Are ancaps the most intelligent political group...

Are ancaps the most intelligent political group? Every ancap thread usually has some kind of real discussion and arguments instead of the constant memes and shitflinging every other political threads seems to have and beyond Sup Forums even.

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I don't know. I am ancap and I am dumb fuck.

We already live in a society that is relatively close to AnCap.

Trump is big on deregulation and privatization.

>Are ancaps the most intelligent political group?
of course they are, average pedo is smarter than a pleb

someone use a food analogy to explain ancap to me, because wikipedia uses big boy words i don't understand. :(

If you eat shit, you die.

>me: Hey dude, I've got a dollar, can I get an egg?
>you: Sure
>Government: *autistic screeching
ancap is removing the third one



>me: hey dude, i've got a dollar, can i get an egg
>you: no, because i own all the means of production (chicken in this case) and i'm thus able to create a market monopoly, raising the price to 500$ per egg
>Government: *no government to intervene*
ancap removed the third one

Hoppean anarcho-capitalism is the true red pill... fiscal AND social conservativism. Maximum liberty, minimum degeneracy.

>me: hey dude, i've got a dollar, can i get an egg
>you: no, because i own all the means of production (chicken in this case) and i'm thus able to create a market monopoly, raising the price to 500$ per egg
>me: its war then *launches TOW*

>Maximum liberty, minimum degeneracy.
isn't anarcho-capitalism all about personal freedom?

>one person owning all of the chickens is possible

Every objection to ancapism that I've ever heard always starts with the assumption that there is some sort of monopoly, but never explain how the monopoly came to be in the first place.

if their is no goverment, money doesnt make any sense, since it was created to exploit the masses/workers.

you have very cute and childish few on anarchy.

*gets obliterated by a Mc Recreational Nuke for violating the NAP*

without government-instituted monopolies*
fuck me

Just because you have the liberty to do something doesn't mean you ought to do it. Ancapistan doesn't prevent me from refusing to legitimize your shitty habits.

>ideology that attracts INTJ.masterrace
>Not objectively smarter people than other ideologies attract
Pick one.

No see behaving how we want you to behave is "liberty". Behaving how we don't want you to behave is "degeneracy."

AnCaps are a walking contradiction. Government is violating NAP and they haven't started shooting.

They have some great ideas and NAP itself is actually pretty good, but I think a minarchist society is a least achievable.

That is the most retarded shit, never would happen. There is a difference between necessity and luxury. goods that are necessities tend to be more plentiful, you would never see it monopolized in an ancap society.


>objection to ancapism... monopoly,
Depending on the rules governing a market, monopoly (Standard Oil) or duopoly (Apple/IBM) evolve due to dynamics.The trick with ancap is that markets should evolve on fast forward in ancap environment, the US being a basic example. Under ancap, monopolies are going to tend to violate the NAP and get Blackwatered.

I would say yes and no, a lot of ancaps totally miss the point of anarcho-capitalist philosophy. They think that everyone and everything is going to be sovereign and abide by the NAP and no violence and have a little homestead etc. but in reality the logical conclusion of anarcho capitalism is just hereditary monarchy or oligarchy wherein someone or some group will end up just forming another government. The only thing that makes it different is the decentralization and exclusionary possibilities that the landowners (monarchs) would have. And the free movement. So essentially it would just be feudalism where there you can live in whatever society you want or that people form, however since it is business driven the monarchs would want a system in place that ensures stability and sustainability for the longest period of time possible, effectively rendering every society to a totalitarian right wing fascist state. So it doesnt even really matter to me anymore, we either have fascism now or we have it later. It truly is the only way. Remember moral =/= nice.

chicken is a metaphor, you fucking retard
this was a "shkreli raised a medicine price to 500$" reference

it's pretty simple actually: without taxes and minimum wage richer would get even richer and that would lead to market monopoly, since only an unregulated group of people would own all the means of production
great example of this is diamond prices, it perfectly shows why the state should own all the resources on it's territory

>but never explain how the monopoly came to be in the first place.

Meanwhile there have always been more government enforced monopolies than free market ones. In the event of free market monopolies innovation is the response.

You can go around killing all the chickens in the area. I've seen it done before.

Anarcho-capitalism is political autism.
True enlightenment is having libertarian political leanings with the understanding that small, transparent, accountable, efficient government is necessary for prosperity.

This comes with the understanding that the government will inevitably outgrow it's purpose as a culture changes and loses sight of its original goals, and a hard reset will inevitably be needed in the form of a revolution.


you just admitted that goods that are not plentiful would inevitably get monopolized

Standard Oil was not a monopoly you fucking idiot. There were at least 100 other oil companies in existence in the U.S. in the early 20th century.

Every thing works better with competition, all monopolies are bad. Apply it coherently to every sector of the economy, including security, and you've got ancap. It basically is all about replacing mandatory and coercive systems (government) by voluntary associations (private enterprise) in all areas of life.

People is super fucking ignorant and prejudiced about it and believe it's a meme of some sort, but many of those who actually look it up often begin believing on it. Look for the libertarian right general /lrg/ in the catalog, which is often up, and make your questions there. They've got all the resources for you to understand.

A good and quick intro to libertarianism and ancapism is Murray Rothbard's "Anatomy of The State", it is short and mind blowing. Every time someone new comes to /lrg/ we recommend this one book to them.

Again, I'd insist you to use critical thinking instead of letting your thoughts be controlled by memes, which is what 99% of this board population suffers from.

>this was a "shkreli raised a medicine price to 500$" reference

Intellectual property is a government enforced spook faggot. That medicine would have just been reproduced by someone else.

>Ancapistan doesn't prevent me from refusing to legitimize your shitty habits.
if it doesn't violate the NAP it kinda does, unless i have a special contract with you

They're the most intelligent anarchist group, but that ain't saying much.


>government run on blockchains when?

how would you force people in ancapistan to share the results of their research and their intellectual property with everyone else?

I'm anarcho-monarchist and my IQ is like 150

ok, so you can't buy a yacht.

Refusing to fund something is not an act of aggression, moron.

Just stop posting. The average IQ of your country is 89. You probably don't even have the minimum IQ required to grasp abstract concepts.



I wouldn't. I also don't believe in anarchy. There are plenty of products right now that could be replicated at a lower cost to everyone, but are illegal because of (((intellectual ownership))).

How will anarcho-capitalist societies defend themselves against expansionist states?
>"uhhh well, the economy is magic so we'll have so much money we can buy an infinitely good army, which we don't need because guerrilla warfare always works and that's why no country has every conquered any territory in all of human history, and also when everyone voluntarily contributes to defence they'll pay MORE, not LESS, in "taxes""

t. anclaps


>me: (goes to another store)

A Govt and a regulated market is temporary. The distortions caused have always lead to societal collapse. The more "successful" the system, the more dramatically if crashes because the system is a resource consumption machine, not resource acquisition machine.
Anarcho capitalism is permanent. It always fills the hole. Better know how to do it kiddies.

Anyone smart want to draw the rest of this graph? Here's a tip, draw a line straight down.

could you explain me how would you stop me from being a faggot/tranny/fetishist in ancapistan without the usage of big boy words?
you said that there would be minimum degeneracy in ancapistan

Isn't ancap just extremely corporatism? Google and Facebook would more or less rule an ancap society.

>and they haven't started shooting.
Because we are not retarded and know it will only get us killed and will at best not accomplish anything and at worsk make ancaps look like insane murderers. This is the truth of coercion by the state.

in AnCap society there is no safety net to protect "degenerates" so they will die from their mistakes. Besides, I don't buy into the "degenerate" argument it's just something you're disgusted by, why should I give a shit about your feelings or what disgusts you? If a faggot happens to be the best dick surgeon in the world and you need him to fix your dick, are you going to turn down the surgery just because the surgeon is a faggot?

recreational nukes

you kinda missed the part where a handful of people has all the means of production and you're unable to buy the specific good from anyone but them

Haha no idiot no one will invade them because that would violate the NAP and that's just wrong :^)

A question for ancaps. How do you deal with the jew problem?


Ancap threads are the best way to get relief from the pleb invasion. They're usually a great mix of genuine discussion, humor, and natsoc triggering.

Because no one would be forced to fund your degenerate lifestyle, and no one would be forced to fund the people who enable degenerate lifestyles. The only reason faggots and trannies have so much power nowadays is because government-funded academics keep telling them their mental disease is a legitimate condition. No parent would be interested in sending their child off to a propaganda factory given the choice.

no, AnCapism is every man for himself anarchism opposed to the communist anarchism which is everyone working together without the need for government magic hippy logic.

you don't
wealthy jews would benefit the most in a potential ancapistan

Don't sell them houses.

You're not wrong, but in principal this is the correct action.

read my post

>in AnCap society there is no safety net to protect "degenerates" so they will die from their mistakes.
Until someone decides to make an army to push his own ideals, and hires degenerates to fight for him, as they have no other options.

>lala la lala I cant hear you lalalalala
That's how

>me: hey dude, i've got a dollar, can i get an egg
>you: no, because i own all the means of production (chicken in this case) and i'm thus able to create a market monopoly, raising the price to 500$ per egg
>Government: *no government to intervene*
>other random dude: hey I have a chicken and a few eggs, ill give it to you for a dollar

ancap is feudalism with all the players renamed

I live in a Govt hating libertarian region of the most libertarian country on earth.
We use non-profit cooperatives with a board of shareholders to maintain infrastructure without it being monopolised and used to exploit us. Irrigation systems, the huge slaughter houses etc etc.

This answers the "but there will be no roads" point.

Also, there are two many roads. Private cars were the largest misallocation of capital in history and society will pay a hefty price for that fuckup. There was a train station next to where I sit, gone since the 70s.


So, if someone becomes extemely wealthy, there's nothing to stop them from imposing their will on others.

>everyone is a faggot because propaganda
homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom too and it's usually caused by a lack of testosterone
and do you honestly believe there wouldn't be a single lqbtq agenda in ancapistan?

Only retards would count a country where half the GDP is government expenditure "close to an ancap society". If we are close then I'd hate to see far away.
>Maybe we should all just be a centerest nation like the USSR was. ~faggot reddit poster on Sup Forums

Anarcho-Capitalism, ha more like Anarcho-CRAPitalism.

Ancap are best threads. Followed by monarchy threads

>"relatively close to AnCap"

try reading the entire post next time

It's anarchy, there is nothing stopping people from killing him and stealing his wealth.

Of course there will be faggots. And they will learn not to parade around their DISABILITY like its something to be celebrated- or they will starve.

What are you, some kind of faggot? Why are you so sympathetic to a family-destroying organization?

His huge mercenary army.

Because there would be no discrimination laws, you could simply not allow jews into your community

Get a load of this filthy communist. Don't you know that violates the NAP?

IT's Anarchy, noone is there to punish people for murder.

Answer: How would the American population, who have 500 million firearms, treat an invading army.

Except the government almost always intervenes on the side of the guy with the market monopoly.

>Government: To produce eggs, you first must obtain an egg license and a chicken license to hold chickens. Also, your chickens must adhere to this arbitrary set of standards that the guy who sells eggs for $500 wrote for us. Remember, your chicken coops also must follow the codes and regulations for egg production or you will be shut down. I know it's expensive but hey, you can just take out a loan and be on your way. Just don't borrow too much because we frequently change these regulations and you will need to update your chickens, eggs and coops to stay in compliance.

Why does no one bother to look up historical examples?
In a centrally planned society, as with today, psychopaths of all forms rule. Most of our CEOs and probably all of our politicians are mentally unstable, but they wrote the system for themselves, so they have an advantage.
In a completely free society, mentally stable people rise. The whole "power corrupts" thing is a meme.

All Pol does is bitch about psychopaths and corruption. What do you expect in a hierarchical society?

Who is enforcing the NAP if it's anarchy?

>Pay the price that I will dictate or eat shit and die.
>Oh, and If you eat my shit and die, well, shit happens
>Oh and if you don't like my service, piss of to my competition, which you will SURELY find after I've violated the hell out of NAP towards any small restaurant owner.

>fails to prove there wouldn't be faggots in ancapistan
>goes to calling me a faggot

No. They have not reached the final level yet.

Usury has typically been illegal in free societies as it is recognised as social cancer.

This is why you all gagged down the govt meme. Its been psyops number 1 for at least 1000 years in the west.

>being an ancap
>not having slavish devotion to the NAP
so you just like LARPing then

I'm surprised Sup Forums hasn't created Anarcho-National Socialism memes yet

Stop forcing faggots to breed. let them be faggots and in a few generations, the problem resolves itself since they won't pass on their genetics.

What about instead of a government we have a private business that we pay a weekly fee too, for ensuring society doesn't collapse.

> but never explain how the monopoly came to be in the first place

Pretty simple: Eliminate everyone who poses even a bit of competition. While force everyone else in submission using usury and other degenerate practics.

Every fucking gopnik knows how to do it. Granted, you always have had criminal element being provided by niggers, instead of intelligent life form, so you don't know what a true racket is, but still.

>what about instead of a government we have a government

I'm a libertarian, not AnCap, I'm just familiar with AnCapism. It's the more logical form of anarchism, but it's still anarchism and anarchism is degenerate in its own right.

Oi you cheeky wanker