Transgenderism isn't the problem.. Sup Forums is the problem

Is Transgenderism really THAT big of a deal? i feel like it just gives Sup Forums something to talk about when there isn't much else to talk about.

I'v never ran across a transgender person before, i'v met many... many.. MANY gay people before, but not ever one Trans person...

I don't feel like they are as relevant in real life as they are on the internet..

Besides, my question to you Sup Forums tards is this.. why does it matter if someone decides to fuck them selves up with hormones? I mean... i don't see anyone talking about how we can try and stop all these suicides, but it seems everyone on Sup Forums is focused on these Trans fags.. like.. who gives a fuck? honestly???
You guys act all concerned about this Trans thing spreading and shit.. but to tell you the truth, tranny fags have been around sense the golden age of Rome, the only difference now is the fact we have the internet and the fact America is so open about such taboo subjects things that would of got you shot in the 50's is now being normalized thanks to America getting that going... there isn't more trans people then there already was, they just feel safer about coming out, that's why you THINK you see this crazy epidemic of Trannies coming out.. but in reality, it was the internet blowing it out of proportion as usual.. so again... WHY do we care about these Trannies again? don't we have bigger issues?

Sup Forums plz

Whoops! That post wasn't convincing at all! Maybe you need a safe break sweetie.

The problem is Jews.

fucking wasted

>but not ever one Trans person...

Yes, THAT is the problem. Why are people making such a big deal out of them when they are so few and far in between?

That's what really grinds my gears.

The title was enough to know that your thread was bait/shilling. Why put in so much effort to write a page of bullshit that you know no one is going to read or take seriously?

reported and saged for trying to start a shit thread.

Freaks gonna freak. I feel like Sup Forums latches onto this topic because it's the one thing even normies cringe on, namely because the Left thinks transgenders are trying to sneak penises into their secret feminist vagina club. That and the thought of seeing some very hairy balding obvious man wearing a skirt is just grotesque.

Ultimately though, Jews and Muslims are a bigger threat. Trannies are 0.05% of the population.

tldr lmao @ ur autism

Keep this up and maybe you won't get raked.

mental illness is not the problem, sane people is the problem

The problem isn't even the people, it never has been. Nobody has ever cared about dudes fucking dudes.
The problem is the identity and the subversion of discourse used to prevent any discussion on the greatest notions our species has ever held dear.

How did you ever manage to muster up that big of a shit response?

You clearly are not a common Sup Forums user. I suggest you stop telling people what they should and shouldnt think you stupid jew kike. Controlling thoughts is jew craft so go fuck yourself you gross tranny sympathizer

>i've never met one so its not a problem
>theres a tree in my backyard so habitat destruction isnt a problem


>Thinking: Oh shit OP actually made a valid point.. maybe OP isn't such a faggot after all.

And this was your response?

is this the bill nye copypasta


nobody thinks you have a point

>G..g..guys i f..f..found this artical.. says that t...t..there is D...D...DOUBLE.. the trans p...p..people now.

Well obviously there's only two genders: Male and female.

If a tranny makes an effort to BE one of those two and actually pulls it off in a convincing manner, I'll tolerate them. When they start coming up with bullshit genders and demanding I have sex with them I will want to use them as kindling in Hitler's ovens. It's the same deal as why people hate gays and lesbians. It's not because they fuck each other, it's because they're obnoxious.


Because children are being given hormone blockers at age 4.
Fuck off back to your safe space you daft cunt. Anyone who goes on hormone therapy is also sterile.


Triple soon.

Transgenders deserve the fire and flame. British organization Meirmaid got two million pounds from UK government to promote transgenderism in elementary schools

Few points about transgenderism

- the 'hormonal treatment' is actually chemical castration, if a child undergoes it, he will be forever unable to have his own children

- the trans drugs are highly carcinogenic, the risk of getting cancer is 20 times higher than normal
- hormonal treatment fucks up your normal development and immunity system, so trans are more prone to be constantly sick .
- the trans operation has no effect on the suicide rate of trans people. 80% of them still kills themselves before their 40's.
- 85% of transgenders gets over it by the time they are twenty
- transition surgery is basically a process during which they take your penis, cut it on the side, invert it inside out and stuff it inside your body

Which brings me to my last point and a reason why leftists are disgusting, immoral vermin - none of them ever mentions that if you start hormonal treatment before the puberty, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO UNDERGO TRANSITION SURGERY.
For the surgery you need to have fully developed penis, but if you start hormonal treatment as a little child, you will be left with a tiny baby dick and the surgery will be IMPOSSIBLE.

I barely know they they existed if it weren't for Sup Forums.

>Thinking: Oh shit OP actually made a valid point.. maybe OP isn't such a faggot after all.

This is such a massive effort for you I'm not sure you'll survive it, don't you just want to give up and let Trump execute your programmers in peace? The whining accomplishes nothing and actively redpills the normies you apparently despise and hope to convert

Just because you don't see the problem doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist or is minor. I don't see any mudslimes, yet I know they are a big problem in europe and canada right now.

>Which brings me to my last point and a reason why leftists are disgusting, immoral vermin - none of them ever mentions that if you start hormonal treatment before the puberty, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO UNDERGO TRANSITION SURGERY.
>For the surgery you need to have fully developed penis, but if you start hormonal treatment as a little child, you will be left with a tiny baby dick and the surgery will be IMPOSSIBLE.

holy shit, I wondered what the forced angle on acceptance towards trannies that want to stay pre-op was all about

Are you really going to compare deadly psycho paths to Trans people?

Ffs man.

There's a special place in hell for the kinds of people that publicly encourage institutionalized child abuse.

Sup Forums is unstoppable

Keep trying, you'll make an argument eventually. I know you can do it

Trans isnt the problem, gays arent a problem. There are reasons why people are this way and it might be biological.

However, there seems to be a sorta psyop spreading around where its suddenly the cool thing for people to have gender dysphoria. It affects their behavior. Kids are now confused about what gender they are and are asexual. Sometimes this behavior is learned from their parents. This is weird as shit.

remember to sage lads

because you waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too stupid to think that being transgernder is NOT an mental illness, you dumb fuck

psychopathy is either lack of empathy, or psychotic delusion, depending on the vernacular

Which is convincing children to mutilate themselves in regrettable ways while insisting you're the opposite sex? Yes, it's both

A tranny kissed an a gf I used to have.
That's kind of why I hate them senpai...
But other than that, they just kind of spook me for some reason, and its also a scary thought to not know that someone actually has a dick between their legs when you thought they didn't.

Take it to transgenderism/trans issues isn't politically related.

Hi, classmate. This is really good. This will trigger those hateful bigots.

Hope I'm using the website right :/ xddd

HUH... but i see topics on trans fags all the time on Sup Forums, that's why i made this post to try and get people to stfu.

And every single tranny thread should be saged and reported for being offtopic bullshit, including yours.

I agree. Obviously you read the tone of my post wrong. I was commenting on how bizarre it is that tey are now such a huge deal for normies to rally behind.

Honestly, i don't mind if this thread get's taken down, just as long as all the other dumb tranny threads come down with me.

I've never noticed this about that pic before
does he have a fucking scar on the back of his head from the first time he was curb stomped
how much a dumb nigger do you have to be to not learn your lesson from the first curb stomping
jesus fucking christ no wonder they were wipped 50 fucking times
everyone thinks we were being cruel but in reality thats how many times it takes to train a nigger

I literally heard a fucking feminist say that if they make it widely known, there is a risk of boys getting over their gender dysphoria during puberty. So the next time you hear progressive saying that conservatives are hateful, just grab iron pipe and start hammering.

Transgender people and homosexuals are mentally ill people.

Go fuck a rake

>Don't expect to "win" any arguments
Holy kek. Even they think they have shitty arguments!

It's your duty to push the suicide rate of trans people from 40 to 100%

Do you ever just read a post and think to your self, man, its really obvious that I'm reading the opinion of a teenager, and immediately disregard it.

>and its also a scary thought to not know that someone actually has a dick between their legs
I hear leftists make this argument, but when has anyone ever seen a passable tranny? Even that dating show where that was the whole deal was forced to use actors and heavy post-processing

You're a special kind of interesting op

Boo! I'm coming for your girlfriend. She's all mine now, user.

If you want to be a freak of society fine. It's your life to ruin. But as soon as you start dictating what 'pronouns' people should use and imposing your freakish behaviour to other members of society, then no. Transgender is a mental illness. There are advocates for depression as mental illness yet we're not tolerating people are allowed be depressed. It's a mental deficiency.

As much as I would like to see no more tranny threads on Sup Forums, I must admit this place is one of the few sites combatting this pharmaceutical scam. Not talking about it won't stop people like Caitlyn Jenner from getting on tv and advocating single mothers that mentally abuse their male children.

>Is Transgenderism really THAT big of a deal? i feel like it just gives Sup Forums something to talk about when there isn't much else to talk about.
Well since MSM and all forms of leftist controlled media trying to force down the shit as normal is the reason why it's a hot topic on Sup Forums. We know damn well the bullshit that is being shoved down our throats as "normal" when in fact it isn't.
>why does it matter if someone decides to fuck them selves up with hormones?
We don't give a shit if some faggot wants to play the eniviable game of social dwarnism since the probabilty of them offing themselves is more than them living a productive life. The issue is being told that we have to accept it as no big deal. We are told to go along with the blatant disillusion of these fucks. Telling us to give them the "correct" pronoun when we know damn well they aren't is nothing more than a blatant attempt at social engineering because, if we accept this idiocy then the next future generations will as well to the point the idea of them being something that they aren't won't ever across them leading to even more degeneracy.

>when has anyone ever seen a passable tranny?
my ex when she saw they...thing

But I also think its some kind of disorder with the groups of neurons or whatever. Something to do with a lack or abundance of INAH-3 depending on what gender the person is.

The reason why the right is irrelevant in academia and social issues, is because of people like you, who don't see how politicized these topics are.


>Not talking about it won't stop people like Caitlyn Jenner from getting on tv and advocating single mothers that mentally abuse their male children.

It won't turn back the clock on all those millenials permanently disfigured by a lifestyle they'll inevitably regret, either

The suicide rate looks bad now, wait until the mainstream media stops being paid to normalize and validate these people


If you believe that the commie professors would ever send their valuable, brainwashed drones to a place with free discourse, you are insane.

Day of the fucking rope soon.

makes me wonder if they are actually trying to redpill their students in some subtle way.
Sending people to Sup Forums cannot end well.

>my ex when she saw they...thing
It's time to start asking questions, user

>some kind of disorder with the groups of neurons
Any rationalization that depends on assuming hormone regimens don't affect the brain and the same results would be found in untreated "gender dysphoria" can be discarded with predjudice


>Provides a statistic that proves you wrong
>"whelp time to go full retard"
Not an argument.

>maybe OP isn't such a faggot after all

If people fuck people of the same sex, or do it pretending to be of the other sex, or even blow their cat or eat shit to get a hard on I don't give a fuck, I have the right to think they're freaks but let them do what they want in the bedroom, it's their ass and their penis, I'm not involved. But trying to persuade the general public it is normal and even to have laws and ostracise us for finding it not normal is bullshit. I won't even say being gay it's not natural. It is known to exist since ever, other animals do it, so it is a natural deviation, like albinism, a form of deficency related to hormones. I would have protested against homosexuality being criminally repressed 40 years ago. It's not a crime, but it has to stay where it belongs, the private sphere. Convincing us and even children in schools it's normal it's fucking bullshit and against any logic or humankind purpose as a species. I think the same about religion, I find it retarded but all the euphoric faggs trying to convince others there is no God or that there is one deserve all to be necked.

>- the trans operation has no effect on the suicide rate of trans people.
I'm not touching the other shit in your post, which is a mix of truth and bullshit - just not worth it - but this is a myth and you people need to stop repeating it.

There is no legitimate data showing this. No such data COULD even theoretically be available, because there's no way to tell what the suicide rate is for trans people who do not seek treatment. The general consensus in the medical community is that sex reassignment, on the whole, *probably* (no, it's not a certainty) somewhat improves the suicide rate for trans people, but that it still remains high.

Before you respond, understand: this isn't an argument. I'm stating facts. Nothing I just said was a political opinion or advocacy/activism of any sort.

Gender dysphoria is already in the DSM-5, so saying "trans people are mentally ill" isn't novel or shocking. The problem is there's just nothing you can really do with that information that's different from what people are already doing, because gender dysphoria has proven completely resistant to attempts to treat it w/ therapy/medication, and yes, people have tried (and if anybody is about to link the paper about pimozide, read it again - you haven't understood it). That's why sex reassignment surgery and hormone therapy exist. Very few people (except for a minority of rabid leftist activists, I'm talking about people in the medical community) think that surgery is a GOOD option, it's just that for many people, it's the ONLY option. Besides turning them away and saying "we can't do anything for you, enjoy your painful psychological disorder."

And again, if you think I'm advocating for trans people or sex reassignment surgery, you're hallucinating - if, in possession of that information, you still think it should be illegal (or whatever) then fine. This isn't an argument, I'm clearing up your misconceptions. (Well, some of them. There's just too many.)

you seem to be making a libertarian argument, yet you are ignoring the fact that a libertarian society is composed of rational individuals acting in their own self interest. so I'd ask you, do you think chopping off your dick and dressing like a woman is "rational"? is this the type of person that should be a captain of industry, or the type of person that should be locked in a padded room?

Hey Jews that keep making this dumb thread I went to the store today and they were very nice to me and called me mam and asked if I needed help to my car, please distribute good goy points appropriately thank you.

Is it rational? hell no.

But do i think they should be locked up in a loony padded room?...really?
Would you lock up someone for having a mental disability? no, no, we should try are hardest to show them the way, but if they choose to keep being a trans fag, then let them.

Why is it up to you or me to tell these people on how to live their lives? Just calm down and keep moving forward with your self, don't worry about others, if you meet a freak along your travels just smile and keep going down that sunlight path.

Give me scientific evidence that a man can be a woman.

Oh wait hahaha

What? what kinda thread do you think this is?

Hahaha yeah me too

99% it's disgusting , they look nothing like women , it's just fking ugly. It's on the same level that extreme obesity is. Just repulsing.

If they could be mistaken for a girl, I would let that slide, but if you look like a trainwreck , what's the point it's just ugly

LGBT propaganda turned mentally ill people who needed treatment into trans, implying that they feel as they do because they were born in the wrong body.

It's important enough that Russia ban this kind of propaganda. That's why it's so talked about.

I'm with you OP.

There's only 700k of them in the U.S. they're a vast, vast minority.

Just leave them alone and let them live their lives, it isn't hard.

Yes goy, let that minority use media to spread the disease.

Because the left has pushed them hard into the spotlight to establish extra legal protections, on top of already existing and functional protections, that continuously invade speech by lending authority to offense.
The left wants to see speech held to a physical standard where if a line of speech is carried through its hypothetical conclusions and at any point inspires violence or causes someone else to inspire violence, no matter how infinitesimal that chance, for you to be held accountable in full.

I don't give a shit about trannies or fags, but if we let the left continue their gradual inch toward normalizing every fucking thing under the sun then if a successful treatment ever becomes available for these people then it will be shut down on the basis of some hate speech clause.

Don't you have bigger issues to focus on user?

>I've never met a murderer
>Therefor murderers aren't a problem

comparing trannies to murderers.
its like saying oranges are like grenades

If I could choose, I'd instantly wipe all transgender phags off the face of the earth instantly.

However, since (((they))) have decided that transgender phags are here to stay then might as well just ignore them.

Besides, I'm sitting here fucking ripped, good looking and with a strong personality. Transgender cunts who don't know their ass from their elbow and with fucked up physical features only make me look better. They can stay.

They murder our collective children's innocence by using propganda on every form of social media and television.

im a tranny and am against children transitioning

Well your kind isnt all on the same page as you, arnt they?

>im a tranny

most are on the same page. media jews arent

im a tranny nazi, not scared or anything

Ill take the LGBQ community's word for it, not yours.

Nancy is this your homework assignment? I guess you will get a F-

well uh technically we are all formed as females first in conception, then kinda became males, and then from there our biological sex is decided. That's why women have clitorises and men have nipples

tumblr =/= lbgq 'community'

Did I say anything about Tumblr? No. Stop using the worlds easiest target as a shield for your kinds shitty community.

People chemically and surgically castrating themselves is not the problem.

It's this one website complaining about it that's the problem.

These fucking clowns and the media want everyone to think it is a normal thing, and these faggots dont have any mental illness. Thats the problem.
My favourite thing when parents ask their 4 your old child about what gender he wants.