When you see all the evil and horror in the world, Sup Forums, what stays your hand?

When you see all the evil and horror in the world, Sup Forums, what stays your hand?
What holds back your rage and fury?


Nothing. Every moment I go to sleep I am met with a blissful world that is untouched my any foreign character. I feel as if I'm truly in control and I can enjoy the temporary world I'm in.

When I wake up, I'm greeted with a world I have no control over, with all faucets of media entertainment, even society ruled with a firm grip. There is nothing to hold my hand and nothing that holds back my rage and fury. Every time when I wake up I want to go back to sleep because of the horror I have knowing that I am alive.

Anime. But after that, nothing. I'm buying a magnum when I turn 21 this week.

Because I know that God has a plan and all the people who are pushing this crap are going to be in for a real rude awakening when it comes to fruition.

I wish I could dream, it must be nice.
Or rather, I wish I could have a dream that wasn't the same nightmare I've been having for over a year.


Atleast you're immediately greeted with the same old same old. I'm greeted with a nice dream, almost every time, an escape if you will, even if its a nightmare, its an escape.

Every waking moment of me being alive is a conflict there in of itself. I would kill myself but I'm living for my family.

You guys are such fucking pussies. When my grandpa was your age he was on a fucking battleship fighting japs. You fucks have no idea how good tour life is.

While true, it's also meaningless.
This life is all we've ever known, as such our struggles and problems can only be compared to what we know.
We can't know the struggle or reality of being a soldier or sailor in WW2, and any conception we might have of it will necessarily fall short of the reality.

Chin up, user. All will be well, and all will be well and all manner of things will be well.

Our grandparents never had to deal with this kind of shit. We're in a whole nother world now. They had their own shit to deal with, but this is some real shit right here. I think we're close to the end.

He was fighting Japanese fascist warriors who wanted privatization of their economy and a nationalized country for decades to come. Your dumb grandpa fought for the Jewish interests against a nationalized nation under a privatized economy.

my lack of skills and nonexistent ambition

There is no such thing as evil. Believing in evil only clouds your sight and weakens your resolve.

by loving it, once I thought really hard about living in a utopia where no one suffers and it was literally distressing and when I stopped it was like awaking from a nightmare I was glad was not real, since I literally spend the entirety of my life laughing at other peoples misfortunes I read about online, hear in real life, cause in competitive hobbies, cause in competitive video games and reap the benefits of in my interpersonal relationships by pathetic people being dependent on me and in my employment from fucking idiots spending money to poison themselves and get STDs

Husbandos (waifus a shit).

Yes, and back home he had a wife waiting for him who's cherry he popped, who hadn't spent 4 years riding taking shots and riding dick, who couldn't divorce him and extort him for money for the rest of life without cause. The home he grew up in was a 90% white country where he would not have found his identity and culture attacked from every screen, newspaper, and public figure; who would be told to check his privilege as tens of millions of hateful, envious, violent low IQ brown and black people were forcefully imported into his neighborhood and integrated into his schools.

not thinking I'm an anime hero. it helps that I'm not autistic enough to watch anime.

What's done in the dark will eventually come to the light. Nothing stays in power forever.

There will be a day, maybe not in our lifetimes. But they will topple.

And it will be disaster for them.

My father was a District Attorney for a long time, gangs unit; homicide.

He once tried a case where a guy was at a party, gang-banger for one the local Hispanic gangs. Anyway they were all kicking back in some room, smoking pot, and this gang-banger pulls out a gun and starts talking about how he murdered a guy the night before. Another gang-banger. Well some dumb college girl was there, and she was drunk and she said something like:

"Yeah right, Paco (don't know the real name), that's bullshit. You didn't kill anyone."

So he looked at her and then shot her in the face. And then he went to his car and got some McDonalds. The next day he was driving with some friends, more gang-bangers, and they saw an old man walking down the road. They decided they wanted to fuck him up. No reason, just wanted to get some blood. So they beat him into a pulp. He was a pretty independent old man before that. Now he's in a wheel-chair, pisses out of a bag, shits himself, can barely talk and honestly is probably dead by now. He had severe brain damage.

Well that wasn't quite enough for these guys. They drove up to the next county and smoked some meth and then started driving around, blasting rap music. They saw a kid walking down the road. Black kid, about 14. He was coming home from work. He wasn't supposed to work because of child-labor laws, but his family was pretty poor and he wanted to go to college.

They shot him. Then jumped out and shot him again. It was Thanksgiving. The next day the driver of the car robbed a store. He shot the clerk after he got the money. He was sitting there counting it and the clerk was dying, rolling around moaning. The security camera footage recorded the sounds. The guy looked over at the clerk and said:

"Shut up, bitch, I didn't hurt you that bad."

So when these guys got arrested, my dad was interviewing them and he asked the guy why he did it.

"Fuck them."

That was the response.

So yeah, I'd say you're a fucking dipshit and evil definitely exists.

sort yourself out, bucko

bunch of nihilistic noobs

The fact that you're all cowards, mostly.

Your problem is that you imagine the nigger is like an animal, when in reality the nigger is more like a hurricane. It doesn't think and it doesn't act according to any complex rules. It is just a tide that crashes against whatever is in its path until a path is opened or the wave breaks,

The fact I can buy a farm bigger than many Europeans countries if I work my ass into it, and build my own white society within.


No. I think the problem is that you're just a dumb little kid who thinks you've got it all figured out because you're sheltered as fuck and you've never had to deal with real evil before.

Love. When you delve into the depths of your soul, you start to see why people do the things they do, and you can forgive them. To know all is to forgive all.

the thread is taking an hopeful turn :3

Ha yeah. Sure life is well, extremely unpleasant and everybody longs for death at least a little bit even if they arent aware of it. I dont doubt that evil outnumbers good, or if you dont believe in evil, then put it like: more bad fucked up shit happens than stuff we all agree is fine and dandy. It really is all about perception, youve gotta tune your eyes to see it in a positive way if you want to keep your heart burning. You turn out the light, and you die inside, you know? Ive seen true evil, ive felt real unbearable heart break, ive known loss, gain, winning, losing, hatred, love, joy, misery, suicidal thoughts, manic happiness and its all the same trip. Stairway To Heaven describes what I, trying to say perfectly "If you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all, to be a rock and not to roll."

do that and youll be fine. Also play Led Zeppelin every day.

i still want to die.

this is a masterpiece. One of the finest memes I've ever seen. Didn't make me laugh, but fantastic none the less.

You give these criminals too much credit. There is no intelligent malice behind their actions; they do not think at all. It's because your bias makes you perceive them as more threatening than they are, and part of that imagined threat is imagining them to be more intelligent.

Nobody ever deliberately works against their own ends. When somebody's actions creates a situation that they do not desire, it's because they are stupid and not evil.

We have absolutely no power and cannot affect anything.

I just workout and laugh at the world waiting for a time when survival will go to the fittest again.

If I go on the attack amd I die/get arrested, my kids get taken into the ZOG child rape "foster system".

That's literally the only thing holding me back.

>What holds back your rage and fury?
I have no idea. Maybe it's god. Maybe this is all part of his plan to strengthen his people (white people)


I would honestly prefer to be in a civil war right now and solve this shit physically than see everything die so slowly.

This shit x10

Shouldnt have had kids.. now im trapped by my emotions goyim

The fuck are you saying? That you are sad that you no longer have the capacity to commit random acts of terrorism, which wouldn't accomplish anything in the long run anyway?

Take solace in knowing that everything and everyone will die

More like, i dont have the freedom to try and do what i can to dismantle the control systems around us. If i had no kids, i would have no qualms laying my life down for something i believe in.

But no, i do not condone senseless acts of violence you insinuating cuck

Yes, problem?

Careful what you say user, that kind of thing can get you v&

I'm kidding fuckwit.

Well obviously, but you gotta let them know that :^)

Digits chekd


The best way to dismantle the system is to have as many children as possible and have them all vote against environmental policies so climate change makes the ocean levels rise and drown all the commies in the coastal cities.

The mormons are already on the case but they're religious so it will probably backfire down the line.

Fear of being laughed at by the mean SJdubyas

The honest and serious answer is I don't snap because I actually believe we are going to win, and by win I mean actually shift the culture and normie ideals enough to our side to secure the existence of our people. We'll lose the trash and detritus to self-hatred and miscegenation, but that's fine.

If it helps, try and remember there are actually still a lot of white folks...just so many more non-whites (mostly in China and India) we look much smaller in numbers by comparison.

We've been through worse and triumphed.

You believe whites are native to earth?

>cant go outside in sun without clothing or sunscreen lest they burn

Either evolution is dead wrong about the timelines of adaptation, or we are missing a huge piece of our history.

You believe blacks are native to Earth?

>sink like a stone, planet is 75% water

I don't know how to respond to your post, sorry.

Jail time, mostly.