Pro-Life General

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13,395,000 children slaughtered so far in this year alone:

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Abortion is good because it gets rid of minorities

>murdering children is good because it gets rid of minorities
that's your best argument?

Yeah, it's murder, but you can't actually see the kid being killed, so it's OK.

Yes? If abortion was banned America would be worse off. I don't deny that abortion is murder but I really couldn't care less if it gets rid of the note.

gets rid of the nogs*

It's really difficult to give an answer, I'm all for killing babies but I don't think that women should have rights

>i don't care if children are murdered
well, that's shitty.
but i'll don my psychopath goggles for the sake of conversation too

>I really couldn't care less if it gets rid of the nogs
it doesn't though. their fertility rate is still above replacement levels
i realize you're talking about america, but i made this image before i read this post i'm replying to

Obvious user trying to be edgy is obvious.

Abortion is rampant because of sexual liberation and selfishness. There is no cause and effect anymore with sex. People indulge in their passions and sin against their own bodies. If a baby happens to come about, they will sacrifice it to their own god which is their own self.

here's data for america

and again, keep in mind for a population to remain stable, every family is expected to produce 2 children on average, one to replace the mother, one to replace the father.
the children are also expected to produce 1 child each to replace themselves.

the actual number projected to sustain a population is 2.1 per family
(the extra .1 is to compensate for death, infertility, etc)

>it gets rid of the nogs
notice they're still at 2.1 despite being 28% of the 1,000,000 children murdered through abortion per year in america alone.
so it's not getting rid of nogs, but it is in part leading to the extinction of whites.

This has to be fake right?

i don't think im pro-choice. i mean, im ok with killing babies, but i don't think a woman should be allowed to "choose" anything.

common pro-choice arguments:

>it's just a clump of cells
as are you
>it's just a parasite
they are the same species as the "host" and raises the "host's" darwinian fitness, the relationship is mutual symbiosis if anything
>it's legal, therefore it's good
so was slavery (this counter-argument doesn't work on Sup Forums)
>well then masturbation/menstruation is genocide lol
the pro-life position is that a human's life begins at conception, the individual gametes are not a human life until they meet

this guy ( ) already beat you to posting your edgy t-shirt slogan

Im fine with it but the person having the abortion should have to cover the cost of it so nigrills cant get free abortions when some druggie gives her a nut and cut


In my opinion, it is a good option in case the baby is not expected.
Moreover, the planet already has TOO MANY (black) PEOPLE...and it's time to say -STOP-...
Also, abortion should always be legal because there are many disadvantages on having a baby you've never wished.

I support it since it gets rid of like 50% of niggers before they are born

Send it back to the states. CA, NY and states with high minority populations will keep abortions legal, whiter states like Kentucky will outlaw abortions so whites will have a slight baby boom.

The question usually boils down to at which point the zygote becomes a person.
Some say 1 cell, some say first heartbeat, some say after exiting the mother. There is no clear answer as this probably follows fuzzy logic. I say let's just Russian roulette it desu.

malthus in late 18th century (less than a billion people on earth):
>ahhhh we're all going to die! the world is overpopulated!
centuries later, approaching 8 billion and the sky isn't falling, really makes me think

>killing your children should always be legal because there are many disadvantages on having a baby you've never wished.
what does what you wished matter when it comes to whether or not children should be murdered?

Why should the planet support so many people, though?!
It matters if you want the child because if you didn't he will just be a piece of shit in your eyes...Why would you let this happen??!?!?

>There is no clear answer for when a human being becomes a person
we know scientifically the earliest black and moment it could be, conception, when the human being's life begins.

It's pretty much a non-being for like the first month after birth. Then from then to about four years it's about equivalent to a lower animal. At that age it's more like an advanced primate, until around maybe 8 years we can call it a person.

So infanticide is totally cool for the first 30 days, a little questionable but probably fine for the next few years.

>Why should the planet support so many people, though?!
the planet should do whatever we tell it to do, because it's just a clump of dirt and doesn't get a say in the matter
>It matters if you want the child because if you didn't he will just be a piece of shit in your eyes
if that's the case, then put them up for adoption.
while being in the system is not ideal, it's better than being murdered.
having a rough start at life is better than being dead, there's always the possibility of overcoming the former and making something great out of yourself.

A person isn't created when the sperm fertilizes the egg, it has no cognition and nothing that could be considered person-like. "Person" is a philosophical term not a scientific term.

I have a two year old and a 4 year old. gotta say this is bullshit hahaha


> I should be able to murder my children any time I want, for any reason I want


> I should be able to murder my children any time I want, for any reason I want, if Allah is willing

Wonder how they always end up colluding to silence criticism.

I start thinking this is trolling, I can't take that seriously...
Abortion doesn't kill a person?! Maybe you don't know the definition of a human being.

>It's pretty much a non-being
so it's just like some ethereal quantum ectoplasm partially phased out of existence?
how can something pretty much be non-existent?
they are a being, they exist, they are human biologically, therefore they are a human being the moment of conception.
>it has no cognition
yeah, this is the peter singer functionalist perspective of personhood, it leads to absurdities like:
>Then from then to about four years it's about equivalent to a lower animal.
>So infanticide is totally cool
which you were more than willing to accept and articulate, props for consistency.
you are a sick man though.
>not an argument
i know. i'm not really sure how to begin explaining that "murdering children is wrong" without evoking pieces of my religious worldview.
luckily it's not usually necessary, most atheists you run into will already hold to that.
but in this case you have me stumped

The majority of nigger deaths are from abortion

The problem is the concept of "personhood". Personhood is a tricky subject and can be used to include or exclude pretty much anything you want.

You should sidestep the personhood argument when debating babykillers. Instead, focus on "life" (which inarguably begins at conception) and the value life has.

Dennis Prager does a phenomenal job arguing from this angle:

Yes it is murder, so what?
I really don't give a fuck.
Sometimes murder is necessary.

necessary for what?

To avoid poverty and suffering of the living.

sounds like the word you were looking for was "convenient" rather than "necessary."
everyone suffers regardless of their station in life

Yeah, let it be "convenient".
I still don't give a fuck, and I don't see why I should.

I think we should kill newborns/toddlers if they seem unfit. At 4 year old you can already tell how they will evolve in the society. Immoral but necessary in order to make an elite society.
>reduce costs(no need to care for that baby born with its entire gastric system outside of its body)
>better return on investment (less drops out and wellfare lords)
>everybody is more happy in general because the defects already got killed

That is, if we want to live in a society going for an elite status and not having the governement band aid the problems away.

Come to commrade Putin's home for wayward fetuses, you would be better off blended by abortionist! Dah!

>everyone suffers regardless of their station in life

What kind of retarded logic is that? How does this has anything to do with abortion?

Helllooo Troll...... my sins are over 9000
And dat boi cannot be forgiven on his unicycle

I think abortion should be legal if a woman does it before two months pass. After about 8 weeks is when the brain is more or less put together and can send signals to the body to move and develop a sense of touch.

There is no god, there is no point to life, you will all be given DMT to make you ok with not existing.

Kill the deformed , retarded and unwanted.

read the post i was replying to to find out why that was brought up

>everybody is more happy in general because the defects already got killed
i think people would be pretty miserable living in a society where the government has their (wanted!) children killed for not being ideal, there was a reason infanticide went out of fashion centuries ago

same thing you've expressed could happen through designer babies/gene therapy rather than slaughtering the unborn

Starting with you then

>having a society of poorly raised degenerates and more single parent households is better than killing a fetus that at best already has a 10% chance of being miscarried

>having a society of poorly raised degenerates and more single parent households is better than killing children
neither are ideal, but yes.
we could work on fixing the "poorly raised degenerate" and "single parent households" problem in other ways

>Abortion doesn't kill a person?!
yeah it does
>Maybe you don't know the definition of a human being.
a being (entity that exists) that is biologically human, like the child who is aborted

>ban abortion
>end welfare/medicaid
>death penalty for violent criminals

problem solved

Abortion should be an obligation if you have any disorder. It must be so in order to keep the society pure and strong.

>Abortion should be an obligation if you have any disorder.
has there ever been a human without any disorders?


kek i had that in mind too
but i don't think you can be for culling the weak while recognizing Christ as perfect

The debate over when life begins is pointless. The perception of living is a evolutionary comfort.

I support compulsory abortions. Humans need to be purged from this Earth.

This right here is why I support abortion.
Killing white babies is bad but it's like going to war; you are going to have friendly fire deaths and you just have to accept that. Vast majority of aborted babies are niggers and other shitskins.

but it's pissing in the wind

Yeah true. No one could be better than Jesus but if we put enough effort in eliminating birth of future non-healthy child, we would provide a better life for everyone

I'm totally ok with abortion though I admit it's murder. If parents don't want to have the kid, the kid's life would be miserable with high probability. And the kid would most likely be a burden on society.

Further legalising abortion doesn't screw up the incentive structure as people aborting are not spreading their genes anyway.

I totally agree with you on that point

This!!! Totally agree!!

>I'm totally ok with abortion though I admit it's murder.
>I'm totally ok with murder
you don't feel any moral duty or obligation to try and stop murder?
to your countrymen? to the lives of the innocent children?
your generation is so fucked.

This goes back to the 'to be or not to be' question. In that I'm with Sophocles wit not to be.

You've wandered into the wrong neighborhood, son. Don't you know not all babies are aborted equal?

Abortion is murder, but it's necessary murder.

Should be a 750-1000 dollar incentive towards getting your tubes tied/vasectomy. Preferably only the permanent version.

Boom, No more niggers.

Who defined human being Senpai? You seem to be too retarded to be on/pol/

>Don't you know not all babies are aborted equal?
more whites are aborted than blacks

>White women obtain 60% of all abortions


FUCK OFF. You don't solve the race question by murdering babies in the womb, you dumb, sickening, depraved fucktard.

Whites would be ABOVE the replacement level if abortion was illegal. That's more important than murdering babies. You truly are a warped human being if you approve of the senseless murder of our most innocent. It would be one thing if you said "abortion of niggers only" but you didn't do that.

Who's asking the government to kill deformed babies. He's just asking to let parents legally kill deformed babies.

didn't sound like it the way she worded it.
>we should
>we should be able to

let the leaf speak for herself

Yes it probably is screwed. But if anything legalising abortion will reduce the rate at which it's getting screwed by reducing the number of degenerates.

Hell it may even save society and take it to some hitherto unobserved equilibrium, though I admit that's unlikely.

So are you ok with letting parents legally kill their babies till say a month after birth?

>But if anything legalising abortion will reduce the rate at which it's getting screwed by reducing the number of degenerates.
it's already legal, and we're circling the drain.
if it were illegal, and criminalized, along with being an absentee father, we'd have stronger family units, which produce better citizens, which produce a better society

no idea what prompted this question either.

Its a culture war. Lets not make abortion another form of contraceptive. Its another form of anti consequences from the left. If more people start being more responsible then less babies would have to die, the right pushes for responsibilities. If the right can influence some on the left of taking serious precautions before intercourse, then its a good thing they keep pushing the pro life stance. All the left cares about is instant pleasure. I know quite a few bitches that got pregnant after a wild weekend in Vegas. Aborted it because they were stupid. I have fucked plenty of bitches and made sure each time we took the proper precautions. Never once I got any bitch pregnant.

There are cases of rape, incest and savings the mothers life, almost all of the right would agree its up to the mother. Its an act of unwanted evil when it comes to rape, she has the right to dispel that evil.

If tax money stops going to abortion clinics and state gets control of abortion laws then the right would be more happy and less outrage would come from the right. The left will bitch and whine no matter what but the right would ease up more.

Its not a glob of cells. By that logic then those Athiest Evolutionist are hypocrites. Because your greatest ancestor was a bunch of cells that mutated.

And one final thing - 40 percent of the Rep Party is pro choice. The fake left wing media creates a narrative that all Rep are all the same.

I meant to say expanding abortion to include killing babies to say 30 days after birth as leaf suggested.

i don't think there is a meaningful difference, 30 days before they are born or after
but i'm against abortion in all forms

Wow the cuck is strong on this one.

Libtards are low iq. As are trad-cons. Abortion has consequences unlike contraception. A woman can only conceive a limited number of times during her lifetime. If she wants to avoid spreading her genes society should let her. Society can avoid having to take care of degenerates.

The bunch of cells is a crazy libtard argument.

Lets not spread our genes !!

But you don't have a non-religious argument there.

The case for abortion is pretty clear. Unwanted parenthood is life ending for the parents. Unless the parents can absolve themselves of all responsibility, abortion should be an option.

The case for a choice of euthanasia of degenerate babies after some unspecified time after birth is in my view more good than bad. It is morally wrong, but rationally worth the moral anguish. Let's not pretend on pol that morality is everything when you want to gas the jews and have a race war, this is tame in comparison. A degenerate child is an immense economic strain on the parents and the state. I don't think it should be a choice if the baby is healthy and born, that is not rational. As soon as you can tell that the child has degenerate traits , your life is on a different path from normal parenthood.


Abortion is a self-imposed, necessary culling of minorities, and of the genetically inferior.
It is necessary murder, removing the undesirables.
Criminals are eliminated from society, so there's no reason why we shouldn't eliminate genetic failures who become a burden on society.

Only globalist kikes who believe in globalist religions have a problem with this.

where was my religious argument?
there where? stop being so vague nigger


On the contrary if we have the society's best interests at heart in the long term, we must!

>Only globalist kikes
globalists kikes fund pro-choice marches, what planet are you living on?

God she's such an ugly kike.

All abortion is really is the logical conclusion of feminism in that women are now literally able to kill babies inside there womb without consequences. All this has been engineered by the Jewish Globalist Mafia in a fairly successfully attempt to decimate the white population. However, there is hope. If whites begin to unite behind nationalism as they have in many countries across the west (Putin in Russia, ADF in Germany, Marie Le Pen in France, Brexit in England, and yes even trump in America) then we can begin to get the white birth rate up through cultural warfare and legal incentives. Hitler for instance had a policy where by when a couple was married they could take out a loan when they were married and for every child that they had they would not have to pay off 25 percent of the loan. This is today practiced in the fairly uncucked country of Switzerland. These kind of policies with more pro traditional movements in social media can and will lead to the end of white genocide. As we take back our countries through nationalist political movements we will be able to delegalize abortion and save the lives of millions of white children.

Abortion is murder but I'm willing to let it slide so my nation isn't overrun with niggers at 2x speed.
>without abortion blacks would fucking double in numbers and crash the system within 20 years.

But then again maybe that would actually be a good thing.

Cuck the parent's situation is not why the society should legalise abortion. It should be legal so that the society doesn't have to pick up the tab on the degenerates produced by idiotic parents.

So if we find a clump of cells on mars it's considered life.
If a clump of cells is in a womb it's not?
Seems more of an argument about locations than the actual definition of life.

Get rid of the niggers, THEN delegalize abortion

Can I spread my genes with you in that case ? ;)

Either you are the most awesome white girl on the internet or you are a colored faggot/whore

Sounds like you're afraid of us becoming masters of our own destiny. You act like you don't want us to pre-select the healthiest individuals to continue improving our race.

The jews fund whatever splits a society, consequences be damned.

Cuck I did not find any argument not based on religion for abortion on this thread.

Go fuck your cross christofag.

Im white male btw :3 sorry for crushing your hopes

We are 8 percent of the population man, we need all the bodies we can get. Give them guns and get them to fuck like rabbits. That's how we save the white race


Unfortunately two males can't spread their genes together yet!!!

>You act like you don't want us to pre-select the healthiest individuals to continue improving our race.
you're right, i don't, if it involves murdering children

>I did not find any argument not based on religion
try reading the thread you goofball atheist, point to one that is based on religion