What is Social Trust?

What do people mean when they say this or high-trust? What are some examples?

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Trust in your fellow citizen. To expect everyone to be a decent, law-abiding and morally rigorous individual. Most often found in ethnically homogenous nations and nowhere to be seen in multicultural shitholes like the US.

It relates to the economical growth which is enhanced or deteriorated by just how much people in the analyzed community at large are willing to trust each other. For example, Brazil has a historical problem with this due to the fact everyone here is always trying to get ahead and swindle one another, and that has a serious and real effect on the economy.

>none dropped in Africa
lol it wasn't worth the experiment

Checks out

Finland at it again.
It'd be interesting to do this at different places in America to see just how differently it would turn out. In some white Midwestern cities it would probably be 10-12 wallets, whereas in some large heavily Hispanic/Black cities it would probably be 2-5.

Trust is the reason why Scandinavian societies are so successful. And why Russia is a fucking shithole. You can't run functioning societies when everyone are corrupt fuckers out to get one another in every way possible.

Except the Svensk fucked up and now will pay for it

So what will happen to societies that were built on extremely high trust and built their institutions on that expectation and became extremely successful via them, and then become lower trust and more corrupt over time, like what America, and possibly some other countries like Sweden, are looking like? Their accumulated institutional wealth can't just be destroyed.

The Svensk betrayed themselves by thinking that they could help the shitskins by mass importing them. Turns out that importing a lot of subhuman retards with a worldview that is diametrically opposed to your own is a bad idea.

Good question. I can't really answer it good enough. Jordan B Peterson says that all things tends to corrupt or decay, social structures and institutions, nothing are without problems and everything requires constant work to be upheld.

But ideological madness can still take place without the decrease in trust i would assume. And the poor effects of bad political policy such as to much immigration can lead to bad results and worsening of institutions regardless of high trust levels. But we also know that multi cultural societies have lower trust levels then homogeneous societies. So bringing in immigrants and changing the population could decrease trust.

Also this was interesting, worldhappiness.report/ed/2017/

"Happiness has fallen in America

The USA is a story of reduced happiness. In 2007 the USA ranked 3rd among the OECD countries; in 2016 it came 19th. The reasons are declining social support and increased corruption (see Chapter 7) and it is these same factors that explain why the Nordic countries do so much better."

There's no lockers at my gym, I leave my keys and wallet in my shoes or jacket, I don't use a bicycle lock most of the time, I mainly trust all my fellow ethnic Norwegians.

But it only works if your country is homogeneous. If I see a immigrant I lock my car, I watch my wallet etc.

>pic very related

Interesting, I grew up in a small almost exclusively White-German descendant town in Nebraska and neither my family nor I needed to lock our bikes, cars, homes, etc. and everybody genuinely seemed very happy, at least much moreso than now when I live in a larger city. So is demographic homogeneity then the single largest driving force behind the phenomenon of social trust? Does this explain why different cities and regions even within the country likely have such wildly different happiness and trust levels?

White rural neighborhoods that don't lock their doors at night.

In America they would use the info in the wallet to go to your house and then rape, rob, and kill you.

Seriously, Social Trust is when you live in a NATION. ONE race, ONE culture, ONE religion. In a nation everyone is essentially your extended family so helping them helps you and your family.

In an EMPIRE (like America) everyone us just there to steal, usually by getting into the government. ALL empires fall because of internal traitors who have no true loyalty to anything but themselves.

>So is demographic homogeneity then the single largest driving force behind the phenomenon of social trust?
I don't know. There might be a biological factor behind it. Some people just have higher levels of trust. And Scandinavians are particularly high on that trait.

Lisbon is kind of Africa at this point.

A figure of speech?
Language being subverted?
It have a subjective meaning.
There is Trust, and also there is Justice.
Leftists want to add "social" to it to broader the meaning for one it doesn't have.

it has*

This test has a pretty shit sample size. Plus every city has good and bad neighbourhoods. This test is nowhere near accurate.

wtf I love india now

Scandinavian social success comes with a price. I appreciate high salaries and clean streets but I wouldn't want to live in an insectoid collectivist society with North Korea-style hivemind conformism indoctrinated in people, being surrounded by fanatical drones with no empathy and self-reflection.

I think this article should redpill those who tend to idolize Scandinavian countries:


Just a few decades ago a leftist party which was in power in Sweden ordered a large-scale forced sterilization of unemployed and disabled people. More than 40 000 people were sterilized against their will with the full support of society, no public protests took place. Then Swedish government started to import hundreds of thousands of third worlders into their country in order to make it "diverse". Right now anyone who speak up against this madness can lose his job and even go to jail. In an invididualist society (like the US or the UK) none of those extremes would have happened.

A high trust society is a society where less government is needed to keep everything from functioning well.

India surprised me.

But the US has been importing the third world en masse since the 1960s or so.
But that doesn't define high trust, what's the actual definition is mostly what I was asking.

Jante is fucking based.

Eugenically cleansing the unemployed and disabled is UBER FUCKING BASED.

It would eliminate 90% of nogs and muslims in the West in 2 generations and the shittier whites too while they're at it.

I'm amazed how you managed to get everything backwards. Then again, that's to be expected from a Russian.

Careful, you share a border with them!

>Full of Gyppos and panchitos
>Only 2 wallets
Shocked there were any wallets returned desu

High trust is what separates a successful country from the a failed one. With high trust comes better credit, IE others are more likely to invest in that country or lend it money at low interest rates. It also makes society more prosperous because people trust one another and don't try to rip each other off. Less crime and corruption means that lost tax revenue is kept at a minimum.

People therefore work for the enrichment of the nation rather than only themselves. Civilisation started when two families decided to work with each other for their mutual benefit, rather than steal or rape which profits them only in the short-term.

india is 100% indians. i bet they dropped it in a rich area though.


We have the same in NZ:


India isn't homogeneous at all, being "Indian" means almost nothing when there are Tamils, Sikhs, Punjabis, Brahmins, etc. all speaking tons of different languages, it isn't comparable to Norway or Sweden, etc. at all.

Boris would die if he tried to cross that border because he'd freeze to death and the Saami would eat him.

Would you leave your kids with your neighbor for a few hours if your spouse was injured in an accident?

Can you leave your car running/bicycle unlocked if you need to run into the drug store for a few items on a cold night?

we are honest people.

I confirm. Poos here are much more honest than other South Asians, except maybe for Filipinos.

>south asian
KSAnon, you accidentally a word there bud

In my area? Absolutely.
But it's because we have 2 niggers out of about 12000 people and they aren't even niggers, just black.

What word?

East. Filipinos are South East Asians

I wanted to include all cheap labor of the same socioeconomic status here more or less for the comparison to be fair. So that includes everyone from Pakis/Afghans all the way east to Nepalese and others.

Nepal is still rather South central Asia. The Philippines are as far East as Japan bit farther south. But yeah similar socioeconomic status

All that swede puss going to waste, damn.
Put that pussy in a zoo dude, it's going extinct.

kys gypsy

>So is demographic homogeneity then the single largest driving force behind the phenomenon of social trust?
I think it's the most reliable indicator but you can in theory have a cohesive society of different ethnic groups as long as they all share the same ideals. In practice that doesn't seem to work very well, the shared ideals can't be forced, they have to come organically from a shared history and common interests.

What's the story behind this, chum?

Hey, how's it going with your amazing human rights record? Has any disbeliever been tortured yet today?

Sweden not so tolerant :(
What happened?
Do I need to put on a turban and come there to rape yo but so you give me some slack?


The homogenity, collectivism, and high social trust comes at a price in nordic countries. People loose their individuality and uniqueness, and everybody becomes a bunch of communist drones.

Economic wise, there's no incentive to become rich or famous by inventing something or whatever, essentially leading to to innovation and technological progress what so ever.

Sweden, Denmark and Iceland are number 4, 5 and 6 respectively on the Global Entrepreneurship Index. Whatever problems we have in Iceland lack of individuality, uniqueness and innovation are not one of them.

When a gypsy family shat in the tumble drier in our communal washing facility and started it when another family was drying their cloths I stopped being tolerant to gypsies.

Per capita Norway, Sweden, and Denmark produce about the most scientific research on the planet.


>see flag
>hurr gypsy duRRR, mom posted it again, tendies?


Why immigration is good and why we need more diversity.
- Sven et. al.

It's 3% because all of them are in Sweden begging with paper cups.

Ok, I'll be quite if you don't shit in my laundry.