So now, Atheist Backing Christian in Meme War Against Islam?

So now, Atheist Backing Christian in Meme War Against Islam?

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The annoying atheists like harris and dawkins have suceeded on their war on Christianity but failed to realize the danger of islamofacists. They are at a sad point where the left that they align themselves with have chosen to defend islam and now atheists are so apathetic they dont care




"Cultural Christian" fits my worldview quite nicely

As an atheist activist (did counter-marches, had arguments at public christian parades) YES.

Christians at the parades loved to tell me, "You wouldn't do this at a Muslim thing," because they love those delicious persecution points. I would tell them, "Of course I would! Are they marching through the streets pushing their religion full blast with bullhorns? I'll protest them with you," and I woudl give them my contact info, and they never called.

Can we please just fucking do this already?

Some people never understood the concept of vacuum of power, atheist were happy destroying christianity and they forgot about the other more dangerous religions, now suck it, your materialistic Europe is falling.

Now they want to fix their fuck up, now they will bleed

>Lacking belief in gods and fighting religion leads to embracing the worst religion

lol, fuck you, retard, and fuck all Abrahamism. It's all bad. Islam is the worst, but it's all bad, and we must fight it all.

read the first few words again retard





Your grandfathers would look upon you with utter shame. You are a disgrace.


Ruining people's lives because for some false social crusade should get you gag ordered.

>atheist activist

Good job on being pro active against something that doesn't exist, continue doing what you are doing, you'll show those bigots!

>omg muslims are just like hitler

Couldn't make it anymore obvious that he was a Jewish cumguzzler if he tried.

You are stupid I'm not even catholic but I recognize what Dawkins is recognizing now, you can live peacefully in a christian society in a muslim one you will be killed.

Canada will be demolished from the inside as the UK is being now, you wont be able to convert you will be killed especially if you are gay, lesbian or subversive.

You are fucked you just don't know.

Atheist-states were marvelous. Step up on your bait m8, but in all seriousness, Europe is learning the hard which is fun to watch. I believe Islam is also the fastest growing religion in Canada, keep pushing secularism goy.

Dawkins has been fighting islam for the past decade.

Hey by the way, what has this faggot done to fight islam?

Can anybody show me even one christian that dawkins debated that has attacked islam as much as he has?

Hello terrorist sympathizer

more than you?

I 100% support christianity and i am an atheist. Its generally peaceful but fights like a rabid dog if you try to fuck with it. Perfect balance of chill and no chill.

More than you?

Fuck off. Atheists are the lowest form of life. I would gladly side with anyone against you shits.

>when he said Christianity was a bulwark against islamism
Atheist regret is oh so sweet.

We know, race traitor.

There's only one true religion of peace.

Can someone prove to me that god exists. I don't want to be an atheist but I find it extremely hard to believe that god is actually real.

Someone convince me please.

It won't be until this british cunt gets what he deserves.

>muh skin

What a fag hahaha

Read the Bible, go to church. Pray. It comes naturaly.

>not much culture I cannot judge them.
>This would not happen if US not bomb them.
>they mad at US for killing their family
>no to islamophobia

>he would kill his blood to save a kike.

good goy

Done all that as a kid. Sometimes I felt a connection at church but it was only to my family, not like I was connecting with god. Bible doesn't convince me anymore than the Torah or Quran would. And everything I've ever bothered to pray for has never come to fruition. I need something real

This explains why you never hear about this guy anymore

atheist here, i dont like christianity, but islam is a lot worse

So you don't believe 14 years old Joseph Smith found a Golden Bible in his backyard

Bingo. What's the penalty for not being christian? none, a weird look from the priest at most.
What's the penalty for not being muslim?

>it comes naturally

then why did i just all of a sudden start questioning it at the age of 10 with literally the most christian upbringing?

Then you don't deserve God's light. Kill yourself faggot.

Atheist here, I don't like diarrhea, but bloody diarrhea is a lot worse.

I hope Islam takes over and kills all the faggots, atheist first. Y'all deserve to die for destroying the only religion that tolerated your degenerate behavior.

Atheist here, I don't like a strong sense of community, tradition, family, and purpose.

Atheist here, I don't like islam, but my way of life actively encourages it to invade my country.

Time to drop the bottle, Jakub. You're making your friends mad.

I'm an atheist but I have great respect for Christianity.
Most people need to be religious or spiritual as it helps them a lot. And I'd rather be surrounded by Christians than any of the other major religions.
If you study even a bit of history and ignore the stupidity of BUT THE CRUSADES, BUT THE WITCH HUNTS, BUT THE DARK AGES, you'd see that Christianity, for most of it's existence has protected culture in Europe.
The problem is that atheists are faggots that know nothing more than what some retarded youtube "atheist" tells them and think they are rebels that don't know anything about the history of Christianity or other religions.
They don't even fucking realize that if they weren't in a Christian developed country they would be fucking killed for wearing their retarded fedoras just to tip them when someone mentions God

I had 14 years of religious schooling and started calling bullshit on it when I was eight years old. Still, I'd much rather live in a Christian society than an Islamic one.

I know you're bait but have an obligatory fedora tip anyway

Christianity is the go-to dead horse for LOL RELIGIONS MAKE THE RETARD
But deep, deep, down in the core of milennials and atheists, they know the truth
They know when the shit goes south, they will back Christians, they will back the Cross, they will back the Deus Vult

I'm atheist, and if shit hits the fan i vult definitely.

if you just ask yourself "can something come from nothing" then its obvious that intelligence exists outside this reality.

a big bang type event starting organically is the most laughable thing.

Source on info graphic?

What reality do you live in? Harris and Dawkins have repeatedly spoken out against Islam and its barbarism. They barely even talk about Christianity anymore because Islam is an infinitely more dangerous ideology. Hitchens realized the same thing.


But 70% of atheists are shit-tier "statheists."

If you're having doubts about GOD think of your consciousness. Think about archetypes and the collective unconsciousness. Realize almost all religions share many symbols. There is a message there beyond us. Primitive man knew this, but man as of late has abounded his V instincts (archetypes) That is why many are lost today. Our modern culture is against are archetypes.

It's too late, you will bow to Islam before long. You spent three centuries weakening the structures of Christianity, not realizing your mistake. Even at the very end it was a Christian who prophesied the result of your anti-Christian crusade, even at a time when Islam was seemingly dying
>"During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the Mohammedan world fell under a kind of palsy...At last by the end of the nineteenth century, more than nine-tenths of the Mohammedan population of the world...had fallen under the government of nominally Christian nations, especially of England and France."

>"On this account our generation came to think of Islam as something naturally subject to ourselves. We no longer regarded it as a rival to our own culture, we thought of its religion as a sort of fossilized thing about which we need not trouble."

>"That was almost certainly a mistake. We shall almost certainly have to reckon with Islam in the near future. Perhaps if we lose our faith it will rise."



are should be our

What created the outside intelligence? Did it just pop into existence at some point?

Soulless animal you need to be put to sleep.

>spends his life destroying the only thing keeping Islam at bay for the past 7 centuries
Definitely not /ourguy/

there was never a beginning.

>As an atheist activist
lmao *tips fedora*


What's your point? Modern Christianity is by far a better ally than Islam. Christians tolerate the existence of atheists and don't advocate for our eradication. Islam wants to execute us all.
In my perfect world there is no religion (just as I'm sure everyone is a Christian in your ideal reality) but in a hypothetical battle between Islam and everyone else I'll side with the Christians every time.

There will not be any fedoras in two generations. Maybe in even less time. Nobody cares what they think or say. They're dead in spirit as much as they will soon be in body.

>So now




Such a good goyim. Yaweah would be proud.


>"muh skin"
>he thinks race is just skin color

"Polish" kike detected

There's nothing more pathetic than people who mock Christianity but keep their mouth shut about Islam.