There is absolutely nothing wrong with Jews. Pic related

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Jews. Pic related.

pic related is everything wrong with jews



but there is something wrong with her

Converts aren't jews and her children will never be jews.

You are totally right, now lets all go die for greater israel.

How many replies?


>uses vagina to downplay the the shekeli jew

Nice try Schlomo

How so?

Jews himself say that.



Ivanka is a Jew.

If we talking boobs I agree

An ethnic one?
Because a non ethnic converted one is nothing for (((them)))

What a beautiful Jewish Princess. Absolutely nothing wrong with them.

>against Islam
>practice family values
>good looking
>high IQs
>tons of success in all fields

Why is her husband allowed so much control in the west wing?

She made Trump look like an idiot on the world stage retaliating to a fake gas attack staged by Israel the same ones supporting ISIS in syria.

This relationship just while in the white house must be terminated or his legacy will be ruined further making him a joke on the world stage.

Daddy please bomb Syria. They killed children and my (((husband))) says you should bomb them. Daddy please.

Ivanka is a convert so she doesn't count.

Trump's family has horrible genetics. Ivanka is disturbing to look at. Looks like a transvestite Jew.

Also, Trump is a shitty father.