Why is nationality so much more important to you then race?

Why is nationality so much more important to you then race?
I feel a greater kinship with a white french guy, then a brown German

What? Obviously race matters more. Nationality is literally a social construct, race isn't.

Where the hell did you get that idea krautkunt?
When the race war comes I would obviously side with a white Switz over a brown """"""Australian"""""""

Brown people cannot be German

The white race race is a cursed demonic race not from this world. You so called white people are nephilim. When your ancestors were in caves the black man was erecting civilization all over the world. The black man taught you how to stand up right and even how to bathe. You were unhygienic dogs before the black man came and civilized you.


I just see a lot of Nationalism and a desire to return to protectionist economy here
This is directly opposed to racial unity.

Ethnicity > Nationality

it isn't

ultimately the most important thing to me, though, are western cultural values and norms

honestly if this were true it would just make your fall into niggerdom even more pathetic

There is no civic nationalism in Germany. Being a nationalist in Germany means you are an ethno-nationalist.

As a Balkan nigger i can tell you that ethnicity is the most important thing.

>directly opposed
We aren't talking about globalism
And why does me being Nationalistic make me not want to co-operate with other whites in order to strengthen our race?

Both are irrational reactionary ideologies. So it depends on what is consideded as a threat.
If threat are "niggers", then race is more important. If threat are "ruskies" or "chinks", then nationality.

still a German Nationalist and a French Nationalist is still a division between two white people.

"Nationality" in its faggot modern corruption is a recent thing (although it has some antecedent in the very country you named, thanks for that France).
Nationality as it was understood before we lost the plot *was* the same thing as "race". In fact people used to speak of the "British race", the "German race" (or in English the "Dutch" race), etc.
It's an intentionally fake division very similar to the whole "sex" and "gender" bullshit.

Values are the greatest force in relationships.

I think you have this ideal where all whites are successful and think like you.

I'm about as racist against blacks as anybody but I'd feel a stronger connection to a black that "acted white" and shared similar beliefs than some obese cuckold that went to interracial poz parties.

I would probably even enjoy being around Thomas Sowell than Milo or some braindead, nu-right, idiot that thinks everyone who doesn't worship Trump is a shill

I've got more in common with a French person than a Turk but that doesn't mean that the French are part of my people. Germans are my people.

something the rest of europe will find out much in the same way soon enough

>Implying we have feelings
silly balkanoid

Racial theory has beem abused by those who wish to control others under nationalist systems.

Greek City States had no concept of racial theory. They would just stick to their own and the further you got from your own the worse. This has been the tribalism that's existed in pretty much every society forever.

This is why people who advocate for a future where everyone is mixed race is retarded. These people have no concept of history or the world. People will always find features that make their group and features of their enemy. If they remove white people as the enemy then these new browns will find some feature to distinguish themselves from others and create new enemies.

T. chong/weaboo/pussy

Tomorrow is commie purge day
those who throw in windows and burn cars, because fuck the system, are those your people too?

The only real biological race is based on close blood relations and instinct to protect self and family.

Nationalism and "white race" are bullshit.

If you aren't family you aren't anything.

Those are Volksverräter, obviously.

>What? Obviously race matters more. Nationality is literally a social construct, race isn't.

This, though it is kind of vague. I know some Japanese that are definitely more Chinese-looking but culturally they are Japanese. I don't feel less kind to them. So race is as much of a social construct.

But one thing is for certain - I am a child of Charlemagne and also Swiss. So I feel a kindred spirit with both the French and the Germans.

Right on


good luck with that
regions ruled by clan cultures are the most backwards in Europe.
like South italy

pretty much destroys your civilization when you have to give the job to your dumb cousin instead of the smart guy who is not related to you at all.


>The only real biological race is based on close blood relations and instinct to protect self and family
People's instinct to protect their family and pass down their genes extends beyond their nuclear family. Obviously, if you had to choose between saving a complete stranger and your cousin, you would save your cousin. If choosing between your third cousin and your ninth cousin, you will choose your third cousin. Anyone of your nationality, followed by your race, will be a closer cousin to you than someone of a different race.

The desire to protect one's own race, ethnic group, or nationality is a logical extension of the instinct to protect self and family.

Because unlike yours, my nationality isn't a meme invented to con people into cuckoldry.

For me it depends on how distant the extended family.
I have greater kinship with Northern Ireland than I do Russia.
A nation might take priority because it benefits my immediate family more.
But my loyalty is still to blood, just not a blank check to a distant relative.

No retard. Its about differentiation. Telling who's on what side. Nationality is hard to identify immediately compared to race. All that matters is how quickly and clearly you can tell who is your ally and who is your enemy. It's the reason why MAGA hat works so well.

And then the French guy who looks like your brother, has the same job as you do, roughly the same interests. Just speaks a different language and maybe likes a different football team. Is he your guy?

European ethnonationalism is the future

I give Europe until 2032
If by then the current trend continues the white race Europa and humanity is lost.
We will all be damned to a distopian future with no hope and God will turn his back on us.
I can alredy see it
Mega metropolises crammed with tens of millions race ethnicity is desultory everything is a brown cesspool, there's no culture or identity all is pop culture and gov sponsored illusions. New York on steroids if you will. The world gov will invent some new religion and force everyone to worship it after two generations the religion will become rooted. Honor truth and justice will not exist. Degeneracy sexual perversion and heathenism will be the norm. Humans will never reach the stars with all the race mixing the average iq will be 90 the world gov will e controlled by about 100 people. Eventually technology and humans will mix creating cyborgs. And when the frankeinsten satanic society they created collapses in its own filth ((((the world government))))
will leave the planet with a couple of thousand genetically created humans and they will try again on another planet. That will be the faith of humanity.

If the current trend stays the course all Germans will be brown in the next century.

GR8 B8 M8 8/8

>brown German
No such thing

Neither matters to me. Individual people and their character matter to me, regardless of nationality and race.

>I feel a greater kinship with a white french guy, then a brown German

Calling a French person white is redundant and there are no brown Germans.

It appears you have confused nationalism with (((nationalism))).

white == race
german == ethnicity

nation == ethnicity + land + culture

obvious shill thread btw don't reply newfags

Even niggers don't believe this

Because of muh welfare
muh guns
muh women
muh freedoms

Race got me LESS grants and scholarships for college.

Maybe for a burger it's hard but anyone born and raised in a Euro country can pick out nationalities with relative ease
t. Born and raised in a Euro country

>Not a social construct

Yes. Germans aren't perfect.

The Germans are your people, but the Turks and mudslimes are not German

Nationality meant blood (ie= ethno-nationalism) until retarded politicians decided to invent the jus soli.

Indeed. But being German is about your ancestry and not about some arbitrary set of values.

way to completely miss the point of the entire board hans

The set of values is supposed to come from a shared ancestry. All the sandnigger mudslimes in Oslo are not Norsk, but I am.

You're an American with Norsk ancestry

Nobody but Reddit is honestly a civic nigger-lover.

Nope, I'm a Norsk, born and raised for 15 years in Bergen/Stavanger.

I don't care about race since what does matter to me is culture and national identity.

I have a sandnigger (((friend))) whose family was migrated here from egypt.

Of course his parents are close minded and are not so integrated but strangely this guy doesn't give a shit about his culture and acts like a perfect Italian including habits, the food he eats (pork and alcohol included), language, etc..

He told me that in his culture men could do wathever the fuck they want [citation needed] but women are forced to follow their nigger rituals so his sister is married with another sandnigger, wears the hijab and shit, is religious, etc..

The point is that if I had a rubber, I would erase the parents and the family of this person because they're the ones who are a threath to my culture and country, my homeland, while I'd keep this guy because to me he's an ok person and I identify him as an Italian with a funny skin tone (not so different than southern Italians eh) and a sandniggerish look.

Don't get me wrong though, I don't like going outside my house and be surrounded by niggers/sandniggers/asians/etc.. even if they're (((Italians))) but as I can't do nothing to stop this...at least I'd be sure that they're fully integrated.

Should they react or do something against my country or culture, it's jail and forced labour time...or a bullet in the head in the worst case.

A man can always dream.

>I feel a greater kinship with a white french guy, then a brown German
I feel a greater kinship with an asian raised in Australia than anyone from non-Anglo Europe, unless the asian is a fob or from some shitty ghetto.

But hey, we dump all our refugees on an island and only accept skilled immigrants, so shit's different over here.

Who wants the island to end in Aussieland?

Both the major parties want it, and the left-wing ALP created it in the first place, so we're going to keep dumping refugees on islands until A) the islanders get pissed off, B) communists and/or the Greens seize power, or C) refugees stop fucking coming by boat.