We all know the FBI is shilling here

Why is the FBI trying to turn Sup Forums into Nazi's?

Because it's funny and they're bored.

NSA and Secret Service too, I bet. Probably posting half the awoos in the Trump General.

so Sharblue can keep wasting their money

the end game is a one world government type situation with a fascist ruling class

>you can't prove me wrong

Because when an enemy outnumbers you, the only viable way of retaining the advantage is to splinter said large group into many smaller groups and make them infight about trivial bullshit thereby taking main focus off of your group, simple logicAl viewpoint and explination.

They should think of the consequences! Do they not see how many Richard Spencer fanboys they've created?!

do you really think they have the time and money to shill on Sup Forums all day when there are actual criminals roaming around

Why would the FBI care about this?

Nazi's what?

Because the triple K squadron of the US is 90% FBI agents.

nazis support a safe and secure nation with no crime. it is in their interest to make the nation safe.

because we redpilled the FBI and now they are nazis. now they are helping us redpill the newfag scum

I highly doubt it, probably a nice diverse bunch

Try typing Tavistock into google

Then browse their "related" site

It will all become clear.

>inb4 we are all becoming products of covert social engineering, being slowly driven mad by technology

>but they know we wont put down the tech


Remember to choose Wendy's when you go for lunch, FBI-kun.

>mfw checked myself

Why would the establishment want to associate their enemies with Nazis, so as to make them targets for violence and hatred and ridicule? That's just silly user. Now take this night-night pill.

>Why aren't you using a pass and VPN user?

nazis are a diverse bunch

sup fellow dudes, have you seen "The Greatest Story Never Told" yet?

It's a slick documentary that tons of work went into. It totally wasn't created by feds. I listen to Hal Turner every day, do you? Let's plan some violence.

>plan some violence

Thems fightin words user

They're trying to do the opposite, to turn us into Redditors.

Digits of Truth confirm this

I'm out of here lads, Ted was right.

to smart

Is the FBI turning Sup Forums into nazis...or is Sup Forums turning the FBI into nazis?
