Why is it that every new president is even worst than the last one?

Why is it that every new president is even worst than the last one?

Then who the fuck is going to be POTUS after Trump? Kanye West? Kim Kardashian? Sasha Grey?

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You sick piece of shit

Mike Pence

Aids Skrillex.

because America is a pussified commie zog piece of shit dying nation


Before I actually reply what are you? Criollo, castizo or lower?

pls dont

Late stage capitalism


Mixed up native and spaniard. More brownish that white


It's going to be pic related.

Mestizo or lower? Cholo?


Mestizo pretty much

So a dirty mestizo beaner.

the president can only do so much, society is swirling down the toilet regardless of who is "in charge".

Ok so mestizo beamer, I'll explain this to you as simply as possible.
The worst of you and others from Central and South America have been allowed to come here and ruin the US along with the niggers.

I'd fuck her white Trash pussy

what is the knuckle tattoo?

Stay Geld?
Stay Gelt?

You seem to be the kind of guy who's only accomplishment was to be born white

stay gold