I wonder when Sup Forums will realize that women are the deepest western problem...

I wonder when Sup Forums will realize that women are the deepest western problem, which needs to be resolved before jews and immigrants.

in b4
>it's the jews who manipulate women
not, they're not, western women are stupid and degenerate

But the jews gave them rights n sheeit

men are gross looking and women are fucking retards. you can't win.

Nope, we gave them rights in the end.

Because of jewish subversion and propaganda

Jews exploit western stupidity, but they're not the cause.

what did he mean by this

Just go back to how we used to do it. No Jews, no coloureds, no Islam, no voting for women, or men without property/jobs. No fat slobs, no homosexuality, no bullshit. Just straight white men and their families. Sounds like heaven compared to this Wiemar flashback

Its not that hard.

Why isn't Hillary president?

rincoglionito studiati la storia elettorale della Democrazia Cristiana

If you think Trump will fix the west,you're delusional. Hofer would have won by a large margin without women.

I just want a loyal woman, Sup Forums. But I'm beginning to think that is a biological impossibility, regardless of the jews' conditioning or not.

Women's vote, wisely leaded by catholic pervasive structure, saved Italy from Communist Revolution when 50%+ of male italians leaned into communism or socialism.

Your theories are delusional, women are perfectly fine until they are disciplined.

vedi qualche disciplina? oggi sono cavalli sbizzarriti senza briglie, impossibili da domare se non abbattendoli.
It's the underlying culture that sucks, women have power. Strict monogamy is required to have good women. If Arabic women cheat, they are stoned to death, western women are awarded.

In asia women are the problem too. Not in:

Porca puttana ma piuttosto che sparare stronzate studia la scienza sociale.

Tu affermi che sia il voto femminile ad aver corrotto la società, ma non puoi affermarlo senza aver affermato che prima siano stati (((loro))) ad aver corrotto la società.
Dunque, non sono le donne la causa, ma (((loro))). Le donne sono una mera concausa del processo.

>first generation American
>my father didn't teach my Italian

Feels bad man. At least my mother taught me Spanish.

Vuoi cercare una causa unica. Non si può dimostrare che il suffragio femminile sia stato ottenuto al 100% per volere degli ebrei. Le donne odierne sono il principale problema, molto più grave degli ebrei.

Sup Forums is a feminist board, Sup Forums just refuses the label.

It was a lecture over social methodology, my friend. You must accept that La Bella Razza can be very secretive when it matters.

it's just sad