorse for hurting an innocent. they're looking for dangerous psychopaths becoming radicalized. don't post holocaust denial either. i have a feeling they're gonna start going for those people.

Secret constitutional government hiding everything good and wonderful from us Those running things Behind the Veil are really being handled byTorah thumping kabalists.

Continuity of Government. activated on 9/11 and authorized a few days later. we are still living under it's rule. put into place by reagan, and used later by dick cheney and his friends.

>don't post holocaust denial
fuck that shit. the holocaust didn't happen, but it fucking needs to

What do you think will happen to them? "Reeducation"? I disagree with them but it's free speech. It's also banned in a few countries. Weird legal waters for that one.

got any more info
I need a quick rundown

considering Mossad already has my name, i've resigned myself to whatever comes.
i don't know what will happen. i'm just giving you my advice. i sense something bad on the horizon.


i won't stop talking about it here. i might not talk about it IRL, but i will speak truth here all day every day

yep, flat earth and holographic planes on 9/11 are both psyops to discredit conspiracy theorists who have some real evidence of wrongdoing.

good on you, user. no fear. me, however, im spooked.

How about those who severely larp here because they have no friends so they post shit in order to get responses and don't really believe what they say? If anyone saw all my shitposting and took it seriously they'd be surely concerned for what kind of person I am although I'm just larping on an anonymous Bhutanese basket weaver imageboard. Do they actually believe people come here to express their real beliefs?

plenty other Sup Forums posters will pick up the slack for you, user

What do you mean "bad"? I definitely think they're going to remove any anonymity from the internet and clamp down on any radicals. I'm fearful of the growing political division in this country.

they probably have some AI or something sorting out the serious posters from the larpers, or maybe some poor kid doing grunt work.

You're fine, especially if you admit to LARPing and you're playing a character. You'd be wise to knock it off though.

>remove anonymity from the internet and clamp down on any radicals
this is my fear. i don't want to be on the list that gets my door kicked in. israelis have already used my name on here, first and last. it spooked me.


The phrase "wolves in sheeps clothing" refers to people around us that work for the system. They are like wolf packs in the way the co-ordinate attacks on people. They are not like regular Humans. Their job is to demoralize you, and enforce the system. They are gaming us, even posing as friends. Probably Mason families, or connected to the religion cults. 100% psychopaths and liars. They have no souls.

wow this thread shilled hard

Bigfoot is real. He's was controlling obama which is why so much land was turned into monuments. But Trump works for the lizard people and that's why he's undoing Obama's orders. Oh yeah, lizard people are real too

I don't have much info anymore because all the old sources got memory-holed, but I can tell you Tolkien always got offended when people thought of his works as a fictional allegory and always maintained that the LOTR novel and the Silmarillion was compiled from actual sources. If you start to think of LOTR as actual history a lot of stuff starts to make sense:

>moloch and Saturn bred the shitskins (orcs) in mockery of God's children
>men once lived alongside elves on a flat earth. When Atlantis (numenor) declared war on the elven land to seize immortality, god buried atlantis underwater and "bent" the earth so the elven realm could not be reached by mortals. Round earth is just an illusion created to hide the elves
>the celts have hobbit blood and the nords have elven blood.

i was posting in a thread with israelis and one of them used my name. not much of story. on another note, big gets on Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums are being controlled. i've seen it used twice to distract from wikileaks. this is why i believe the CIA has control of the servers, orchestrating the gets. it would also explain user information being in the hands of mossad, though i really hope not.

This is garbage I want the eight minutes I spent reading this back


Weather your larping or not.
Any cunt who has not got the tiny amount of grey matter to realise that the entire web is monitored deserves to be punished.
I post here as an user to say politically incorrect things about kikes..which I believe based on evidence.
As far as willing extermination on them goes..I have always believed those poster are primarily Jews larping as Nazis, shilling this board in ordered to generate a honey pot of extremists.
Not just that but even if you are retarded enough to believe the Jewish people or "niggers" can be wiped off the face of the earth then you really are beyond fucking retarded.
There is no fucking question people need to wake up to global kikery but the wake up is going to be about kicking people out of power and reforming our entire system of banksterism and media brainwashing. More Jews like brother Nathanial and Bobby Fischer RIP are needed to come forward and tell the truth about Jewish supremisist culture. It needs to be exposed and expose and expose until Jews no longer want to be associated with it and assimilate like NORMAL fucking citizens

That's insane. Interesting times we live in for sure. I really wish I was born in the 50s-60s when things were good. I just want inner peace goddamit.

this. victimizing jews only strengthens their victim status. either you wipe them all out at once(not likely) or you beat them at their own game. a radicalized antisemite is a jew's best friend.

Still, we aren't making newspapers with agendas or publishing books. We are writing stuff on an Indo-Chinese anonymous underwater woodsword making imageboard and can't be held accounted for it unless we actually break laws and threaten someone.

Another conspiracy: we are being good goys by solving captchas for warfare AI production that needs to differentiate buildings, vehicles and signs

whenever a huge gets comes and people are freaking out about it, look for what you're being distracted from, and i promise, it'll click that moot wasn't joking.

If you want to get paid to do it sign up for Amazon Mechanical Turk. Turn on legacy captions otherwise.
What did moot say? I never kept up on that stuff. I came here in spurts for year but have been glued to Sup Forums after that Tomahawk strike

>I have no idea ia this is legit, but Neo-Nazis are wising up that they need to blend in, and that the internet is revealing their cute little tricks and secret handshakes.

>Swastika tattoos were replaced with 1488 tattoos, and even those are no longer secret. So they get into more subtle things about Nordic heritage, especially as the military and law enforcement are now screening applicants with extremist tattoos.

>Nazi flags have been replaced with flags of Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia.

>Skinheads have gone to that weird undercut hairdo Richard Spencer has.

>So it is plausible they've gone to a gesture more subtle than the Sieg Heil salute.

Comment from:
About OppO-kkk Some people claiming that Sup Forums is just creating smoke screens for pre existing hate symbols, and Alt-Right hate mongers are deliberately flaunting their formerly secret signals, now that they are in power, even as they deny it, saying things like "b-but I'm not white..."


yes, captchas are used to train the AI. i have the name of one of the guys who worked on it, a brilliant software engineer. look for who Lockheed Martin acquired in the past few years, and you'll find the company that they got it from.
he basically joked about handing the keys over to the feds

All women are subhuman. Therefore, it's allowed to do whatever you want with them!

jews and asians are not human.

they descend mostly from neanderthals.

neanderthals also evolved/branched into carnivorous humans that no longer exist.

they were much more intelligent than actual humans as well but our adaptability won out in the end.

this has all been kept out of human history by the jew.

shitty troll on people who don't know history

Motherfucker, you ain't as smart as Asians! We're better than you.

White genocide

911 was planned since at least the 1960s
They were built with the plan to destroy them in 2001
It was a mass psy-op blood sacrifice to open the new millenium

funny how they just slap it in our faces, knowing they'll never be caught

And then
Toppest of keks for this insecure inferiority cimplexed user.

The pentagon first opened on 9-11

>Convince me of your most believable conspiracy theory.
That this is an opposition research thread that gets posted every few hours.
I know it sounds crazy.

g-goyim know!

Dude not trying to bust your bubble. I doubt many Jews know any Hebrew, since it's a dead language. It was just basement dwelling fags trolls messing with you. Probably samefagging too.

> i've resigned myself to whatever comes
>not getting strapped and being prepared to take as many kikes to their master in hell with you

You call yourself and American

It's normal here, though... U Jelly? ;)

im scared.

the front page of some ny newspaper that day showed orthodox jews drinking orange juice, not kidding
its a 5 sided building thats 77 feet tall
struck by 5 guys on flight 77
towers stood for 33 years
atta was 33 years old

The reason why the US still uses archaic toilet paper while more developed countries use bidets is because of the toilet paper lobby, that holds much more influence in politics than big oil.

That "Alex Jones" is merely an actor (or group of actors) and that the actual person doesn't exist.

the jews are not actually jews
they are a turkic race that mass converted to a dead religion to take advantage of christians and eventually establish a turkic homeland in arab territory
the hebrews died out during the roman empire