Racemixing is considered a potential threat to Wildcats

Because of its wide range it is assessed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List since 2002. However, crossbreeding of wildcat and domestic cat occurs in particular in Europe and is considered a potential threat for the preservation of the wild species
This right there is enough proof that racemixing could mean the end of the white race.
Should we start an ashtag like #SaveTheWildCat or something?
think about it, the left and SJW loves cats, so if they take interest they could be easely exposed and white genocide brought to attention
Is is worth trying or we should keep wasting time on slide threads or falling for oblivious shills?

You understand how dumb people are, they'll never make the connection

Get this out there.

But what if some one start making them

What do you mean?


We need to start people spreading this info, with stuff like #SaveTheWildCat like you said and outright say that "RACEMIXING IS KILLING THE WILDCAT! IT'S EXPECIALLY HAPPENING IN EUROPE!"

People will wake up if we use terms like "Race mixing" and stuff

They accept different dog breeds can be smarter but still think the differences between humans are just skin deep


They'll call you a nazi, subversion require subtly

No they won't if you strictly talk about the cat and only subtly put the terms in

i don't even have a twitter profile, and id i made i wouldn't know how to start getting followers
this is why i'm asking here for help

This must be your first rodeo, not only will they call you a nazi they will probably encourage the cat race mixing or use it for their argument, "look the cats are doing it so it must be natural!"

free bumps for grammar erorrs

I don't either. I'll start working on something soon, but i'm eating dinner right now

This just isn't true. Everyone cares about preserving species.

if you ever bring that up their brains literally melt, they just try to ignore stuff like breeds

No they care about virtue signaling, but they will think twice about it if it has a nazi buzz word.

What I'm saying is you need to find a euphemism

Your issue is quite valid, so I keep bumping your thread again for grammatic errors.


Humans have no other species in our genus. This is not an issue that can affect us.

>nb4 shitskins ain't human, tard

It's SUBSPECIES you idiot.

> You understand how dumb people are, they'll never make the connection

I must admit that this frustrates me.

I redpilled one of my friends on the JQ. It kinda helped that his jewish business partner thoroughly jewed him over at the same time, but at any rate, he is not fond of jews anymore.

HOWEVER, for whatever reason he can't make the connection to jewish subversion of a lot of other things.

For example, he doesn't see that it's jews who are pushing the homosexual agenda.

He doesn't see that it's jews behind weed legalization in America.

He doesn't see that it's jews who are pushing degenerate music.

I suppose you'd have to study a bit to see these things, but he's not the type to study this kind of stuff.

He does see jews in finance and media, but you'd have to be fucking blind to not see that.

should i go to r/animalism or something to see what they say? (obviously just about the cat)
i'd say something like "how do we inform families that breeding their domestic cat with a wildcat can endanger his race"